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View Full Version : New Navasota Football Stadium?

11-22-2004, 05:48 PM
NISD officials are once again presenting a bond referendum for renovations, new elementary schools and a new football stadium. The last one was narrowly defeated by 30 votes. If you have ever been to Brule Field, or will visit Navasota in the next few years for gridiron excitement, you have an opinion, so post it. Here are the facts:
Brule Field, though loved by Navasota fans for 70 years, only holds 2000 people max. It is ADA non-compliant, has only 3 toilets per gender per side, and if you arrive at gametime, you park about 3 blocks away, or on the creek bank.
The proposed new stadium would have ample restrooms, concession, and parking. Between 5 and 7 thousand seats, and there is already a track and practice field at the site, not to mention, it is right off SH 6 at the high school.
If a new stadium passes, Brule Field will be beautified and overflow stands taken out, and it will be a Jr. High field, and the home of our new soccer program.
Share your opinion on this football fans. Let's get those posts rolling!

11-22-2004, 05:51 PM
t is ADA non-compliant

Isn't that against the law?

11-22-2004, 06:30 PM
lot of the old places are grandfathered from those laws

Old Tiger
11-22-2004, 06:33 PM
I've been hearing this from my cousin that lives down there. I think it is a good idea. Heard it will have the new turf.

11-22-2004, 08:29 PM
Good Luck in getting your new stadium. I wish Rice could get a new stadium or atleast give the old one a facelift.

11-22-2004, 10:57 PM
they only alotted 2 million for the new stadium, so it won't be extravagant. the astroplay surface is definitely being considered as the way to go by the board of trustees and architect.

11-22-2004, 11:34 PM
But it will never be the same....what about the good ol' stone steps? I'm gonna miss Brule. Out of allt he places Iv'e been to, and all the places I've seen, Brule is the one place where everything just kinda faded away except for me, my brothers, an oblong ball, and 2 endzones.

All it needs is some work done to it. Extend the Parking lot, fix the bathroom situation, and add metal bleachers to the endzones, expand the visitors side and possibly cushion them dang brick seats.

It's all in the tradition.

11-22-2004, 11:52 PM
Who wouldn't love to keep pulling up in the heart of Navasota for a football game on Friday night? Heck, I have been sitting in the row 18 rock bleachers since I was in my momma's lap. But sewage expulsion, a whole new visitors stand, and not to mention flooding in visitor's parking, and the fact that new restrooms and concession would push back into the home parking lot. Also, if we spend a certain amount, which isn't much, on renovations, we must become ADA compliant. That means gutting probably a hundred seats to make way for wheelchair "cubbies" (i guess thats a good word). The price tag for bringing Brule up to standard (which we are probably close to returning to 4A) is hovering somewhere over 5 million all said and done. I mean, when we are capable of bringing 4000-5000 fans for big district games, why not try to accomodate them. If we had 2000 kids in a high school built for 750, we'd want a new school right?

Old Tiger
11-23-2004, 12:09 AM
Don't the football players walk down the steps to the field or something(like through the crowd)

11-23-2004, 02:34 AM
"The Steps" are at the corner of the home side of the south endzone. The stadium was dug out so that the home side was built on the hillside. The steps are surely the most cherished piece of the stadium since some 70 years of teams have had the crowd stand and cheer them as they descend at kickoff and second half. They would be hard to part with for sure.

11-23-2004, 08:43 AM
I know that the new stadium is BADLY needed for all the ammenities, concessions, etc... The parking and restrooms are bad, that's for sure. (But I have seen worse. ) I don't know anything about being ADA compliant, but wouldn't it still have to compliant for the Junior high to play football, and soccer?

For those of us that grew up here and graduated right there on Brule Field, it's heartbreaking to see it end. I have watched my daughter cheer for 5 years there, and my son play football for 6 years there, and I used to perform at halftime with the Diamonettes right there in the middle of that field. There is alot of tradition and memories in that stadium, as I am sure with the majority of the native Navasotians. (if that's a word) Change is hard for most of us!

I can see wanting and needing the new facilities though. It will be interesting to see how the voting goes now that it's broken down on the ballots. When we go to vote on this, we will have to TRY and leave our hearts out of it.....

11-23-2004, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by NHSRattler60
But it will never be the same....what about the good ol' stone steps? I'm gonna miss Brule. Out of allt he places Iv'e been to, and all the places I've seen, Brule is the one place where everything just kinda faded away except for me, my brothers, an oblong ball, and 2 endzones.

All it needs is some work done to it. Extend the Parking lot, fix the bathroom situation, and add metal bleachers to the endzones, expand the visitors side and possibly cushion them dang brick seats.

