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11-15-2004, 10:49 AM
comeo n people...its not the end of the world. Don't leave us

11-15-2004, 10:50 AM
They still seem to be around to me. :)

11-15-2004, 10:53 AM
I have seen quite a few of them post as well. I wonder what everyone wants them to do? I imagine they are pretty sore over their lost. Give them time and they will be back in the thick of our discussions.

11-15-2004, 10:53 AM
are they? i guess they just havent been posting the few times ive been able to log on!

11-15-2004, 10:55 AM
Doing Lay-ups Drill.:D

11-15-2004, 10:56 AM
Originally posted by kaorder1999
are they? i guess they just havent been posting the few times ive been able to log on!

Well they haven't just lit up the boards with comments but then again most of their posters don't have 1000's of post as far as I remember.

11-15-2004, 11:31 AM
Why do some of you pine away desperately for our attention?

It's not like we smacked it up and paraded around like we were going to tromp through 3A unblemished. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a great deal of smack talking from WO-S supporters, particularly as compared to many others. Most of the comments predicting success for our program actually came from posters from OTHER programs.

Now, after being knocked out of the playoffs, some of you lead sad enough lives to revel in it, like it is something to gloat about. Glad to be of service ;)

Ya know, if memory serves, we only lost 2 games this season to 3A schools, both of those were by 2 points, and both of those teams are still alive in the playoffs. Wow, we have really been brought back down to earth.

The beauty of it is the one's that beat us seem to be the only ones who AREN'T rubbing it in our faces. Get a life :)

11-15-2004, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by SuusJudex
Why do some of you pine away desperately for our attention?

It's not like we smacked it up and paraded around like we were going to tromp through 3A unblemished. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a great deal of smack talking from WO-S supporters, particularly as compared to many others. Most of the comments predicting success for our program actually came from posters from OTHER programs.

Now, after being knocked out of the playoffs, some of you lead sad enough lives to revel in it, like it is something to gloat about. Glad to be of service ;)

Ya know, if memory serves, we only lost 2 games this season to 3A schools, both of those were by 2 points, and both of those teams are still alive in the playoffs. Wow, we have really been brought back down to earth.

The beauty of it is the one's that beat us seem to be the only ones who AREN'T rubbing it in our faces. Get a life :)

I don't normally reply to posts that are really "heated".... but SuusJudex did you ever stop to consider that maybe the appeal to have you WOS folks to contiune posting was a genuine emotion and not "tongue-in-cheek" for amusement or "gloating" purposes. I do genuinely hope that all WOS posters will not take the pointed jabs of a few as the pervading spirit of the 3alow and contiune to offer substansive comment on the remaing playoff games.

11-15-2004, 12:13 PM
"but SuusJudex did you ever stop to consider that maybe the appeal to have you WOS folks to contiune posting was a genuine emotion and not "tongue-in-cheek" for amusement or "gloating" purposes. I do genuinely hope that all WOS posters will not take the pointed jabs of a few as the pervading spirit of the 3alow"

absolutely. and that would be the entire reason for having the word "some" in my post. all i can say is "if the shoe fits ..."

do i really need to cut and paste from various threads to add legitimacy to my reaction here? perhaps the original poster wasn't trying to gall us, but every single thread having anything to do with WO-S has some snide jab in it designed to run us down or "welcome us to 3A" and they aren't all genuine "messages of love" and it AIN'T coming from one poster.

there's a reason the Jasper folks keep sticking up for us time after time in these threads. we have always loved to hate each other, but i consider Jasper to be our best ally around here. at least they have the same kind of respect for us that we have for them ... i have to admit that the Cuero folks and maybe some others have been pretty decent and haven't taken pot shots at us. funny how it is always the GOOD programs that don't feel the need to run everyone else down ...

11-15-2004, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by SuusJudex
[B......there's a reason the Jasper folks keep sticking up for us time after time in these threads. we have always loved to hate each other, but i consider Jasper to be our best ally around here. at least they have the same kind of respect for us that we have for them ...... [/B]
Well said SuusJudex. Yes, of course, Jasper wants to beat you, in fact we still owe you a few. But I will always appreciate that on other boards, even when Jasper had a very poor record, WOS paid respect to the Jasper program.

