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10-11-2004, 09:27 AM
It's a big game and it's fair week. Anyone want to make a prediction? It looks like it could be a great game.

Tiger Turtle
10-11-2004, 09:45 AM
Bellville appears to be improving the last couple of weeks, while Sealy is coming off a ragged performance against an outmanned Hempstead team. Outcome unpredictable at this point. Sealy had a long-time very popular teacher pass away suddenly on Friday, which may have affected the team's focus. This is a true rivalry game where records mean very little in a year where neither team is clearly dominant. Should be a dogfight in the pasture.

10-11-2004, 10:05 AM
wasn't the score 35-14 ... that doesn't sound very ragged. Sounds like both teams have started to get it together.

10-11-2004, 01:03 PM
What are the teams records?

10-11-2004, 01:19 PM
Bellville is 3-3. Sealy is 4-2 I think, I could be wrong.

This may be a bold statement at this point in the season, but in my opinion, the way the district is setting up, this is a must win game for both of these teams if they wish to go to the playoffs. Again, I know alot can happen, but Bellville matches up very poorly against both Rice and Navasota, and I'm not sure Sealy can handle those two teams either, although I think they matchup better against Navasota.

I'll have more later along with my prediction.

Tiger Turtle
10-11-2004, 02:45 PM
Hempstead led Sealy 13 - 0 until the second quarter and Sealy ran back an interception for the last TD. From where I sit (48 yard line, top row in the reserved section) it looked like Sealy was mostly sleepwalking. They woke up enough to put the Bobcats away in the late 3rd and early 4th quarter, but they have played much better in most of their games. I agree, this is a must win for both teams if they want to get into the playoffs.

10-11-2004, 03:18 PM
Wouldn't it be great to schedule this game every year during Fair? I send my symathies to te Sealy school and community on the loss of a beloved educator. That had to be tough on the players. I have no predictions; this seems like a year that is completely unpredictable. I know both teams could use the win, but Fair Week is tough. Please make your curfews, Brahmas, and stay focused!! Go Bulls!!!

10-11-2004, 05:38 PM
Big game for both schools! Great rivalry for 2 schools with strong winning traditions. Bellville is coming off a solid win, where they played an almost perfect half of football. The offense stayed focused and eliminated those costly mental errors. The defense played solid but needs to get better against the running game. I'm going with the Bulls, they have tasted victory 3 times in a row and are improving with each game. Go Bulls!! :flamingma :flamingma :flamingma :flamingma

10-12-2004, 07:24 AM
It is no doubt a big district game for both Bellville and Sealy mainly because of playoff ramifications. The winner will have a great shot at winning three district games. And very few people think they have a chance against neither Rice nor Navasota. That being the case, other than prestige the playoffs mean very little to the two Austin County teams. I for one can’t get very excited about either Bellville or Sealy in the playoffs because neither appears to have the type of team that will make a big splash there.

10-12-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by Tiger Turtle
Hempstead led Sealy 13 - 0 until the second quarter and Sealy ran back an interception for the last TD. From where I sit (48 yard line, top row in the reserved section) it looked like Sealy was mostly sleepwalking. They woke up enough to put the Bobcats away in the late 3rd and early 4th quarter, but they have played much better in most of their games. I agree, this is a must win for both teams if they want to get into the playoffs.

By just looking at the stats of the game it seems that the Sealy defense was definitely not sleep walking. Are you a fan or a fair weather fan? You are probably rooting for the Astros today, but weren't until the 8th inning last night.

10-12-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by scotty
I for one can’t get very excited about either Bellville or Sealy in the playoffs because neither appears to have the type of team that will make a big splash there.

Did you think that the 2002 Bandera team would make a splash in the playoffs. Also, both Marlin and Atlanta (the Div. 2 State finalist) had a few losses to good teams in preseason play last year. All three of Bellville's losses come to teams that have one loss or are undefeated. Many people knew that coming into this season the Brahmas might lose a few games in the preseason due to the amount of young players starting and the lack of expierence. With three wins now, they are starting to gain confidence and play as a team and we will see how far it takes them.

Tiger Turtle
10-12-2004, 11:27 AM
I haven't missed a Sealy home game since 1982, and only three road games during that period. Just because you are objective about the team's performance doesn't make you a fair weather fan. Hanging around the coaching staff during our four in a row (and five finals in six) run helps you learn to tell when things are being done the way they are supposed to be. Raving on the DL about the team's performance during ragged games does the team no good. Do you think the coaching staff was pleased with the game? Check with Scotty and Fullhouse and get their assessment. Also consult Pud and some of the other longtime realistic posters who aren't afraid to admit things didn't go real well during a particular game. Supporting the program through thick and thin is one thing - deceiving yourself that things are wonderful when they are struggling is another.

