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View Full Version : Mission Statement/Rules of the board

10-16-2004, 08:03 PM
Mission Statement:

3A Downlow has been established to provide a forum for the discussion of Texas Class 3A high school sports and other topics as deemed acceptable by the site administrators and moderators. Our prime objective is to provide a clean, informative, and fun place for you to support your favorite team and to learn about other teams and towns across this great state. We hope you will find this site different from any other high school sports site you’ve ever visited.

Privacy Statement:
3ADownlow will never divulge your personal information to any organization outside of court ordered legal proceedings. We will not sell your email address or any other private information provided by you to anyone for any purpose without your permission.

General Information:

This rules page constitutes 3ADownlow's "terms of use". You must agree to it in order to post.

In order to maintain integrity of the board, we have established some simple and straight forward rules that must be followed by all members. It is important to remember that 3A Downlow is a privately owned membership-only organization. Freedom of speech may not apply here in all cases. Posting here is a privilege, not a right. We reserve the right to revoke your privileges at any time at our discretion. We reserve the right to edit, delete or remove your comments or threads as we deem necessary. Violations of these rules will generally draw a warning depending upon their severity (obviously, the "F" word WILL get you banned immediately without warning). Warnings will generally come via the Private Messaging System, but may be posted in open forum if your PM box is full or if you choose not to accept private messages. We have adopted a "three strikes and you're out" policy, (1 warning + 1 suspension= 2 strikes) so subsequent violations of any rules will eventually result in the termination of your posting privileges. (Three warnings or six points results in an automatic MINIMUM 7 day suspension) Disciplinary action moves users to one of two groups, Suspended Members (temporary) and Banned Members (temporary/permanent). Suspended Members will have the user title "Benched Player". Banned Members will have the user title "Ejected Player". Either action will result in the loss of all of your privileges, including the use of private messaging. 3A Down Low no longer accepts free email accounts for membership. You must have a valid paid email account to become a member. We monitor all accounts before a member makes their first post. Any new free email accounts discovered are subject to removal without further notification. 3ADownlow does not allow screen name changes. Once you come up with a screen name and register under it, you stay with that screen name. We no longer accept requests to change them. 3A Downlow can only govern this website. We are not responsible for the content of other websites that a link may be provided to. Federal law requires that we ascertain that a person is over the age of 13 or have parental/guardian permission to become a member. Falsification of that information is grounds for removal. Each member is held responsible for what happens under their username. It is recommended that you NEVER give anyone your password and that you "log out" when you leave the site. We retain the right to ammend or append these rules as we deem necessary.

Signatures (2 points)

Signatures are permitted, but are limited in size due to consideration for those members using slow computers and/or dial-up internet connections. Signatures should not be annoying. There are three physical sizes that are allowed. A rectangular signature of 550 pixels wide by 100 pixels high, a rectangular signature of 500 pixels wide by 150 pixels high or a rectangular signature of 400 pixels wide by 200 pixels high is the maximum size. Squares, therefore, can only be a maximum of 200x200. Either of the first two may be accompanied by a maximum of three lines of default sized text; pictures 200 high can contain one line of default sized text. Sigs that do not contain pictures may have up to six lines of default sized text. Animations are also allowed in signatures, but overall file size is limited to a maximum of 150,000 bytes. One picture per signature only. In all cases, these limitations are now non-negotiable. Do not include political statements/pictures in your signatures. All signature content is subject to moderator or admin approval at all times, and all board rules apply. If you are notified to change your signature for whatever reason, please do so immediately. Failure to comply will result in the deletion of your signature. Repeated violations could result in termination of your posting priviledges. If sigs get out of hand, they can be disabled completely.

Rules of the board: Note: These rules apply to every facet of 3ADownlow, usernames, posts, signatures, avatars, chatroom, pictures, links, private messages, EVERYTHING. If it's posted on 3ADownlow, these rules are enforced. All Moderators and Administrators are empowered to use their own judgement. Be aware that disciplinary actions are a private matter between the leadership and those who are disciplined. Our policy is not to discuss these matters with anyone.

