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View Full Version : Jasper Shutsout Burnet-NOT

Chris Hart
12-08-2002, 12:18 AM
Burnet could have possibly scored 60 in this one, if Shipley hadn't been injured and set out the last few minutes of the first half, and all but one play of the third quarter. Burnet led 40-7 midway through the 3rd, and called off the DOGS and went conservative. Jasper has a quality team, but Burnet has beaten 3 or 4 teams better than Jasper this year. Sinton, if yall would have beaten us, you would have easily made the Title game.

Old Card and all others that predicted a shutout, but how did you like the shutout 40-0 for Jasper? You might should think first before you make such bold predictions, especially when you know absolutely nothing about the other team. :)

12-08-2002, 12:49 AM
thanks chris
and since sinton beat gregory portland and since theyre going to state to does that mean there are 3a teams better than 4a????

Awesome Dawg Fan
12-08-2002, 01:07 AM
Well guys I saw this one with my own eyes. The game of the year some would say, but I must agree with you Chris. Sinton was a much better team than this supposedly could have contended in 4a and possibly 5a team. I admire the fact that they never gave up but it was obvious to all of us that the heralded defense that noone could score on was a product of a weak region. Yes we know the history behind the regions but it sure looks like the tide is changing. I thought Jasper was really talented but not ready for the best offense in the state. I respect very much the class of the Jasper team and fans, but crow is in order on this one. I remember Burnet not having a chance. I also remember Burnet will not score. Totally obsurd were those remarks and very much false. 46 was the least we could have put up on that D and who knows what could have been done if not for a classy coaching staff. Go Dawgs win the big one.

12-08-2002, 01:15 AM
Congratulations to Burnet, please guys, show more class than they did. You don't have to stoop to their level. Chris, you haven't yet, so try not to. Again, great game guys! Go beat Everman!

Old Dog
12-08-2002, 01:24 AM
Hey 3A followers, there are a whole slew of 3A teams that put quality 4A scalps on their belts this year. 3A really rocks!

Chris Hart
12-08-2002, 03:21 AM
Sinton 66, I was not knocking Jasper's team(you and others know that), but what I was doing is telling the truth. Burnet has played some very good competition this year, some that I was more impressed with than Jasper. Now I know how GOOD Sinton was, there was a very noticeable gap in the difference between Jasper and Sinton, Jasper is good, but you guys ROCK. Region 4 the past 2 years has been TOUGH. And as for Old Card and that gang, that was the only crow I'm going to serve them(they deserve much more :D ), as I am beginning to direct my focus towards Everman. I sure hope we can bring a Championship home to Reg. 4. I KNOW Everman will give us all we want, and maybe then some. Go Burnet Bulldogs!

12-08-2002, 03:26 AM
Chris, I knew you were not referring to their team, it was directed at the more obnoxious fans. Kenny up in Washington and a couple others are great guys, so for their sakes, I hope the rest of the Burnet fans take it easy. I already got you guys by 7 over Everman. Any word on time and place? wink

12-08-2002, 03:48 AM
66 and all those who care :D the game is scheduled for the alamodome next saturday, not sure exactly the time, shipley has yet to announce that, the coaches passed me on my way in from college station tonight at about 2:30 or so from the everman game, had to do some christmas shoppin'. will letcha know what time it starts. we are home team, ive been told. and this time my sources are reliable, ive talked to someone who would know for sure. anywhoo, thats all i know, except that i cant talk louder than a whisper.

Chris Hart
12-08-2002, 04:03 AM
I believe the game is at 5:00 p.m. Sat. @ the Alamodome.

Awesome Dawg Fan
12-09-2002, 05:54 PM
Chris Hart this is a great topic. I am not one for trash talking but Jasper should have to look at this for a while. Maybe next year they will remember that the other regions deserve more credit than they receive.

12-09-2002, 08:56 PM
It's funny how people see things differently. I actually sat in the stands late in the 3rd quarter talking about how Burnet was sticking with their gameplan even with a 20 point lead. The fans can talk now about how Jasper sucks but I can assure you that when Burnet intercepted that pass early in the fourth when Jasper was driving to cut it to 12, there was a huge sigh of relief on the sidelines. Nobody in green would've been real comfortable with a 12 point lead with 10 minutes to play. That's my opinion. Jasper played the wrong team on the wrong day...Plain and simple. They came out overconfident, flat, and never recovered. Burnet has a great team and are well-coached and deserved to win. But, those who know the weaknesses of Jasper (which were fully exploited) said BEFORE the game that we would be better off against Everman. No disrespect for Everman either, it's just a matter of offensive style.

12-09-2002, 10:39 PM

You are right about Jasper matching up better against Everman than Burnet. I believe that Burnet is the only team in AAA capable of beating Jasper because of the passing game. If Jasper plays a run-oriented team, they win. Jasper fielded a great football team. It amazes me that people can sit and watch a game and not see the talent and skills a team possesses. Everyone that Jasper has played (in at least the past 8 weeks) will probably agree that they would not want to play them again, including Burnet. eek!

lil booma
12-10-2002, 12:35 AM
jasper may not have shut burnet out but they had the fans, coaches and team scared when they started coming back in the third quarter. jasper could have won #8 dropped 3touchdown passes that they could and could have scored on all three of them :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

big daddy russ
12-10-2002, 01:30 AM
...I believe that Burnet is the only team in AAA capable of beating Jasper because of the passing game...I thought that Sinton's passing game was pretty darned good.

12-10-2002, 12:27 PM
I'm glad that I saw this game in person because I would have never believed any team could have dominated Jasper. Jasper came out flat and was dominated by Burnet from the head coach down to the waterboy. Jasper couln't stop Shipley or put ANY pressure on the QB. Heck, with the pressure that Jasper brought, the QB could have sat in a lawn chair and completed passes.

12-10-2002, 12:36 PM
Ozzy, I didnt know you were a 3a football fan. Can I get a autograph?

Awesome Dawg Fan
12-11-2002, 12:32 AM
I guess when the score is 40-7 and your team has dominated the game you can expect a let down. And if that #8 would have caught those three balls Burnet would have just put up the 70 they could have. Easily.