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View Full Version : BH 49 Splendora 0 Final

10-22-2004, 11:48 PM
Bh bounces back after a dissapointing loss last week, The Eagles started off the game as they left the huffman game playing poor Offense and fumbling away the ball twice. Then they got back on track and started moving the ball some. BH's starting QB got hurt in the third quarter and left the game with a shoulder injury of some kind. BH's back up came in and made our coaches change up the playes to something beside QB sneaks! The back up QB came in throwing the ball and handing it off to the actual RB and this opened up the offense which looked so much better than the first half IMHO. BH will play Tarkington next I think I will skip this game and goto the Huffman/Liberty game. GO LIBERTY :D

10-23-2004, 12:44 AM
Get ready for the Thundering Herd!! :D

10-23-2004, 12:46 AM
Barbers Hill had a great game tonight... maybe it's cause Splendora totally sucks... or our players were so pumped up b/c of last week's loss... but the boys did a good job.. sorry Chris about your shoulder... i hope it all gets better.. good luck next week at Tarkington kick some major butt...

10-23-2004, 12:49 AM
Is Daniels going to be ok?

10-23-2004, 12:53 AM

10-23-2004, 12:58 AM
Originally posted by Hupernikomen
Is Daniels going to be ok?

i hope so..... he seperated his shoulder... i think he'll be alright he's one of the toughest guys i know

10-23-2004, 06:50 AM
Originally posted by Hupernikomen
Is Daniels going to be ok?

I know this will get me bashed, but heck I am used too it!

Tonight when Chris got injured our back-up QB came in, who by the way is very capable, and it forced our offense to actually run an offense. I know that is hard to beleive, but it is true. We actually spread the ball around, threw some, ran some, QB keep some and totally dominated the second half. This is in no way saying Chris is not good, but man what a difference it makes when a defenseis sitting on a QB run play no longer has it coming every other down. Not to mention a balanced offensive attack.

My vote is to let the back-up stay in and put Chris at Full-Back. There going to get the poor guy hurt even more, as they did last year running him every freaking play. Yes, Chris is a tough son of a gun and plays hurt a lot. Recall last year: playing imeediately after having a colapsed lung and broken ribs.....geez....that is heart!

10-23-2004, 10:22 AM
Way to go Eagles way to bounce back after that loss. Congrats to #28 good job getting in the endzone. Glad to see him running the ball more.:clap: :clap:

10-23-2004, 10:57 AM
I thought it was great #12 got to go in last night. Don't get me wrong I did not want #11 to get hurt but give some of your other talent a chance. I agree with Jody on his point about the offense. It was great to see some other guys get to run the ball. I was very happy to see #28 and #82 get to score a touchdown. They deserved it. I thought #12 did a great job as moving the ball around and utilizing our running game. I only wish they would try to give the ball to #84 more. He can catch and run. As usual our defense played very well. I thought it was a great idea to let #44 call some plays since #35 will be gone next year he needs experince. He did a very good job and will be a great leader next year.