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View Full Version : Hey! Marlin lost, but when we face your team, I'll bet you won't feel confident.

09-08-2003, 07:30 AM
Yeah we lost a good game to a good team, but Kieth 5 and Jacket1998 you guys seem to enjoy hearing the Bulldogs loosing, well we are alright with that, but I'll just bet, you and everyone that post on this board, want to get a look at these Bulldogs so if we're coming to a field near you, we might welcome haters for this once to get a glance at the M-Square Bulldogs, becasue we lost dosen't mean we're out. signed See you in Bed #10 Oh yeah Bellville don't get comfortable, we haven't forgotten!

09-08-2003, 07:39 AM
Yeah we lost a good game to a good team, but Kieth 5 and Jacket1998 you guys seem to enjoy hearing the Bulldogs loosing, well we are alright with that, but I'll just bet, you and everyone that post on this board, want to get a look at these Bulldogs so if we're coming to a field near you, we might welcome haters for this once to get a glance at the M-Square Bulldogs, becasue we lost dosen't mean we're out. signed See you in Bed #10 Oh yeah Bellville don't get comfortable, we haven't forgotten!Marlin will be tough in the play-offs due to their difficult schedule. They might well end the regular season 7-3. I think they were 11-3 when La Grange beat them in the semi's in 2000. The Marlin coach likes to get his team seasoned early when it only counts in polls. In the part of the schedule that really counts, Marlin will roll. BTW how is Tank Smith? I heard he hurt his knee. Hope it is not serious as he 's a player. :)

09-08-2003, 08:34 AM
Hey thanks for asking about Tank, well he is the younger brother of Moe Smith, the running back we had in the 2000 showdown with LaGrange, he'll bounce back.

09-08-2003, 08:54 AM
Hey thanks for asking about Tank, well he is the younger brother of Moe Smith, the running back we had in the 2000 showdown with LaGrange, he'll bounce back.I remember Moe, he was impressive, played linebacker too and made some big hits. Where is he now? I would guess playing D1 ball somewhere.

09-08-2003, 09:07 AM
Actually, Moe is at Cisco and heading to TCU With Ty Gunn, And Jeremy Modkins, he and Jeremy are real tight friends. He Graduates from Cisco in Dec O3'. and he's in the Secondary for Cisco.

09-08-2003, 09:30 AM
luckily, Forney won't ever have to worry about facing Marlin.

09-08-2003, 10:09 AM
Why do you say that. I think that it would be a good game.

09-08-2003, 10:55 AM
it would be a good game...but what I meant was that we won't play each other, which means that neither one of us has to deal with another loss.

09-08-2003, 11:56 AM
Help me out, guys. What does "M-square" mean? Where does it come from?

09-08-2003, 12:07 PM
Yeah we lost a good game to a good team, but Kieth 5 and Jacket1998 you guys seem to enjoy hearing the Bulldogs loosing, well we are alright with that, but I'll just bet, you and everyone that post on this board, want to get a look at these Bulldogs so if we're coming to a field near you, we might welcome haters for this once to get a glance at the M-Square Bulldogs, becasue we lost dosen't mean we're out. signed See you in Bed #10 Oh yeah Bellville don't get comfortable, we haven't forgotten!Thanks for the warning, I was just about to set the cruise control, and breeze right on through Rice, Elgin, Navasota, Sealy, Region III, and the State Finals.

Seriously, you can never get comfortable when you're a Top 5 team and everyone is gunning for you, and I promise you that the Bulls aren't. And if you think I'm thinking, or worried about, the Marlin Bulldogs right now, you're sadly mistaken. Just the thought of that matchup is months away. And as much as I would love to see it, cause I'm sure it'd be another classic, alot of things have to go right for both of us before it does.

Don't get me wrong, I respect the heck out of y'all's team, and fully expect you guys to be one of the last ones standing, I'm even coming to watch the Ennis game, since I was gonna be in Dallas that weekend anyway. But you can't worry about other teams during Week 2.