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View Full Version : This is too great ...

04-23-2003, 08:17 PM
...not to share. Last Thursday and Friday I was home with the flu. Teaching at a large school district, I do not call a real, live person when I am going to need a sub. I call into the system and hopefully a sub calls in and takes my classes. Wasn't sure if I had a sub for Thursday - hoped I did. Well, sure enough the sub did not get there until Period 3. Period 1 - smart kids - shut the door, visited quietly - didn't do the work on the board, but hey - that's okay, they stayed out of trouble. Period 2 - VP comes down to my class to check and see if I was in since I didn't sign in. They told her "she's gone to the office for a minute." She left - came back in a few minutes "oh, she's gone to the teacher's lounge to get a soda (that should have tipped her off - left my class to go get a soda? Yeah, right) So, she heads for the teacher's lounge. Comes back - "oh, you just missed her - she's gone up to the workroom to make copies for us." And, no kidding - she headed upstairs to the workroom. Mind you, all this chasing takes quite a while since it is a fairly large building. Well, needless to say she was not at all happy when she came back to my room and I guess realized they were pulling her leg - the kids were literally rolling in the floor laughing - they couldn't keep a straight face any longer - and she had to babysit them the rest of the period until the sub got there. They couldn't wait to tell me when I got to school on Monday - ya see why I love going to work everyday - it's NEVER dull. Teenagers ... they're the best! Cubs

04-23-2003, 09:29 PM
fwisd, my daughter is a junior high teacher in Sinton, and I'm going to send this to her. I'm sure she can relate. Thanks for the cute story.