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View Full Version : Gotta give it to the Bulls Fans ...

10-17-2002, 05:50 PM
Y'all are great - well, latest in the Decatur saga - I kept them busy for a couple of days, anyway - on The Old Coach. Seems they didn't care for my posts about current coaching staff - started out that I just predicted B'port would win and then they named kids and that really made my hair stand on end - so of course, I had to get a little more specific. One of the coaches posed as a former player and pm'd me asking all sorts of questions about where former coaches are. I answered honestly - even told me by name what player he was. And, coincidently - I received emails regarding requests for my password - never requested it. I guess he and his buddies got together and decided who they thought I was from the pm conversation and also since lotsa people around here are on ntws - it's easy to figure out and posted their conclusion with info about my kid, too. Classless lot, always - but please don't judge all the people in Decatur by ER and some of the coaching staff. One of them actually said Nichols wasn't near as good as I thought he was and he "didn't mind losing him." That's special! Anyway - maybe I distracted and hassled them a little bit for you. They sure went to a lot of trouble to figure it out. Truth hurts. LOL It's a pity when you have to name kids by name and trash them on the web. Good luck Bulls - good luck to former Decatur players - they had a great game last year and I know they will this year, too. Love y'alls posts - they are hysterical and all in good fun - Try to cook up some of Slpy's stew tomorrow nite - and holler at me when ya get it made. And folks, remember - what goes around ALWAYS comes back around. FWISD - really CUBS4EVER

slpybear the bullfan
10-17-2002, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the good vibes, Cubs! :)

See my post about my computer!

10-17-2002, 09:15 PM
Thanks for the good words...I haven't gotten to chat with you since last year when you took me to task when I made a comment about never again questioning Bridgeport's philosophy in not playing anyone both ways. I think your response referred to "my AA mentality". (I deserved it!)

How about a paraphrase on the old Texas bumper sticker..."I wasn't born in Bridgeport, but I got out of Decatur as fast as I could."

Why NOT Us WDA!!!