Back in 1990 I think it was, Jasper made the playoffs with a 3-7 team and faced WOS in bi-district. Posters from around the state demeaned Jasper, saying that no 3-7 team should be in the playoffs. WOS fans treated the game seriously and promoted Jasper as a legitimate opponent. GS17 in particular made the point time and again that Jasper always played tough no matter the record. Anyway, you guys stood by us then. I am going to stand by you now. :)

And if anybody is worried that WOS fans will now slink away, forget it. For sure, they just keep coming back! :)

11-15-2004, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by SuusJudex
Why do some of you pine away desperately for our attention?

It's not like we smacked it up and paraded around like we were going to tromp through 3A unblemished. In fact, you'd be hard pressed to find a great deal of smack talking from WO-S supporters, particularly as compared to many others. Most of the comments predicting success for our program actually came from posters from OTHER programs.

Now, after being knocked out of the playoffs, some of you lead sad enough lives to revel in it, like it is something to gloat about. Glad to be of service ;)

Ya know, if memory serves, we only lost 2 games this season to 3A schools, both of those were by 2 points, and both of those teams are still alive in the playoffs. Wow, we have really been brought back down to earth.

The beauty of it is the one's that beat us seem to be the only ones who AREN'T rubbing it in our faces. Get a life :)

Well said Suus.... I like you am hard pressed to remember much smack talking by the WO-S crowd...especially since we beat you guys early in the year and it was apparent that WO had their work cut out for them this year. It seems to be the right of passage around here to be kick around the new kids on the block. It is rather sad that some do gloat in other's misery. Good natured ribbing is one thing but sometimes it is just a little over the top...you have to consider the source. I don't think Karoder meant any harm as other who haved called out WO-S after their losed seemed to.

11-15-2004, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by SuusJudex
there's a reason the Jasper folks keep sticking up for us time after time in these threads. we have always loved to hate each other, but i consider Jasper to be our best ally around here. at least they have the same kind of respect for us that we have for them ... i have to admit that the Cuero folks and maybe some others have been pretty decent and haven't taken pot shots at us. funny how it is always the GOOD programs that don't feel the need to run everyone else down ...

You are so right. Heck I have gotten to where I don't even hate WO-S anymore. I like to see them win if we aren't playing them. Good program and good football that is what I like to see. Kinda like BH in these parts. Fun games to watch and you grow to expect them to win and are shocked when things don't go as the past.

11-15-2004, 02:08 PM
I don't think Karoder meant any harm as other who haved called out WO-S after their losed seemed to.

no harm intended

11-15-2004, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Hupernikomen
You are so right. Heck I have gotten to where I don't even hate WO-S anymore. I like to see them win if we aren't playing them. Good program and good football that is what I like to see. Kinda like BH in these parts. Fun games to watch and you grow to expect them to win and are shocked when things don't go as the past.

I'll stand with and agree with all my other fellow Jasper posters giving WO-S props on here. I too used to hate WOS. But since they've been posting on here, they've earned my respect with the mutual respect they gave. I was one of the people saying to "watch out" for WOS this year. It won't be any different next year. They consistently field teams capable of competing.

11-15-2004, 09:51 PM
Kaorder, if you look, I've been posting here and there. This is the second topic related about WOS fans and their posting habits after a playoff loss, and I'm not really sure what anyone expects WOS fans to write about -- we weren't a vocal majority on this board before, there's not a lot of current topics I want to respond to (I can't speak for other people), and we're out of the playoffs now. We've offered congratulations to Huffman fans on our website and theirs, and I personally congratulated them on this board.

You say "no harm intended," and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt; however, what I don't understand is why do you feel it's necessary to put up a thread aimed at WOS fans only. We have our own website (WO-S.com (http://www.wo-s.com) -- you're free to come over there whenever you want to see what WOS fans are up to), and we've been active there.

This isn't our main board, and there's no reason to think it should be. When I first came on this board (in June or July), there was a lot of negative input from several people toward our program, fans (including from at least one of the moderators here), and community, and it left a pretty bad taste in my mouth, as well as other WOS fans. Since that time, I've had little interest in participating on this board, but I still check it out because I love the game and I enjoy reading what some of the other fans write. I just don't post much here, and I don't see why that would change simply because we lost a playoff game. :)

11-15-2004, 10:06 PM
I agree, enough is enough. Time to let it go folks.