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View Full Version : FITP-PS Decatur VS Pilot Point tonight

Chief Woodman
08-21-2003, 02:45 PM
I know its not the regular season or even against that strong 2A Deleon team....but sounds like fun. It will include a live half with the exception of special teams.

Chief Woodman
08-21-2003, 10:12 PM
1st team vs 1st team....2-1 Pilot Point in the set plays with coaches on the field. And 2nd team...Pilot Point 3, Decatur 1 The live half became a quarter due to length of time the set number of plays took.....this was the slowest scrimmage I have ever seen....3- 5 minutes between snaps. During the live Quarter, Dectur 1, Pilot Point 0. I was impressed with G A's Boys...knew he would have them well prepared and they were. Was disappointed in our guys- several late hits tonight. Both our D and O looked really letharic. We play like that this season we will do good to be in the playoffs.

Z motion 10 out on 2
08-22-2003, 12:21 AM
Maybe that is just what the boys needed right before the games begin. Sometimes not doing so well will wake them up.

08-22-2003, 07:15 PM
Ok Chief, do you still think Celina is overrated? After reading your description of the scrimmage it sounds like Pilot Point got the best of your boys. And isnt Celina ranked ahead of Pilot Point in the state rankings?

Chief Woodman
08-22-2003, 08:13 PM
Turbostud...well no I was being kind. First, I think Pilot Point will beat Celina this year, which is part of why I think they are over rated.

Second, when I described the 2nd team scores...truth is Pilot Point left in most of the first team. Even though G A gave his word to play the 2nd on 2nd, and then a live half, he broke his word (no suprise there is there?). He said the reason he let his 1st team play our 2nd and third team was "I teach my boys to win by playing other teams 2nd team. It gives them confidence". Sad, but it seems to me that playing your 1st team against anothers 2nd team does not improve anyone but the second team you are faceing. When it came time to play the live half, he said "My boys are too tired".

1st team on 1st team when the coaches could not line the boys up in the right place and spending 3-5 minutes doing this before each snap, Decatur won 1-0. If it had been a full game it is my opinion that Decatur would have pulled away. So...I still think Celina is over rated.

08-22-2003, 08:52 PM
Well, 300+ wins tells me that GA knows what he's doing, and 26 consecutive playoff trips tells me that he doesn't have to teach PP to win. As for the rest, I think it's either BS or just the typical things that a homer says. Either way, we'll find out in a few weeks. Week 11 will be real interestin' if Lake Dallas doesnt make the playoffs, wont it?

Chief Woodman
08-22-2003, 10:40 PM
J2k- not Bs- I have no reason to lie...nothing said here puts any points on any score board. Not just a "Homer"....sorry to disapoint you, but I am being truthful. Sounds more like you got your feelings hurt because I disagree with your pre season projections.

Yet you may have a point...lets say that his theory of teaching your players to win by playing teams that are weaker is true......and its logic can be proven based on his sucessful history. That would mean that a team with a padded schedule would be smarter than a team that schedules one against tough opponents during the regular season. Teaches the team to win so that they have a better chance latter in the playoffs. Oh sorry! That is just the opposite of what you have espoused previously. (and opposite of what I think but hey, I've never coached as many wins in HS as he has...have you?)

So are you changing your mind? You cannot have it both ways...either he is right and you were wrong about playing weaker teams....or you was right previously when you stated something to the effect that playing weaker teams proves nothing.

PS- sorry I offended you by disagreeing with your projections.

08-23-2003, 04:59 PM
HAHAHAHA....that's hilarious. Woodman you need to go on the next Last Comic Standing series, you're funny.

You know why Pilot Point had to play a few first stringers against the second string, IS BECAUSE WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH TO HAVE A SEPARATE SECOND STRING. Don't forget, PP is the 10th smallest school in 3A, we don't have as many boys as Decatur does. I just think that you're trying to make excuses for your team getting beat by one of the smallest 3A teams in the state.

