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View Full Version : Texas fans, i just wanted you to know...

12-09-2004, 12:51 AM
When i criticize your team it is not anything personal, I just believe Cal got screwed this year and feel i need to voice my opinion on it...

You see, Cal kinda became my team this year because i started playing w/ them on NCAA football 2005 before they were ever in the top 10, and i started to follow them when i moved out here to california because all thier games were on Fox Sports, and i've seen everyone of their games and believe they are a great team, and one of the top teams this season, they had a tough loss to USC, and they had a tought start to the southern miss game and those are what cost them number 4 in the BCS poll.. Do i think its right of course not.. there is no shame in the game against USC, Cal played a great game and had twice as many yards on offense then USC and was throwing into the endzone at the end of the game to win it against the #1 team in the nation, and agaisnt Southern Miss, the game was never in question, Cal went to a VERY tough place to play in southern miss and Southern Miss matched thier intensisty in the first half, in the second half yardage wise Cal was dominent, Southern miss has 1 good drive in the second half and it was the drive that would have tied the game, after that Cal drove down the field later in the game and had a 30 yard touchdown run called back after a very questionable clipping call was made (replays showed it should not have been a clipping call but that is how the cookie crumbles i guess) but after that call Cal proceeded to get 1 final first down and then knee the ball to run out the clock instead of turning the game into a blow out..

Ok i started rambling, but the point of this thread is that I dont want any hard feelings between the Texas fans and I, its all in fun and sorry if anyone was ever offended by anything i said..

12-09-2004, 12:53 AM
Originally posted by Keith7
Ok i started rambling, but the point of this thread is that I dont want any hard feelings between the Texas fans and I, its all in fun and sorry if anyone was ever offended by anything i said..
Too late keith were are now mortal enemies til the death:mad:

:D :D

12-09-2004, 01:14 AM
Originally posted by Keith7
...You see, Cal kinda became my team this year because i started playing w/ them on NCAA football 2005 before they were ever in the top 10,... http://www.kit.netpoets.net/rofl-k2.gif That is too funny!! :D ;) :p


12-09-2004, 01:16 AM
well texas was in cals spot last year and got screwed too.

12-09-2004, 01:18 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
http://www.kit.netpoets.net/rofl-k2.gif That is too funny!! :D ;) :p


if you think that is funny then i got 2 words for ya


12-09-2004, 10:14 AM
O.k. apology accepted--now you can come to Texas for the Christmas holidays, and you can have your Texas citizenship papers back. Now, let's hear the case for Auburn---some folks think it should have been USC-Auburn for the national title.

12-09-2004, 10:15 AM
Auburn played DI-AA schools....that wont cut it.....

12-09-2004, 10:45 AM
It wasn't Auburn's OOC scheduling that didn't get them into the NC game. It was PRE-SEASON POLLS. They were as low as 18 or 19 while USC and OU were #1 and #2 to start off the year.

And Keith, are you saying you're a bandwagon Cal fan? :D

I don't care that you think Cal is deserving of a BCS bid because they are. The part I have a problem with people's Cal argument is the fact that A.) UT got screwed last year in this very same situation B.) would people be so sad should UT had gotten screwed again this year and C.) the fact that UT is just as deserving of a BCS bowl as Cal.

12-09-2004, 11:40 AM
Fact: t.u. has gotten screwed many a years by the BCS
Fiction:they deserved it more than cal
Fact: t.u. finally screwed someone else and got what they want, congradulations
Fact: I am a happy Texan
Fiction: I'm happy to see t.u. do good
Fact: We get a percentage of all bowl game payouts
Fiction: Texas get's to keep a big percentage of it's Rose Bowl payout
Fact:Cal's head coach didn't politic in the last few weeks of the season
Fiction: Both Mack brown and Bob Stoops didn't politic either

Phil C
12-09-2004, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
Fact: t.u. has gotten screwed many a years by the BCS
Fiction:they deserved it more than cal
Fact: t.u. finally screwed someone else and got what they want, congradulations
Fact: I am a happy Texan
Fiction: I'm happy to see t.u. do good
Fact: We get a percentage of all bowl game payouts
Fiction: Texas get's to keep a big percentage of it's Rose Bowl payout
Fact:Cal's head coach didn't politic in the last few weeks of the season
Fiction: Both Mack brown and Bob Stoops didn't politic either

Two men were flying in a airplane.
Unfortunately one of them fell out.
Fortunately there was haystack down below.
Unfortunately there was a pitchfork in the haystack.
Fortunately he missed the pitchfork.
Unfortunately he missed the haystack.



12-09-2004, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
Two men were flying in a airplane.
Unfortunately one of them fell out.
Fortunately there was haystack down below.
Unfortunately there was a pitchfork in the haystack.
Fortunately he missed the pitchfork.
Unfortunately he missed the haystack.



you keep us on our toes phil

12-09-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by KTJ

And Keith, are you saying you're a bandwagon Cal fan? :D

Bandwagon jumper?? almost.. I think i jump on just before i could officially be called a bandwagon jumper.. I really never liked College football until this year, and Cal happened to be the first team that I really liked

12-09-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by AggieJohn
t.u. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

raider red 2000
12-09-2004, 01:51 PM
when the short horns missed their bcs bowl last year....they went to an average bowl....what happened? why are they so deserving this year?

12-09-2004, 01:53 PM
The BCS sucks......but it is money. If you want it to be fair, win the maga millions lottery and change it. You can always complain to John McCain, he will probably get on their case. :D

Anyway, Longhorns suck! :D :D Go Aggies!

12-09-2004, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Jody
Anyway, Longhorns suck! :D :D Go Aggies! If the Longhorns suck, what does that say about A&M?:eek: ;) ;)