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11-11-2004, 10:45 AM
Are you guilty? :D

YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK IF ... (2004 Version)

1. Your standard of living improves when you go camping.

2. Your pre-nuptial agreement mentions chickens.

3. You have jacked up your home to look for a dog.

4. You have a relative living in your garage.

5. Your neighbor has ever asked to borrow a quart of beer.

6. There is a belch on your answering machine greeting.

7. You have rebuilt a carburetor while sitting on the commode.

8. None of the tires on your van are the same size.

9. You hold the hood of your car with your head while you work on it.

10. Your idea of getting lucky is passing the emissions test.

11. Your town put the new garbage truck in the Christmas parade.

12. Your local beauty salon also fixes cars.

13. Your doghouse and your living room have the same shag carpet.

14. You've slow danced in the Waffle House.

15. Starting your car involves popping the hood.

16. Your garbage man is confused about what goes and what stays.

17. You whistle at women in church.

18. You actually wear shoes your dog brought home.

19. You've been in a fist fight at a yard sale.

20. You carry a fly swatter in the front of the car so you can reach the kids in the back.

21. You think people who have cell phones--(or any phones not connected to a long pole) are uppity.

Ranger Mom
11-11-2004, 10:50 AM

I was guilty of #20 when my kids were little!!

(Never had to actually use it, but I threatened with it)!!

11-11-2004, 10:50 AM
Bubba Joe Say's
:crying: :crying:
Most of those fit me and my buddy the Quail Killer
:weeping: :weeping:

11-11-2004, 11:45 AM
Hey! I resemble those remarks. (And so does my dog).

11-11-2004, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
Are you guilty? :D

YOU MIGHT BE A REDNECK IF ... (2004 Version)

11. Your town put the new garbage truck in the Christmas parade.

I HAVE seen this before and.....

15. Starting your car involves popping the hood.

DONE this often with one of my former vehicles.

Why did it not surprise me that I would associate with more than one part of the list?

11-11-2004, 12:02 PM
Originally posted by Bubba-Joe
Bubba Joe Say's
:crying: :crying:
Most of those fit me and my buddy the Quail Killer
:weeping: :weeping:

Last chance, drop it or join him.

11-11-2004, 12:24 PM
Originally posted by RiverRat19
I HAVE seen this before and.....

DONE this often with one of my former vehicles.

Why did it not surprise me that I would associate with more than one part of the list?

I never have had to pop the hood to start my car before. But when I was a teen, at one point I had to pop the hood to turn on the A/C! :D

Phantom Stang
11-11-2004, 12:57 PM
Does #7 apply to the kitchen tabel? If so, I'm guilty!

As for #14, hey... when it's time it's time:D

11-11-2004, 01:38 PM
Though I haven't been involved in any (many?) of these personally, I must admit that the rest of my family can cover just about all of them. :doh:

11-11-2004, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
I never have had to pop the hood to start my car before. But when I was a teen, at one point I had to pop the hood to turn on the A/C! :D

That's nuts....

In my late teens I had an old El Camino that had continual ignition problems. I borrowed this "trigger" contraption that attached to the bolts on the starter. I'd turn the key to "on" and hit the trigger- VRRRROOOM! I was that broke- I couldn't afford to buy a new ignition switch so I borrowed this doohickey from a friend who was almost as broke as I was....

Ranger Mom
11-11-2004, 03:06 PM
When my son starts his car, the only way he can keep it running is to stick a screwdriver through the hole in the key and wedge the screwdriver in where the dash meets the steering column!!

11-11-2004, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
When my son starts his car, the only way he can keep it running is to stick a screwdriver through the hole in the key and wedge the screwdriver in where the dash meets the steering column!!

Well you dont have to worry about anyone ever stealing it. I dont think even the most persistant thief would figure that out!!:D