OH WAIT....WHAT HAPPENED THE LAST TIME PP PLAYED DECATUR? WHAT WAS THE SCORE? DIDN'T PP WIN LIKE 46-0???? THAT'S WHEN WE WERE 2A! Don't be so shocked, PP isn't a pushover. Yes we might have been 7-4 last year, but the teams we lost to were dang good football teams, and with the exception of Gainesville, the other 3 losses were within 10 points. We lost to B-port one of the best passing teams in the state in any classification 45-36, we lost to Celina 10-0 and we lost to the defending state champs Commerece in the playoffs 17-14 and we missed a field goal. mmmm......yea sounds like PP would have been a pushover.

Chief Woodman
08-23-2003, 05:43 PM
ppfan- I was not saying PP is or was a pushover. True you do not have many players and they all play with a lot of heart and are well coached. Ment no disrespect. As far as last year goes...the b'port team you lost to....we beat them. But J2k is probably right and I have been misguided all along. Decatur even with its padded schedule will be lucky to go 2-8 this year. Just hope we make the playoffs. Not making excuses at all...does not score any points. Was just quoteing ole G A....and that is no BS....sorry if the truth bugs ya.

08-25-2003, 01:14 PM
Hey Chief, why so down on Celina? It sounds like the outcome of Decator Vs Pilot Point is that Celina is over rated.

Chief Woodman
08-25-2003, 03:35 PM
Not so much down on Celina....I respect their program. For better insight go read the thread about "who is the most overated team." The issue became a somewhat of a punching bag.....lol

08-25-2003, 05:39 PM
68 wins.....how could you overate that? I guess I could go and read the article you mentioned.

slpybear the bullfan
08-25-2003, 08:25 PM
Chief Woodman:
...truth is Pilot Point left in most of the first team. Even though G A gave his word to play the 2nd on 2nd, and then a live half, he broke his word (no suprise there is there?). He said the reason he let his 1st team play our 2nd and third team was "I teach my boys to win by playing other teams 2nd team. It gives them confidence".Chief, not starting a war, just curious if you were on the field to hear all of this. I have many family members employed by the school and I know how things like that get "paraphrased". You won't believe some of the stuff we hear in B'port about the Decatur program. There is always someone who has a friend that heard so and so... etc. etc. If I believed half of it then the Eagles would already be disqualified and shut down by the UIL... of course its just a bunch of Hoo Hah...

I also was curious about the "no suprise there" commment. Ol' G.A. is a venerated hero in Pilot Point... wink

08-25-2003, 08:37 PM
DarkWing, Chief thinks Celina is overrated because they live on past glory. What he doesnt understand is that "past glory" is all they have to live on. 1974 State Co-Champs, State Champs 1995, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001. 2000 7 on 7 Champs. 68 game win streak(most in state history). 25 playoff game win streak (also a record). District 9-3a champs in their first year in 3a with an 11-1 record (not to mention being the smallest 3a school in the state with an enrollment of 347). He also says they are overrated because they dont play any 4a schools. They have completed one year in 3a, are the smallest school in 3a, and he wants them to schedule 4a's like Sherman, Denison, and Denton Ryan. I could understand his reasoning if Celina had 700+ students. The moral of the story is that Chief is jealous and jealousy is a sign of weakness. I guess all we can hope for is a Celina/Decatur matchup someday. I take that back we could also hope that Decatur would break into the record books and win their first State Championship.

Chief Woodman
08-28-2003, 02:20 PM
Too bad folks...what I told ya here and was accused of by 2ka as BS or "Homerism"....is now reported in newspaper......Seems it was not bs....sorry if the truth offended ya.

And turbo stud..listen close this time and try to pay attention...not jealous at all. The Celina record is the greatest and to be admired by all. But the original question was who is overated this year NOT who has the greatest history. I said they were overrated living on past glory, and you have proved my point in trying to degrade me.

