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10-21-2004, 08:31 AM
I have a story that I feel compelled to tell…

I was fortunate enough to attend the Astros series this weekend against the Cardinals. Great times, awesome environment. In my experience, Texas sports fans are pretty serious (see also Texas/A&M game). They love their teams and they love competition (see also Friday Night Lights, Varsity Blues). Being an LSU fan and attending games with 92,500 drunk fans, I can appreciate a competitive environment. Which is one of the many reasons that I love Houston and Texas. It’s similar in many ways. Having said that, Houston sports fans are serious, but never obnoxious…well, let me explain. Visiting team's fans usually catch a "ribbing", but its always in good fun. Most comments come with a smile and a slap on the back. I've been guilty of administering a good "Braves Suck!" or "Cowboys Suck!" or similar. But never to the point that I would threaten another fan regardless of the amount of alcohol involved.

Now that I've told that story….

I was fortunate enough to score tickets to the Yankees/Red Sox ALCS Game 6 last night in New York City. At least I thought that I was fortunate! Caught a series of 6 trains en route to Yankee Stadium/The Bronx. Trains full of drunken, obnoxious idiots pushing each other and talking trash like no other (Yankees and Sox fans). The smell of rotten subway mixed with cheap scotch and unbathed overweight men packed in a rolling sardine can was almost as much as I could stand. I overcame. Finally arriving at the stadium was a great relief. Still excited at the thought of attending my first game at Yankee Stadium, we fought our way past the 6000 ticket scalpers and fist fights (Yankees vs. Sox, Yankees vs. Yankees, Yankees vs. Anyone). On the way to our seats, we passed lots of "ribbing". It all seemed friendly (with a few unneeded expletives about each other's mothers). Before we reached our seats, I caught a few myself (I'm wearing an Astros cap). Stuff like "hey, here comes Backe!" or "Beltran's going to look good in pinstripes!" or "Astros?!?". My response "I'll see you on Saturday!". We get to our seats, its cold, its raining, but its Yankee Stadium, "the house that Ruth built" and the Yanks are playing the Sox in Game 6 of the 2004 ALCS. Every sports fan wants to be here. Right!?!

2 hours into this thing…I'm thinking "I like the Yankees much better on TV". You would not believe the crap that I saw at this game. I like to think that I seen a lot of stuff in my day, but this took the cake. It was like Civil War in that stadium. You were either for the Yankees or you should die…you and your mutha! These fans were the worst on the face of the earth. They hate everyone including their own….Real dialogue:

Fan (2nd Inning): "Come on, Johnny Lieba! Strike this bum out!" - in reference to David Ortiz who, btw, owns the Yankees, in case you didn't know.

The Pitch…called ball outside.
Fan: "Lieba, you suck! Pull'em Torre!"

Nice, huh? This is the tip of the iceberg!
Before the game even gets started. Yankees fans are spitting on Red Sox fans, pouring beer on them, taking their hats, beating them up in the bathrooms, screaming the most vulgar profanities that your ears have ever heard. Men and women alike. In my section, there were two female Red Sox fans…a male Yankees fan approaches them, takes one of their hats off of their head and throws into the lower deck. Then he takes her sign, "Do It Again, Big Papi" in reference to Ortiz (see above) and tears it into pieces. Awesome, huh? Can you see this happening at Minute Maid Park? There would be a cowboy arse-whoop going down, wouldn't there be?

As the game goes on…Yankees are losing and with this comes a whirlwind of spit and beer and fighting. Then they break out the weed. Fans (in my row) are smoking reefer like its nothing. They aren't hiding, not even trying. Beautiful! Does anyone say anything? Yeah…"Give me a hit!" Even better. I thought attending baseball games was something that you did with your kids! Wanna take your kids to this game?

I got harassed so much about my Astros hat that I started taking it off to go to the bathroom, as I was in fear of my life. These guys truly hate Clemens and Pettitte like its their jobs. These games are clearly a sport for them. Therapy, a way to release all of that pinned-up frustration of leaving the stinkiest, rat-infested cesspool in the world. I'm sure I could become one of these fans too if I had to live in the crap.

This e-mail doesn't put into words what I experienced/saw. This was the worst sporting experience of my life. Raining, weed-smoking, fighting, world class s&*t-talking, abuse of females and cops watching the whole thing. If you were watching the game, you would have seen the stupidity of the fans in the 8th inning when the umpires reversed overturned a call to send Jeter back to 1st and call A-Rod out for slapping the ball out of the pitchers hand. Cups, bottles, anything that could be thrown onto the field was….ridiculous. Did anyone get arrested??? Not that I could see.

I write all of this for a few reasons.

1. I can appreciate Schilling's comments ("There's nothing I would like more than to "shut up" 50,000 Yankees fans." - me, too!)
2. If we have to play the Yankees in the WS (please God, No!), don't visit Yankee Stadium! Its not worth it.
3. Help everyone appreciate what we have in Texas!

Proud to Live and Enjoy Sports in Texas!! Go Astros!

Ranger Mom
10-21-2004, 08:35 AM
I don't have anything to say but "WOW!!

I'm glad you made it out of there safely!!

10-21-2004, 08:42 AM
Welcome Home!!!!

10-21-2004, 08:43 AM
Before I read this post, I had no desire to ever visit New York. Now after reading it... I am even more steadfast against ever going there. We're pretty blessed to have lived (or to be living) in Texas, aren't we?