It's all in the tradition.

it isn't fading in and out...it's just really poor lighting

11-23-2004, 10:12 AM
Leave it to a coach to ruin a good flashback.

11-23-2004, 11:11 AM
I'm not trying to ruin your flashback...settle down
remeber the topic was about the possibility of us getting a new stadium...AND our dire need for new facilities...I completely understand tradition and all of the nostalgia stuff...afterall, I spent several years earning a degree at a school built on tradition...
all of the things mentioned b/4 PLUS...
port-o-potties for the visitors...welcome to our stadium
the sewer overflows into the home stands...nice aroma
we bus our kids to home games...big hassle
press box...officials, scouts, announcers, radio, and anyone else
lights...watch a film of a home game and then an away game,wow
safety...anyone can access the stadium from just about anywhere
i'm sure there is much more to be said, but you get the idea...these kids deserve something better...something they can be proud of and something that makes them want to work harder to make navasota a better place to call home...

11-23-2004, 12:01 PM
The cost to refit the pit would be much more than the cost to build a new facility at the High School. Space is limited at the current site.
my question, which was asked earlier...If it is to be a soccer stdium and JH facility, will it not still have to be ADA compliant and there for just as cost prohibative?:confused:

11-23-2004, 12:04 PM
i believe that the proposal sets aside $2 mil for a new stadium, AND to make some renovations to brule to bring it to compliance for future use by the soccer program and for junior high football...

11-23-2004, 05:46 PM
Article about the new stadium that was in last weeks Navasota Examiner.

{Quote}It is the third proposition, however, that may have been the downfall of the Sept. 11 referendum. A proposed $2 million football stadium, to be built near the high school, faced strong opposition from members of the community who felt there was no need to replace venerable Brule Field. Though he knows the measure still provokes strong debate, Faltys said he hoped voters would see that a new facility would be cheaper in the long term.

"We're not looking at a Taj Mahal; we're looking at eight percent of the total package, but that's one area voters really wanted a say in the matter," he said. "But we're really going to be strapped if it doesn't pass because we could be spending more at Brule and we still won't have enough parking, won't have ample facilities ... and there's no way we can get a track in there. I hope people will look at it pragmatically and ask if we want to keep spending money there ... or at a place where it can be used every day."{End of Quote}

11-24-2004, 12:47 AM
...put a stone from the old steps as a tribute to the legendary teams that walked down.

11-24-2004, 02:30 AM
As far as ADA compliance goes, the old grandfathered-in stadium would have to go through major renovations to lose its grandfathered status. Major renovations are not needed at brule with a new stadium built since soccer and JH games wont come close to encroaching on the capacity.

Although, I am pretty sure we could add a few toilets there and get away with it. the big deal is the sewage capacity. Since Brule is below grade of the rest of the city, an expensive lift station would be needed to pump sewage up a few feet to flow with the rest of the city's lines. If you glance around next time you're there, you'll notice that the field is almost even with the bottom of Cedar Creek.

11-24-2004, 10:01 AM
Having visited the Pit, I can see the charm for those who have grown up there, and the steps are a great tradition. I'd keep those, even move 'em to the new stadium and incorporate them. But the negatives outweigh the positives at the current facility. While the Pasture is no great stadium, and I wish we had the money to make it better, if y'all can get the money to do something, I'd build new rather than renovate. HOWEVER, and this is very big to anyone who has influence, PLEASE pass it on: Astroturf is the surface for injuries. Rice University has it and it is terrible to play on. Yes, it makes you faster, till you go down on it. The hybrids or grass are so much safer for your players. And yes, the lighting is terrible, those aren't dreamy memories. Good luck in bringing the Pit up to the level of the team and into compliance. I'll be there many more times before my last one graduates, so could you hurry up??? CheerMom, I like y'all's stadium. Happy Thanksgiving to all.

11-24-2004, 12:33 PM
I kind of like the tradition of that old stadium. There is no track, so the fans are very close to the playing field. The steps remind me of roman days, where the gladiators would enter the arena. The lighting needs to be improved, the facilities are outdated and there is not very much parking. Building a new stadium would probably be the right thing for Navasota. Astroturf is is not good for injuries, but field turf would save the mantenance. Good luck Rattlers, I'm sure everything will be worked out.

11-24-2004, 12:58 PM
Originally posted by BrahmaMom
CheerMom, I like y'all's stadium.

It definitely needs some revamping. It is 33 yrs. old and could use a facelift. Have a Great Thanksgiving!!!

