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Sooner Fan
11-04-2004, 12:01 AM
explayer2001 you are crazy if you think those Aggies even have a chance on Saturday. Yeah, the game maybe in College Station but who cares that place is over-rated. Oh and don't even think for a second that you will walk into Austin and win. Those Longhorns are gonna bend those Aggies over and spank'em. My prediction for this Saturday is OU 45- Aggies 13. Jason White walks into College Station and schools old Reggie McWhatever. Adrian peterson and Kejuan Jones both have over 100. With a 6-5 record like those Aggies will have at the end of the year you are looking at the Insight.com bowl at best.

big daddy russ
11-04-2004, 12:04 AM
Jason White will school their defense... but I doubt you'll have two 100-yard rushers. Either way, if my boys over in Auburn can catch a break and get you in the NC you guys will be in a world of trouble real quick.

Sooner Fan
11-04-2004, 12:11 AM
You better jump on that Auburn bandwagon right now because those Aggies are going down. Speaking of Auburn, yeah your right they are pretty bad a. But will see how they do in the big game. (SEC Chapionship and the BCS Bowl Game) Don't forget the Orange Bowl is the SOONERS bowl. Bring USC or Auburn on, it doesn't matter.

big daddy russ
11-04-2004, 12:16 AM
I've been on the Auburn bandwagon for a long time. I was on it 11 years ago when they had their last undefeated season... I'm not an Aggie.

As far as AP goes, he'll get his 100. I don't doubt that. But I'll bet he doesn't touch 125 like he has been. This will be the toughest run defense he's faced (yes, better than UT's) and they'll "hold" him to about 4.5 a carry. It's Jason White's week.

Sooner Fan
11-04-2004, 12:26 AM
Your are probably right. But after White picks apart that secondary they will have no choice but to defend the pass. AP has a big second half. Don't count Kejuan Jones out. By the way K-State has played the best D so far on the Sooners. K-State always comes to play against the Sooners.

big daddy russ
11-04-2004, 12:39 AM
White opens up the running game for Peterson, but I still say Peterson gets somewhere in the 110 range. About the same as Morency. A&M's run defense is awesome and they're built on speed. It won't be as easy to find holes in that defense as it was in the Longhorn D. And let's face it, their LBs can do as good a job covering a slot receiver as their nickel, so they should just leave 'em in. That secondary kills A&M.

11-04-2004, 12:39 AM
all i gotta say is.....i like A&M, and i like Adrian Peterson cuz he's a texas high grad.....but i remember going to a game in college station 2 years ago, and the aggies were playing a like a #1 or #2 ranked OU...Reggie Mcneal was put in, and the aggies won.....glorious

now im not sayin that is gonna happen again...but ANYTHING can happen....cough..baylor..cough cough...that was weird

big daddy russ
11-04-2004, 12:48 AM
Oh yeah, mustang. I think the Ags will at least play OU to within 10. Last week was just one of those fluke weeks. North Carolina and Baylor win... and it wasn't basketball. The Ags' offense will carry them in this game, but I'm still not sure if it'll be enough to beat the Sooners.

Now I do think that TAMU beats UT this year. Like I said, that run D is the toughest in the Big XII and until Young shows me that he can throw the ball I'll put money on the Aggies stealing one in Austin. Bring out Chance Mock and I might change my tune, but looking at it like a defensive coordinator would, you could chop off Young's right arm and it wouldn't change his game all that much. The Longhorns' passing attack just doesn't scare me at all.

11-04-2004, 02:26 AM
What the hell is a guy form Okie doin on a 3a texas highschool football message board!?

11-04-2004, 02:27 AM
making fun of one of your fellow pledge brothers

11-04-2004, 02:40 AM

11-04-2004, 08:48 AM
yup Mustang...anything can happen.....i can see it now...we loose to Baylor one week...and beat OU the next week...what does that do to/for us AND the Sooners in the polls? would it be written off as a fluke? hmmmm....interesting.

11-04-2004, 10:17 AM
He works for Stoops. He's trying to steal more of our players.:D

11-04-2004, 11:17 AM
im not gonna say anything about oklahoma stealing our better performing athletes, because thats just rude. however i am gonna say that no matter what college or university you attend, Texans should all stick together.

Panther Ross
11-04-2004, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by Sooner Fan
explayer2001 you are crazy if you think those Aggies even have a chance on Saturday. Yeah, the game maybe in College Station but who cares that place is over-rated. Oh and don't even think for a second that you will walk into Austin and win. Those Longhorns are gonna bend those Aggies over and spank'em. My prediction for this Saturday is OU 45- Aggies 13. Jason White walks into College Station and schools old Reggie McWhatever. Adrian peterson and Kejuan Jones both have over 100. With a 6-5 record like those Aggies will have at the end of the year you are looking at the Insight.com bowl at best.

To start things off Jason is not going to be able to handle the noise level in that place, second of all, Reggie will another game like he did 2 years ago. Adrian Peterson will do good but not good enough to win them the ball game. Reggie..... at least 100 yards rusing and 200 yards passing. Reggie has learned to stay cool in the pocket. Lewis, maybe a good game he has not done as good as last year.

11-04-2004, 12:39 PM
I don't know about Lewis. He likes to tip-toe through the holes thus not having very good games. If we could get him to run head-first through, he could be an awesome player. Until then, he is just mediocre. I like Keith Joseph, the back up RB, better. He will duck his head and run through anyone he wants to. Thats what Lewis needs to do. But then again, Lewis is still a sophomore. Im sure he'll improve.

11-04-2004, 07:15 PM
Originally posted by Bulldog_12
He works for Stoops. He's trying to steal more of our players.:D

you goober, nobody steals "YOUR" players...they make their own decision to go to the school of their choice...it is just that OU has more to offer than "YOUR" texas schools...someday that may change, but for now it is a fact you must accept. Don't you start the whining about OU stealing players...18 year olds make decisions on where they want to go to college...not every Texas high school graduate will attend a Texas college...get over it...there is more to life than just what you see in your little world

I am an Okie, I just moved from Texas (after 13 years) to Kansas...should I stop posting just because...I don't think so

11-04-2004, 07:19 PM
Why would a true Texan wanna become an Oakie??? Stupid I guess

11-04-2004, 07:20 PM

11-04-2004, 11:07 PM
Are we a little touchy??? That time of the month again, huh? And its been a running joke for a long time so don't bust my chops about it. It's been all over this board so get over and crawl back under your rock in Kansas.

11-05-2004, 12:22 AM
Your answers...NO, NO, and YOU are the joke. And BTW, not a lot of rocks to crawl under up here. It is obvious who the "uptight" one is...and it is not me...loosen up and find some humor. You won't get a big rise out of me. This is all in fun...until you take it all too serious.:D