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Tidal Wave
10-28-2004, 04:59 PM
According to TexasfootballRatings.com


10-28-2004, 05:15 PM
Very interesting!

Mathis wouldn't be in the play-offs if it ended today though, Goliad would!

gobbler grad
10-28-2004, 05:27 PM
some might make that far and some may not!!!
could be very,very interesting!!

10-28-2004, 06:30 PM
I like the looks of those projections! GO Panthers!

10-28-2004, 08:05 PM
Has Sealy making the playoffs and Navasota not....Sealy has no chance. Losing to Bellville knocked them out of the playoff picture.

10-28-2004, 08:28 PM
:thinking: :thinking:

My Region picks:
Iowa Park
Liberty hill

Thier Region Picks:
Iowa Park
Cameron Yoe
Liberty hill

Thier Division 2 regional winners look kinda like mine,

and it would have been identical except I had predicted Jasper would get into Division 2., they have them going division 1..

so Why arnt PI fans bad mouthing this one??

10-28-2004, 08:31 PM
One simple reason Keith, it's actually fair, and doesn't play bias or favorites for any one team or region.

10-28-2004, 08:33 PM
i am from gainesville why in the world would i be bias towards Any team south of Dallas???

Why isnt this guy being called an idiot, unintellegent, or pathetic???

Is it because Port Isabel gets 1 more round before gettin beat?? :rolleyes:

10-28-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
:thinking: :thinking:

and it would have been identical except I had predicted Jasper would get into Division 2., they have them going division 1..
Silsbee has all but locked up a berth in Div I, so it is highly unlikely that Jasper could go Div I.

10-28-2004, 08:35 PM
Originally posted by j_dog
Silsbee has all but locked up a berth in Div I, so it is highly unlikely that Jasper could go Div I.

i realize that now.. but i made mine 2 weeks ago, so a few things changed, and if i made one today it would have jasper in division 2.. the one reffered to on this thread was made yesterday

Tidal Wave
10-28-2004, 08:55 PM
Keith 7 get over it. Your like a lil kid.Your mad or have something against PI fans.Why didnt u respond to my question that I asked u about gainesville?Bitter HUh?...UNlike your brackets this one is REALISTIC.I have been to ALOT of Region 4 games this year hoping to gain an edge for Port Isabel come playoff time and I have come to learn what some teams have etc.I give you your due knowlege in Region 1 and 2 and perhaps 3 but i can ASSURE u that you dont know more about Region 4 than I do. Its not my opinion but a FACT.Also PI loses in the 4th round under that system to Liberty Hill and in yours you have us losing to INGLESIDE!!..LOL..that says it all. But you know what PERHAPS ingleside is that good and thats why im going to the game tommorrow to find out.Unlike you I wont be Biased.You may say your not biased but you are cuz u think valley teams cant do well.But thats your problem.Go get some therapy Keith cuz u need to grow up and stop actin like a mad lil kid.

10-28-2004, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Tidal Wave
in yours you have us losing to INGLESIDE!!..LOL..that says it all.

that says it all?? it sounds like you are the one who is bitter.. how come you arnt complaining about anything else but this 1 game??? hmm :thinking: .. maybe you dont know as much as you think.. yea PI might beat ingleside, but even if they did in my pretend projections i would still pick them to lose to Liberty Hill, just like this guy did so what is the difference???
and how is it a fact that you know more then me about region 4?? tell me about the other teams besides PI and i will believe you..

and how is this one any more Realistic then mine?? I showed you how they were remarkably similiar even with mine being made TWO weeks before it.. so until you learn how to back up your opinions with facts your words are worthless..

go on with the name calling it doesnt hurt me, i think the only thing hurting anyone is the proof that i'm right and you are wrong

10-28-2004, 09:03 PM
Word! A showdown w/ Liberty Hill would be sweet. Ah...to return to the title game...

Tidal Wave
10-28-2004, 09:17 PM
Ugh...why do I even bother.

I am in no way trying to "hurt" you.Your lil kid behavior is horrible.And you still didnt answer my question about the Gainesville question I asked you?seems like your the bitter one.

Ya there is a chance PI would lose to Liberty Hill but hey no one gave them a REALISTIC chance against Liberty Hill and Altair Rice last year and look what happened.I aint into BULL**** that biased ppl post.My predictions are STRICTLY non biased.

Teams I have seen-

I know all about 32-3A

Cuero-Larvell Roy and their qb are a heck of a combo.After Cueros running back Latrael got hurt Larvell stepped it up. Cuero has a tough offense.Defense is lackin a little bit tho.Their Corner and main receiver Nick Taylor is a good little quick guy.Larvell is a hoss.Cuero likes to scramble with with Qb or give it to Larvell. If they need big yards they go to mainly Nick Taylor.

Wharton-played Cuero Trey jones is an awesome qb. very quick very good passer.Wharton tall receiver Leslie i think is also very good.Whartons defense is subject tho like Cueros. Wharton runs mainly shotgun spread formation.they have a decent rb.

Liberty Hill-good running team likes to run the misdirection has 3 rb's over 1000 yards, but not against great teams still they are good rb's. Return most of their guys. liberty hill hardly passes and mainly runs the ball.they have the ability to pass though.Liberty Hills secondary is not that strong.Liberty Hill has trouble with the option .Overall a sound team.

Sinton- good team. versatile rb in Travis Franco.Against Cuero Sinton tried to run the whole first half which didnt work. Then they mixed it up passing more in the second half which led to their comeback. Sintons defense is good.

Falfurrias- not very impressive.

Manor- mainly a passing team.Swain was shut down most of the game against Liberty Hill. Their other receiver stepped it up.Their defense is not that great.After I saw that game I posted that Manor was seriously overrated to be in the top 10 and alot of ppl gave me crap for that but hey I dont think they would now.

KEITH i could go on and on and on...Tommorrow i will see Sinton play again but the new team I will see is INGLESIDE. Im tired of arguin with you.

LATERZ good luck to Gainesville hope terrius purvey tears is up in playoffs.later

10-28-2004, 09:42 PM
I still dont understand why you guys think i'm biased.. I have no relatives in Ingleside, I've never played against PI, infact i would have never of even heard of PI if it weren't for this site..

so how am i biased at all??