11-24-2004, 09:59 PM
I will be graduating from NHS this year, and I have some comments about the whole situation. First of all, I have been going to football games at Brule since I was a little child. I really hate to see it go, and some friends of mine and I were discussing this situation. When they build the new stadium, they hopefully will realize that the bottom part of the new parking lot is what the call "the lake" because it always is flooding down when it rains. And as for the old field, why can't they just use that money, tear down the concession and bathrooms, build a nice long one by the scoreboard along with bathrooms on both sides. Next, build up the visitor parking lot so it doesn't flood and put in a few more lights. Brule is a place where people can go back and say they played on this field, and many will hate to see it grow-its a landmark to the citizens of Navasota, those past and present. If we can't afford to place new light bulbs in the scroeboard, why should we be trying to build a nicer facility with more lights? Compared with other facilities in our district, we have one of the nicer ones. But, this is all the opinion of one student who will be voting at this election. (p.s. -the road and traffic in front of the school is bad enough trying to leave after school is out, what are they going about that?)

11-25-2004, 12:22 AM
if you get to go to a school board meeting and view the new layout for the field, you'll notice that the parking lot will not be extended all the way to the "lake." also, the traffic for both the schools will now enter at the jr. high drive, come in front of the new gymnasium/bandhall, and exit out rattler dr. one way. a traffic light would possibly be installed at the jr. high entrance. at least that is the board and architects' plan.
and come to think of it, there is at least a 10' hill outside the east curve of the track, so maybe some kind of steps can be incorporated into the plan. really, the whole proposed home side is on a small hill. i am starting to see some potential........

11-25-2004, 12:51 AM

11-25-2004, 01:59 AM
My grandpa is the purchasing manager for the City of Navasota, and he told me to put his imput in:

A: Navasota and surrounding areas need all this new stuff...but they dont WANT them. With things like this, the major this is do they WANT it or not. Tradition is too important to this community.

B: The utilities that NISD plans to purchase with this money cost more than they think. A simple set of 3 way traffic lights costs well over 20,000 dollars. That includes electrical work, equipment, contacting, and permits. Also, people dont realize that the more traffic lights you put up, the more the city limits expands because you have to have warning signs a certain amount of feet away.

C: By the time this bill is schedualed to start making changes, College Station and Navasota could already be 1 town. College station has already been in contact with the town legislature about the rapid expansion of college station. 3 years ago, the city limits sign was just outside of Rock Prairie Road, now its made its way to Past the water tower, almost 1.5 miles away. That is faster than any metroplex in the state of texas, even houston. In fact places in Millican have already sold land to college station. That city isn't slowing down. and its projected to be within reach of navasota withing 15-25 years. Thats how long it would take us to finance, hire, draft and build everything included in the bill...which means that we would have to build ontop of that following the construction. Talk about hassle.

My opinion: Que sera sera whatever will be will be. But The likely hood of this bill passing. I think that if we do build the stadium, accomidate the future of this town.

11-25-2004, 08:11 AM
Way to go class of '05! I am glad to know that this is something you too care much about! I thought we were losing so much of the tradition here, but it seems like it's still strong! I always knew the class of '05 is real special!!

Everyone that lives here has a voice in this! Go use it and vote!!

11-26-2004, 01:17 AM
But remember, as College Station grows, which it is within a mile of being in Navasota I.S.D. in some places in Brazos County, land will be subdivided, and houses built, and businesses will sprout up. Land value will skyrocket, and our tax base will increase. It is already close to 700 million dollars, and within 10 years, growth from Magnolia, North Waller County, Montgomery, and of course College Station will probably have pushed it to close to a billion dollars. That doesn't mean taxes will go up, but that we will have more income. To a certain degree, the new construction and people to staff the new campuses will be offset by this income. Look at Magnolia I.S.D. When I was playing basketball, I went to Magnolia High numerous times. The OLD one, with the small gym. They were only 400 students higher than us in District 18-4A in 97,98. Now they are a big new 5A with a new second 4A high school being built shortly. Our school board is already anticipating building a new junior high within 10-15 years and making the present one a freshmen campus.
Many votes will be cast. Mine will be in favor because I see the future coming fast. Now is as good of time as any to get the ball rolling. Oh yeah, and since this thread is about the stadium, vote yes for the stadium!

12-06-2004, 01:17 AM
navasota isd residents reading need not forget - early voting is going on right now and the main election is saturday the 11th. be sure you and your family goes out and makes their opinion count.

12-06-2004, 09:57 AM
Im sorry you guys NEED a new stadium. You DESERVE a new stadium. Put a historical marker on the old one and let the jr. high play on it. Quit being cheap. Sorry old timers, open up your check books and give those boys a new home.