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View Full Version : Snyder over Merkel

10-23-2004, 05:15 PM
Whats going on here i dont see any bragging yet?

10-23-2004, 05:27 PM
What's there to brag about? I hear it was a pretty tight game that went right down to the end.

10-23-2004, 06:35 PM
Although this is true im sure Snyder can find something to brag about.

10-23-2004, 07:50 PM
We sure can! snyder secured a playoff spot and will be at least tri district champs if they beat Wylie! PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT MOUTH!

10-23-2004, 07:59 PM
what are you talking about you cant keep running your mouth towards them. SWEETWATER BEAT SNYDER!!!

10-23-2004, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by Black_Magic
We sure can! snyder secured a playoff spot and will be at least tri district champs if they beat Wylie! PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT MOUTH!

Wasn't able to make the game, and after seeing the score wished I'd made it. I am sure you made the game Black Magic give some insight for those who didn't make it. I looked in Abilene Reporter and no write up. Post Snyders write up it you have it.

10-23-2004, 09:36 PM
What was the final exactly?

10-23-2004, 11:29 PM
Well Snyder isnt playing good football latley, but when they beat a 3-5 team by 3 points and struggle to beat struggling team i think they r kind of weak and overated, but if they meat a struggling team out of 3-3a its going to be different this time.

10-24-2004, 08:25 AM
Snyder Is 7-2 and is playing for the 4-3A district championship this week. Sweetwarer folks just cant take it that Snyder believes that they are the better team even though Sweetwater won in the last outing. Is it different from them saying they were better than wylie even though wylie beat them?? NO. Snyder can get at least a share of the district championship with a win friday and will be the #1 Seed in D2 from the district by winning by 5 or more.:D If you dont like it being said then tough!:D

Ranger Mom
10-24-2004, 08:39 AM
C'Mon Guys!!

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-24-2004, 12:06 PM
You beat merkel in a very close game. congratulations. but that is the same team Wylie blew completley out of the water. no offense to merkel

10-24-2004, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Black_Magic
Snyder Is 7-2 and is playing for the 4-3A district championship this week. Sweetwarer folks just cant take it that Snyder believes that they are the better team even though Sweetwater won in the last outing. Is it different from them saying they were better than wylie even though wylie beat them?? NO. Snyder can get at least a share of the district championship with a win friday and will be the #1 Seed in D2 from the district by winning by 5 or more.:D If you dont like it being said then tough!:D

Saying it is one thing but doing it is a whole different matter. This is big talk from a team that just barely squeeked by Merkel (Congradulations to the Badgers on a well-fought contest by the way). I guess we'll see Friday night.

10-24-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by Black_Magic
Snyder Is 7-2 and is playing for the 4-3A district championship this week. Sweetwarer folks just cant take it that Snyder believes that they are the better team even though Sweetwater won in the last outing. Is it different from them saying they were better than wylie even though wylie beat them?? NO. Snyder can get at least a share of the district championship with a win friday and will be the #1 Seed in D2 from the district by winning by 5 or more.:D If you dont like it being said then tough!:D

I think Sweetwaters defense about the Wylie game was that the game wasnt completely over until the final play. Sweetwater and Snyder wasnt close at all, thats why we think we are on the same level as Wylie. Snyder is not only playing for a piece of the district title for themselves, but also for Sweetwater too. I dont think Snyder will beat Wylie this year, especially in Wylie. But who knows what will happen.

10-24-2004, 08:19 PM
ok i think wylie will beat snyder and sweetwater wins out. ........................... district finnishes WYLIE #1 SWEETWATER#2 SNYDER#3

10-24-2004, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by tomlandry
ok i think wylie will beat snyder and sweetwater wins out. ........................... district finnishes WYLIE #1 SWEETWATER#2 SNYDER#3

Your a smart man Tom. I Still can't understand what Jerry Jones was thinking.

10-24-2004, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by Black_Magic
Sweetwarer folks just cant take it that Snyder believes that they are the better team even though Sweetwater won in the last outing. Is it different from them saying they were better than wylie even though wylie beat them??

We might have said we were a better team than Wylie after the game we lost to them, but we did play them a close game ya'll on the other hand got a beat like a red headed step child, and you have still not taken my advice that since ya'll didnt put up against Sweetwater you should shut up

10-24-2004, 10:29 PM
hey lobo12, who exactly have you guys beat this year, i haven't heard much bout the good ole lobos this year! maybe thats it you just haven't beat anybody thats worth a flip this year, didn't yall lose to c-city?

10-24-2004, 10:35 PM
we beat a good midland christian team, and i dont know where this is coming from i have not said we have had a great year, i just said sweetwater beat you and you need to get over it. but u know we lost 2 district games a couple of years ago and played someone in the playoffs i believe it was snyder my junior year who we werent even supposed to be on the same field with they were supposed to but we won and ended up going to the regional finals and losing to the state champion. go ahead and cound the loboes out

10-24-2004, 10:40 PM
just wondering but what brought monahans into this

10-24-2004, 10:42 PM
u got me

10-24-2004, 10:45 PM
hey stateboundWR#5 y arent u saying anything are u scared or something

10-24-2004, 10:47 PM
Anyone notice that no one from Snyder will respond to my comments

10-24-2004, 10:47 PM
ive noticed maybe there just scared

10-24-2004, 11:00 PM
This discussion went way off course. o well

10-24-2004, 11:06 PM
sorry guys i just dont understand how they can keep running there mouths toward sweetwater after yall beat them

10-25-2004, 09:36 AM
#1 Nobody put down sweetwater and Snyder has stated that they were better on that friday night.

#2 Snyder folks believe that they are a better team than sweetwater and say it . Is that running the mouth? No.

#3 Sweetwater say they are better than wylie even though they lost. By the way, Didnt Wylie fumble a snap on the sweetwater 4 or 5 as they were driving down the field and about to score puting the the game away early in the 4th? I believe that would have but them up by 2 TDs. Grace of God on that one ay?

Snyder Put more total yards on Sweetwater than Wylie did and scored more too. No recogition on that point???? So Snyder is way overrated... well that may be true. but to say that of a 7-2 fooball team that has played a tough schedule seems at least a little premature. I believe If snyder was to win its next game attitudes could change dramaticaly. If you think this is mouthing than thats fine. but if your going to come on here and ask why didnt snyder blow out someone in a condesending way then look for it back at you. As I remember People predicted a HUGE blowout (Sweetwater vs Clyde) and It didnt happen that way. Clyde scored more on Sweetwater than they did on snyder .nobody said why didnt Sweetwater beat tham by 5-6 TDs as predicted. A win is a win. If you think Snyder is a team to tuck tail and wimper away your dead wrong and you could find that out in an explosive way.