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10-02-2003, 09:24 PM
When I recently heard about Paris High School Band waiving the Nazi Flag at Halftime during the band performance I just laughed and then when I saw it on CNN it just made made Texas look very bad. I even went to the Dallas Morning Site and they had the video of the whole thing, I didn't really hear the boos. They did a good job. If want to see the whole thing then go to www.dallasnews.com (http://www.dallasnews.com) . That's sad they protray negative about a high school band. It wasn't the kids fault it was band director who thought this up. Well, it wasn't done on purpose, but in this day of age don't display a Nazi flag during a football game marching band concert, plus they did this on a Jewish New Year. I bet people will forget this in a week.

10-02-2003, 09:28 PM
can you give a direct link to the story please?

10-02-2003, 09:32 PM
Unbelievably bad judgement on the part of the band director. Where were the parents on this? And the Principal? They were practicing this display for some time and you would think someone would have questioned it. I bet the band director and principal will be looking for new jobs, maybe as a cashier at Speedy Mart. :rolleyes:

<small>[ October 02, 2003, 09:33 PM: Message edited by: Pudlugger ]</small>

10-02-2003, 09:40 PM

Here is the site. You might have to register for the game, but it is free.

10-02-2003, 10:50 PM
Did you know that sign was also used by Native Americans to symbolize the cyclic motion of life, seasons and the four winds?

Just an FYI...

10-02-2003, 10:55 PM
Why did they do that? Was it a part of their show or just something they did? Even if their show was partly based on that, as a band member myself, I would not be a part of that action. Does the band director not care about the reputation of his band or his legacy? To me, it wasn't a very smart move.

10-02-2003, 10:57 PM
Guys, MAYBE it wasn't such a good move...

So should the History Channel stop showing stuff with Nazi's in it?

Maybe they shouldn't have made that choice, but it's not like it's 'THAT' bad...

They show it in the History books at school, correct?

Guess they gotta take that out too...

10-02-2003, 11:12 PM
As I understand the story, the band was doing a "tribute" to the nations involved in WWII. They were playing songs from the various nations from that period. There were something like six or seven flags in the deal, one of which was the Nazi flag. Obviously, Germany was involved in the war. Since they did it on a Jewish holiday, it wasn't in the best of taste, but I don't think anybody needs to get fired over it. I can't imagine an American Band Director that would have intentionally done this as a slam. I can see that if you were doing a musical tribute to that era, Germany would have to be included at least in song. That particular flag, however, stirs up a lot of bad stuff in folks.

10-03-2003, 03:23 PM
I don't know for sure about this because the band director's intentions are not stated. If he did it just to promote the Nazi regime and throw such in folk's faces, I agree, it should have not been done. But it is more likely, as has been aluded to already, that this was just a part of a show that dealth with all the world powers of WWII. They call it half-time show for a reason. That is what it is, a show! And like other shows some people like them and some people don't. Each person may differ. It's freedom of choice, given by God and enjoyed by Americans. Band directors and band students enjoy this freedom as well. How come this is blasted, but what about plays, in high schools or out, that portray anything to do with the Nazi regime? What about movies? There are lots of movies that deal with Nazi's, and blantantly fly the Nazi flag. Why doesn't the media go write up those movie companies, producers, and actors? And if this half time show was about the WWII era, I suspect it had the rising sun flag of Japan. Why not get outraged over that? Japan was just as tenacious and virocious as Germany in WWII. Things like this get the same response from me that things like the Washington Redskins being sued for their name got. GIVE ME A BREAK. And we wonder why so many people get sick of the media! Just my take.

<small>[ October 03, 2003, 03:27 PM: Message edited by: xlr8tor ]</small>

Phil C
10-03-2003, 03:37 PM
I am just amazed that it happened in Paris. I guess they forgot the 1940s when they were occupied by the German Nazis.

Ranger Mom
10-03-2003, 03:54 PM
Phil C:
I am just amazed that it happened in Paris. I guess they forgot the 1940s when they were occupied by the German Nazis.:D Thanks Phil, you are always good for a laugh!!!

10-03-2003, 03:59 PM
Wow! People actually watch the halftime show?

10-03-2003, 04:07 PM
I'm not so sure that people actually watch the halftime so much, I think it was the fact a Nazi flag was waiving around that probably turned some heads.