1). Keep it clean. (3 points)

Vulgarity, profanity, sexually explicit/sexually suggestive language and/or pictures, gay references, and racial remarks will not be tolerated. Your posts will be monitored and evaluated based on both language and context, so even if you substitute characters for certain letters, it may be the MEANING that counts.

2). Illegal activity topics are forbidden. (2 points)

Topics and comments involving the promotion, sale, participation, or distribution of illegal substances and/or activities are forbidden. Examples of this are illegal drugs, underage drinking, and gambling activities. Under no circumstances will 3ADownlow be used to facilitate illegal activities of ANY kind. We intend to set a good example. (Items in the news may be excluded, but not necessarily and may depend upon the content or the direction the discussion takes.)

3). Do not engage in personal attacks and/or threats. (2 points)

This is NOT a smack site. We are not here to air personal vendettas. Bashing of students/athletes (grades 12 & under) will NOT be tolerated. Avoid using other members' real names in your posts(without their permission). Do not engage in name calling and the use of derogatory terms toward others. That attaches a personal flavor that most posters will find objectionable. Try reversing the roles and see how you would feel if someone said it to you or about your child. Personal attacks or threats, if reported, in posts, signatures, PM's, open chat, or chat IM's may warrant warning, suspension or banning, subject to Administrator discretion. At 3A Downlow, we also tend to frown upon posts that attack the integrity of school systems and coaches. Use intelligence & wit. If all you have to offer is the tired old rah rah stuff, the vets on this site will tire of you quickly. Be prepared to offer facts and statistics to back up your claims.

4). No political/religious topics. (2 points)

Political topics involving American political parties and their current candidates for office (or those already elected and/or currently serving) and religious topics are forbidden. Both of these generally invoke problems and sometimes cause hard feelings.

5). Obey instructions from Moderators and Administrators. (3 points)

We do not allow posters to question the motivation or integrity of our leaders in an open thread. If you have a problem with a Moderator, address your concerns to that Moderator via our Private Messaging System. If you cannot reach an accord, your only option is to appeal to the board’s owners (listed below) via the Private Message system, email, or the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of any page.

6). Do not divulge contents of Private Messages. (2 points)

Private messages are meant to be private, do not post private messages you receive in an open thread. You may, however report abuse to the board leadership/owners via the Private Message facility or the "Contact Us" link at the bottom of any page.

7). Use of the phrase "Official 3ADownlow......" (2 points)

It is the policy of the board leadership to disallow any poster from using this phrase in a thread title or post without the expressed permission of a simple majority of the leadership group (5 out of 9 have to agree).

8). Links to other high school sports sites prohibited without permission. (2 points)

Our policy is to disallow links to other sites in direct competition with 3ADownlow regardless of location or classification. Please do not post such links in an open thread or in your signatures. If you need to post such a link, please contact an administrator. 3ADownlow has a dedicated links page on our website, and we will post your link on there provided you reciprocate for us on your site.

9). DO NOT Copy and Paste Premium Content From Other Sites in an Open Forum. (2 points)

If the content is premium on another site it's premium for a reason, it is the copyright content of the author and publisher. If posted on an open forum this can expose 3ADL to potential litigation. In all cases, if you want to discuss copyrighted content please post a link to the content. If you copy and paste content, it may be removed and you may be banned without warning at the mod's or Admin's discretion. You can paraphrase or summarize the points of the content in your own words, but you cannot copy and paste copyrighted material.

10). No commercial advertising without admin approval. (2 points)

3A Downlow does not allow commercial advertising of any kind without prior administrator approval and proper fees paid. Any unauthorized advertisers found on our site are subject to immediate removal without notice.

11). Do not intentionally post false information. (3 points)

Many people rely on information presented here. To preserve the integrity, reputation and credibility of 3A Downlow, intentionally misleading information will not be tolerated in game update threads or score threads even if done as a “joke”. This is particularly forbidden in the case of the reporting of scores.

In summary, keep it clean and have fun.
Welcome to the board. Enjoy your stay. We hope you find our board a delightfully fun place to be, and one you aren't ashamed to share with your family.

Leadership of the board:

Board Owners are : "Administrator", "sinton66", "Old Green", and "WOS87"

Moderators are:"Ranger Mom", "LH Panther Mom", "Slpybear The Bullfan", "44INAROW", and "zebrablue2"