10-21-2004, 08:47 AM
Yeah! My ship went 2 NY in 1990 and it was so many people, and they were unfriendly as hell, I mean if you spoke to say "What zup! how u doing" they would literally think u meant disrespect, or wanted 2 fight by asking What zup, I know exaclty what you mean Dibol, and if U think Yankee stadium is bad, manne Try the Garden! Whew!:eek:

10-21-2004, 08:51 AM
Well all I know is that I have never lost anything up there and so I have no reason to ever go!!

pero chato
10-21-2004, 09:10 AM
This is why "Damnyankee" should be one word.

10-21-2004, 09:22 AM
Could this be another reason for the old Texas saying (refering to cutting off their oil & gas) "Freeze a Yankee in the dark"?:D :D
Glad you made it saftely out of there Lumberjack:)

AP Panther Fan
10-21-2004, 09:26 AM
Awesome story and very well written...thank you so much for sharing it. Sorry for the grief you had to endure.

It certainly made me appreciate my Texas Heritage:thumbsup:

10-21-2004, 10:02 AM
Ya mean to say that damnyankee is two words????????:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

10-21-2004, 11:05 AM
That is an amazing story! Thanks for sharing it! You should share this story with Beltran and maybe he'll stay where he is!

slpybear the bullfan
10-21-2004, 12:48 PM
I could not agree with this story more. I have the "displeasure" of visiting NYC in 2001. It is a sewer of a town. And I mean that literally. Nothing like the pervading smell of onions, pollution, dirty seawater, and urine... 24-7.

My favorite moment was sitting on the rail of the Ellis Island Ferry looking at the NYC Skyline and thinking... "Wow, if we just had about a 30~40 foot flood for about a week that town might be liveable."

My second favorite moment was sitting in the rental car with my wife and 18 mo. old daughter, driving 7 blocks to enter the Lincoln Tunnel and spending 2 1/2 hours to do so. Literally. 2 1/2 hours to drive seven blocks. While cabbies and everyday joes sat in the same traffic that was not moving and laid on their horns about every minute and yelled at me and everyone else, "move your F-ing car... come on you F-er..."

Weeds. Just a bunch of weeds.


ps - the weird part was that we drove about 30 miles outside of the sprawling sewer that is NYC and we found NY State to be a pretty nice place. And the folks up there were quick to differentiate themselves from the Big Rotten Apple.

10-21-2004, 01:04 PM
Give me southern hospitality anytime. Yes its a different culture in NYC.:cool:

10-21-2004, 01:17 PM
I've been to NYC twice :eek: and have found both visits alot of fun & didn't encounter too much of their hostility. Thank goodness. My first visit was pre 9/11 so things went pretty smoothly. Second visit was post 9/11 and we encountered lots of security measures. The funniest of which was the "search" to board the ferry to Liberty/Ellis Island. My cousin was there for about 20 minutes getting all of her jackets, sweaters, etc. searched for weapons. :rolleyes: She is maybe 5 feet tall and they viewed her as a security threat!! :D Too funny, of course, she was NOT laughing!! :mad: They were after all doing their job, but instead of being patient for their security measures they were getting mad at her for having on so much clothes in 40 degree weather!! Every time she had to pass thru the medal detectors it went off...finally she was standing there in her t-shirt, jeans and socks when she finally passed!! Good times!! :D :D

10-21-2004, 01:33 PM
Great story.

CHS_Grad '85
10-21-2004, 02:24 PM
:eek: Whoa... man I had watched that game on tv... saw where they had called NYPD onto the field with their riot gear and wondered what was going on in the stands... now I know... thanks for the insight...

The bad thing is that even though it maybe the worse in NY it's not the only place... I have met the guy who's in charge of security for all the stadiums in Houston and he has said that Texas fans are not the problem at the games... it's the out-of-state folks... even the Big 12 holds Texas & A&M as examples of the best behaved fans & security... I've heard other university directors ask how we do it... my response is the fans police themselves... we just have good folks with good sense...

Again, thanks for sharing...

10-21-2004, 02:43 PM
like the saying goes, "I was not born in Texas, but I got here as quick as I could" :evillaugh

10-21-2004, 02:47 PM
Heck, I had a great time when I went to Yankee stadium. It was the year they lost to the D-backs and it wasn't against Boston in the playoffs but it was awesome.

I only had to take one train up to the Bronx though. Did you take trains all the way from Diboll? As for the fans, that happens. I have seen batteries thrown on the field and honestly, while the umps got the calls right, if they would've gotten them right the first time, it wouldn't have been so bad.

The fans are definitely different down here, but I did get hit at a Cowboys game once by a drunk idiot who didn't like my Packers gear. It was the MNF game while Switzer was there and Boniol kicked 7 FG's. The guy got kicked out, but there are idiots everywhere.

Everybody hates the Yankees, but the Red Sox fans are just as obnoxious and when it happens in NY it gets blown out of proportion.

Go Astros...

10-21-2004, 02:55 PM
Dang, the original story by Lumberjack sounds more like Chicago. I have been to a couple of Cub and White Sox games while in Chicago and it seems like there have been fights in the stands every time. It is always a person wearing Cub clothing against and person wearing a White Sox hat.

Those people are crazy. But they do love their baseball so they can't be all bad.

10-21-2004, 05:36 PM
Thanks guy i apperciate the feedback. I recently had sent this so a sport colum which is why in there it said "email" i just thought i would let you guys in on it since my home downlow needed to hear it!

10-21-2004, 05:54 PM
Fans from Texas, in general, are the best.
Cool story.:cool:

10-22-2004, 04:07 PM
=] Oh yeah.

scrub c
10-22-2004, 04:27 PM
never been, wont ever go...