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View Full Version : What NOT to do when you get home from college...

12-15-2004, 01:53 PM
Young Thibideaux was on his way home from LSU for Christmas break. He hadn't been home since he had gone to college back in August. When Young Thibideaux got home, he was surprised to find that his father had thrown a big "Welcome home" surprise party. His father was so proud. Young Thibideaux was the first Thibideaux to go to college. There was plenty gumbo, boudain, jambalya, and beer for all to have. Young Thibideaux hugged his dad when he arrived and everyone gathered 'round. "Tell us something you learned at college", his father asked him. Young Thibideaux thought for minute and then declared, "Pi r squared", proudly. Horrified, his father smacked him across the head **BLAP**. "Damn fool", his father said. "You're just wasting my money there at college. Everyone knows Pie are round, Cornbread are square".

12-15-2004, 02:04 PM
Young Thibideaux's father is Budreaux Thibideaux
Which is the Cajun name for
(Bubba Joe)
I know cause he is my cousin
So all you college folks study hard and get good grades Ya hear

12-15-2004, 02:07 PM
Yessir, Bubba Joe.... i think i need to go study now:p