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View Full Version : Kobe Bryant is.......

Green Ranger
12-13-2004, 01:57 PM
A) Still a good role model for young kids

B) Someone who needs help

C) Someone who wants the spot light on him at all times, regardless if it is good or bad

D) Someone who should play ball and leave management to the owners

E) Other

I am just curious what people are thinking with the latest news. Something that was suppose to be kept in house that is now out of house. Kobe in my opinion, has give the Lakers a bad name.

12-13-2004, 02:04 PM
Heres my opinion, Kobe Bryant has great athletic abilities, he is not a team player, he is selfish and does not make a team a championship team, the reason the Lakers were succesful was because of the coaching of Phil Jackson and Shaq, as you can see by the respective team records of both the Lakers and the Heat this year, and as far as Kobe goes for being a role model for kids, I am just 19 but I see no way that any parents would want their child to look up to Kobe Bryant. He should just play ball and keep his mouth shut and maybe I could respect as a person, rather than just respecting his abilites

12-13-2004, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Green Ranger
A) Still a good role model for young kids

B) Someone who needs help

C) Someone who wants the spot light on him at all times, regardless if it is good or bad

D) Someone who should play ball and leave management to the owners

E) Other

I am just curious what people are thinking with the latest news. Something that was suppose to be kept in house that is now out of house. Kobe in my opinion, has give the Lakers a bad name. C, D, and E.

12-13-2004, 02:09 PM
Kobe by himself somehow dismanteled a dynasty. Not everything was going the Lakers way I admit but they amid all their distractions still had a chance to win it all last year and Kobe let them down. Things should also be kept in house when dealing with the press, you don't talk about teamates to the media, especially without talking to them first. He wants to be just like Mike the only problem is he wants to do it by himself. Would Mike be the Mike we know without Scotty Pippen, hard to say but he sure didn't work out to well with the Wizards. Kobe has to learn that he needs a solid core around him and that he can't do it on his own. He also has way too much control with the management, players should play and management should manage just like coaches should coach but that really doesn't happen much anymore either in Laker Land. I love Rudy T. but I don't think Kobe would have picked him if he thought he'd tell him what to do.

12-13-2004, 02:17 PM
Kobe is doing nothing but ruining the reputation of the Lakers. First, he ran off Shaq and now he is trying to do the same with Malone. Kobe really needs to grow up and realize that he is not the whole Laker team. I see the Lakers going nowhere but downhill until they get rid of Kobe.

12-13-2004, 02:20 PM
a punk....a spoiled brat.....a jerk....selfish....need I go on.

12-13-2004, 02:25 PM
Bubba Joe ask
What sport does this Kobe feller play???
never heard of him in football?
is he any good?
what position does he play?
Recv, DB????

12-13-2004, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by Bubba-Joe

what position does he play?

Now, that's a LOADED question! :eek: :D

12-13-2004, 02:33 PM
I say A only because I want MY kid to grow up to commit Adultry and Have everyone on any team he ever comes in contact with to hate him.:rolleyes:
But really, I have NEVER been able to stand Kobe Bryant, Yes he has talent, but no character. Even his own coach wrote about how much of a selfish turd he was. Now that star-studded "super" team is down to one lonely, selfish, ego-tistical player. I hope hes happy watching the playoffs with his......"happy" wife at home.

12-13-2004, 03:04 PM
I think everyone else has already posted my sentiments, so in effect, YBS IS SPEECHLESS!:eek:

12-13-2004, 03:25 PM
All the points i was going to argue have been taken. I couldn't have said more and agreed more with the above statements!