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View Full Version : Interesting comments by Colorado Congressman Scott McInnis...

big daddy russ
03-27-2003, 04:31 PM
I've been watching C-SPAN for the past few hours and Representative Scott McInnis (R-CO) brought up some interesting facts about our "friends" France and Germany.

These countries, as McInnis pointed out, have continually bombarded the airwaves with talk of how all this is about oil. All the talk of war both for and against is all about oil. McInnis simply stated that it is about oil. Completely.

As many of you know France and Germany, both of whom are vehemently opposed to the war in Iraq, suffer from the Europe syndrome of higher-than-average gas prices. Well both have curbed those prices by signing some sweet deals with our old buddy Saddam Hussein so that they can get oil in bulk at discounted prices. Although gas prices are still almost twice what they are in the US, I can remember some six years ago when gas over there came out to the equivalent of about $4 US per liter. (And a liter isn't even a gallon.)

McInnis brought to the surface that all this bantering is about oil, but not on the part of the Coalition. If it was, then the US and UK would simply lift all these trade embargos (of which France and Germany have none) the price of gas for our countries would go down.

Still, we refuse to do so and will give the oil back to the Iraqi citizens at the end of this conflict, thus ending the "sweet deals" given to the Germans and French. They will be charged normal rates once again.

France and Germany have shown their true colors. I can't wait to see what we find out about Russia.

03-27-2003, 09:08 PM
France's threat to veto was in retalliation for one of our vetoes back in the eighties. France sold Iraq a nuclear reactor (reportedly for a power plant). Israel took it upon themselves to bomb it to dust in the interest of self preservation. France tried to push through sanctions against Israel for this action (probably because they didn't get paid) and the US vetoed it. That is what started France's attitude toward us. I guarantee you, you can say whatever you want, or believe whatever you want about Israel, but you cannot say they are a foolish people.
Germany's objection I think is more honest. I believe theirs is simply a difference of opinion, and I can respect that.
Former KGB agent Putin and Mother Russia, now that's a different story altogether. The Soviet empire may be gone, but the KGB lives on.