Your whole arguement about how great they are is based on past record...not who or what they have this year. THAT IS MY POINT EXACTLY, and you are a prime example of my comment. If you think I am wrong....quote me one thing you said that has to do with team speed, strength or other talent this year. You cannot...it is not there in your previous comments. Every reason yoou gave for their deserving their rating is BASED IN THE PAST NOT THE PRESENT. DOAF!

As for me saying they are overated because they do not play 4A teams...wrong again. NEVER said that. Never said I wanted them to schedule games against any 4A teams. Next time stick to explaing your own comments rather that trying to be all knowing and state what others are thinking...that is extremley arrogant.

J2K made the statement that Decatur had a padded schedule...thus implying that Celina's was not. But when last years regular season records for Decatur and Celina are compared, their opponents had identical won loss records..the only difference being Decatur played 3 4A scools, and Celina had played a 2A school. Thus the only logical conclusion that can be reached...is that IF Decatur's schedule was padded...then so was Celina's and may possibly more so. That was my point there...not hat Celina was overated because the schedule was too easy.

If you cannot accept my opinion and my thoughts...even if you disagree... at least do not try to put an astrik by it because you misunderstand the first question to begin with, and then try to degrade me by explaining my thinking for me. (You did a very poor job of it, made erroneous assumptions of my motives and thoughts. You even misinterpeted what I said.)

08-28-2003, 11:23 PM
Chief, spin it however you want. In my opinion, by the posts you have made, you sound jealous/envious(take your pick) of Celina, Pilot Point, and G.A. Moore. Maybe its because two 2a move ups have stolen some of the spotlight in your neck of the woods. Just my opinion, I'm not trying to explain your thinking for you. Good luck to you and the Decatur football team.

<small>[ August 28, 2003, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: turbostud ]</small>

08-29-2003, 12:01 AM
to add to this discussion: from someone who attends most of the workouts of Celina... just one person's opinion (and an opinion from one who has seen every one of the 68 straight and every one of the state championship games and has seen every game Celina has played since the fall of 1973)...we will be better this year than we were last year and for the following reasons: our line is a lot stronger than it was last year and our line (because of coach Bill Elliott) is the primary reason we have won so many games the past few seasons..we have more team speed and we can and will replace any grads from last year with someone just as good...we will not have the power runner (Sharrock graduated) but we will have more speed in the backfield and 3 adequate people to carry the ball..our passing game will be very much improved as Clark has the 1st year as a starter behind him and May can catch the ball as well as Roby did last year...defensively we will be a better cover team and our run defense will be solid with Martin at mlb....so as far as living in the past goes..lets just wait and see...I think we will be better...and who knows what will happen after this year as the number is supposedly going to 450+ for 3A which will put us back in 2A as our enrollment this year is below 400...again, just an old man's opinion..

08-29-2003, 12:25 AM
Thanks for the info celinaorange, glad to hear from someone from inside the Celina city limits who knows best. Good luck this year, Is Donnie Odell still working in the school district?

08-29-2003, 12:35 AM
I hired Donnie in 1973 for his first job as an assistant coach in Celina....Donnie coached here and went to S and S and came back and is presently our assistant superintendent and is a very good person and does a good job...he does most of the work as far as administration goes...

08-29-2003, 12:50 AM
Celinaorange check your Private Messages.

08-29-2003, 09:25 AM
Most of the argument on this thread is academic at best. However, I will chime in with the fact that the Collier-sharp strength of schedule rating for Decatur was 81st and Celina was 97th. Neither played as tough a schedule as some of the other 3a's in the area. However, I think that both teams have a bright future this year. Celina is too well coached and has too much tradition not to be very competitive. Decatur has too many weapons coming back not to be highly regarded. I think that J2K just wanted to see more than just one year of good football before he stamped Decatur as legit (nothing wrong with that). I feel that they will challenge for the region I championship and that Celina, if they avoid injuries could do the same thing in region 2.