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01-18-2005, 05:43 PM
according to MSN.com, here is the list

1. French Fries

Don't be reassured by the fact that McDonald's is changing its cooking oil. French fries are still starchy white potatoes cooked in hot fat and flavored with chemicals and sugar. Possibly the worst snack food on the planet.

2. Donuts

Fried bread. Need I say more? And if that wasn't bad enough, add a sugary cream filling and a glaze of more sugar on top. Any questions?

3. Chips (Potato or Corn)

These are really just a packaged version of French fries (see #1). However, you can do damage control on this one by switching to baked blue corn chips, available in health food stores. It's still not real food, but it beats the 7-Eleven version any day.

4. Soda

And sorry, this includes the diet kind. Absolutely nothing of any value here, and a whole lot of chemicals to boot.

5. Cupcakes and Snack Cakes

The creamy filling is fake whipped cream, and the rest of it is sugar, flour and flavoring. You've gotta be kidding.

6. Candy Bars

You might squeeze a gram or two of protein out of the nuts in some of them, but by and large they're a sugar orgy and a nutrition nightmare. Again, you can move slightly up the food chain by switching to one of the "energy" bars. Most are just candy bars disguised as health food but they often have 1/3 less calories, quite a bit more protein and a bit less fat. Don't confuse them with real food though.

7. Pork Rinds

Fried pork skin. Not a good thing!

8. Fat-Free Cookies

These are even more insidious because they pretend to be healthy. Remember, fat-free doesn't equal calorie free. Betcha can't eat just one!

9. Crackers

Trans-fats anyone? Most crackers are loaded with 'em. Read your labels carefully to find the few that aren't.

10. Pretzels

Surprise, surprise. Remember, just because something doesn't have fat doesn't make it good. This is just white flour, water and sugar masquerading as a healthy snack. Fuggedaboutit.

Runner up: Those creamy, carmelly, coconutty coffee mocha-latte-frappe drinks that are taking over the universe. I love my Starbucks too, but 20 ounces of caffeine, sugar, whipped cream and milk taken once or twice a day does not a lean waistline make!

01-18-2005, 05:54 PM
What are you P44---some kind of a terrorist? Spreading propaganda like this is just terrible, you un-American flat-belly! And as for beer and BBQ---don't even try to go there homeboy.....:mad:

01-18-2005, 05:55 PM
i was thinking the worst tasting snacks...we could all probably jsut about pick out the ones that are bad for you...noted by there yummy taste. the 10 worst tasting snacks in my book would have to be:

10. dreid fruit
9. crab chips
8. refried beans
7. raisins (different from dried fruit)
6. ginger snaps
5. pop corn (kettle corn at the state fair is different!)
4. hard candy
3. oat meal
2. Army chow
1. good'n plenty

01-18-2005, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
What are you P44---some kind of a terrorist? Spreading propaganda like this is just terrible, you un-American flat-belly! And as for beer and BBQ---don't even try to go there homeboy.....:mad:
hate the message, not the messenger.:D

01-18-2005, 06:01 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
hate the message, not the messenger.:D thats alot of propaganda you put up there man!!! you might aswell be trying to sell a vaccuum or set of steak knives door to door!

01-18-2005, 06:03 PM
Originally posted by pirate44
hate the message, not the messenger.:D

Sorry P44...guess I got carried away in the "heat" of the moment. Actually, I started on Slimfast this week---found out it goes great with Supreme Nachos...;)

AP Panther Fan
01-18-2005, 06:05 PM
'44....your list made me hungry!:mad: :D

01-18-2005, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by AP Panther Fan
'44....your list made me hungry!:mad: :D

for real!! my worst ten would be anything thats a veggie.

01-18-2005, 10:04 PM
take it easy on me. im the one who thinks lifesavers are a part of the fruit group. pop a whole roll in my mouth and i got fruit salad:D

01-19-2005, 09:00 AM
did anyone know that "Count Chocula" has less (way less) calories per serving than a lot of the so called healthy cereals out there. woohoo. now all i need to do now is hope H.E.B. starts to stock Frankenberry and Boo Berry cereals. the spooky trifecta. mmmm

01-19-2005, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
did anyone know that "Count Chocula" has less (way less) calories per serving than a lot of the so called healthy cereals out there. woohoo. now all i need to do now is hope H.E.B. starts to stock Frankenberry and Boo Berry cereals. the spooky trifecta. mmmm

i can tell you that as of tuesday, the sinton HEB had some :D Frankenberry is on the cereal isle towards the meat market end.... before you get to the bagged cereal... Boo Berry is right next to it :D and there is a display of spooky cereal in front of the juices at the back of the cereal isle too :D

01-19-2005, 09:11 AM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
i can tell you that as of tuesday, the sinton HEB had some :D Frankenberry is on the cereal isle towards the meat market end.... before you get to the bagged cereal... Boo Berry is right next to it :D and there is a display of spooky cereal in front of the juices at the back of the cereal isle too :D
YES!! cereal heaven! i use to eat "Complete Bran Flakes" til i asked myself "why??" :D

01-19-2005, 09:17 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
YES!! cereal heaven! i use to eat "Complete Bran Flakes" til i asked myself "why??" :D

umm... were you feelin okay when you bought it...

01-19-2005, 09:19 AM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
umm... were you feelin okay when you bought it...
its when i lost 50 lbs. i was on a health kick and i could earn 500 American Airlines AAdvantage miles for eating 5 boxes of the stuff. seemed like a good idea at the time.

01-19-2005, 09:22 AM
Originally posted by pirate44
its when i lost 50 lbs. i was on a health kick and i could earn 500 American Airlines AAdvantage miles for eating 5 boxes of the stuff. seemed like a good idea at the time.

sounds like incentive to eat healthy

01-19-2005, 09:24 AM
Originally posted by pirate44

4. Soda

And sorry, this includes the diet kind. Absolutely nothing of any value here, and a whole lot of chemicals to boot.

6. Candy Bars

You might squeeze a gram or two of protein out of the nuts in some of them, but by and large they're a sugar orgy and a nutrition nightmare. Again, you can move slightly up the food chain by switching to one of the "energy" bars. Most are just candy bars disguised as health food but they often have 1/3 less calories, quite a bit more protein and a bit less fat. Don't confuse them with real food though.

better living through chemicals! lol :D