10-12-2004, 12:23 PM
I pulled for the Astros all the way, but I also felt that if they couldn't get six out of Oswalt their bullpen wasn't good enough to give them a win. Oswalt went six and the Astor batters found a bullpen that was very touchable and cashed in. The bullpen came through for the Stros and all this excites me.
I saw that Bandera team beat both Rice and Bellville. They had a great quarterback, tight end, recievers and a pile-driving fullback. And on top of that they were coached to the hilt. It looked as though anything Bellville tried they knew it was coming and stopped it, especially late in the game...great coaching.
I would love to see either or both Bellville and Sealy make such a run this year. But I can also see a great big difference between that Bandara team and the ones Bellville and Sealy are fielding this time around.

10-12-2004, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Tiger Turtle
Hanging around the coaching staff during our four in a row (and five finals in six) run helps you learn to tell when things are being done the way they are supposed to be.

That sounds like a jab at the coaches. were you a coach that won four in arow? It seems that Sealy had several young men go play college football during that great run, but not so many now. That must be coaching too.

10-12-2004, 05:30 PM
I think Bellville has finally figured out how to optimize the talent they have while Sealy has just looked blah. I think both teams are preparing as though this game will make or break their playoff hopes, although I still feel the loser has a great shot to beat Navasota. Its a rivalry game so it will be close and Ill give Bellville the nod by 4.

10-13-2004, 09:01 AM
I have some sentiment for both teams, but of course am behind the Brahmas solidly. Sounds like the baby Bulls are growing up faster than the Tigers are developing, to read this board. That said, the Brahmas could beat Sealy and stay in the race. The junior high teams spanked Sealy last night. If we can stay focused and the coaches call the players at curfew time, Bellville can keep winning. The defense needs to step it up and eat more (my mantra). I like our offense, a lot. It's entertaining for someone with a short attention span! Good Luck to both teams and I pray for an injury-free game. Go Brahmas!!

10-13-2004, 09:17 AM
This is one of the great rivalries in the state. How about a little research from you Sealy and Bellville fans. How long have these two teams been playing? What is the series record between the two? NFL players from the series?

10-13-2004, 11:23 AM
'BlueBlood': I don't have the stats in front of me for the series, but I'm sure someone can post them, or I will post them later. I do know Bellville has a considerable lead in the all-time series.

Very important and intersesting week for these two teams for various reasons. 1.) The Austin Co. Fair is always a distraction to that game week. Regardless of what coaches may tell you, or players may think, it is a distraction, and always will be. If it fell earlier, these teams could schedule Bye Week, but with district here, there's not much you can do. I like the fact that both teams are involved, so hopefully it will cancel out. 2.) This is a huge rivalry, as someone stated, one of the biggest and oldest in the state. While these teams respect each other, there is some bad blood between the two, and some unfortunate incidents have come up in the past. 3.) And certainly the most important... in my opinion, although it is early, this is a must win for both of these teams if they want to be a serious playoff contender.

Rice's domination of Navasota put them in the driver's seat of D20. Bellville has to travel to Rice the final week and lacks the size to matchup against the Raiders. Sealy may be able to contain Huffman somewhat, but don't think they have the offense to be able to beat Rice. Navasota is probably a bit shell-shocked, but they are still a very good football team. Bellville has matchup problems against them as well. Sealy has a chance against the Rattlers, but they don't want to be in a must win situation that final week vs. Navasota. Hempstead could possibly play spoiler with their athletic ability, but it's looking like the game in Bellville friday will be the all important 3rd place game in D20.

Sealy has underachieved if you look at alot of the pre-season predictions. They return many starters, but haven't been able to put it together. The defense has always played well, and appears to be again this year, but from what I hear, the offense has had struggled. They always have athletes. The past few years they haven't had the athletes to keep up with Bellville, but this year I think they can match up with them in that dept. If Sealy wants to win they have to hold on to the ball, and keep the small Brahma defense on the field. They have a significant advantage in the Special Teams dept., and Brantley's foot will play a huge part if this game plays out like I expect.

Bellville isn't the team of the past 3 years, but a brutal pre-district schedule, and 3 wins in a row has made this team better, and they're peaking at the right time. Confidence is something this young team feeds off of. They have athletes, no doubt. Several guys on the field can break one on any given play. They'll need Sanders to step up and make plays like he has all year. If he can have a big game, and Pope can have success against a Tiger D that is usually vulnerable to the pass, Bellville can win this game.

I expect both teams to make mistakes, it will be the team that capitalizes of the other's mistakes that wins the game. The fire will be there, no doubt about that in this type of rivalry. I think field position will be huge, and Sealy has a big advantage over Bellville because of Brantley. On a neutral site, I think Sealy is a touchdown better, but given it's fair week, and that this game is being played at the Pasture, I'll take Bellville to sneak away with a win....

Bellville 21
Sealy 17

10-13-2004, 12:11 PM
It will be a higher scoring game than that. Both teams lack defense. Although I give Bellville advantage on defense. I didn't know any team could be down 14-0 to hempstead in 3A.

Bellville 48
Sealy 27

Tiger Turtle
10-13-2004, 12:21 PM
Sealy got down to Hempstead mainly through a couple of early special teams gaffes. The bobcats never really threatened after the first quarter. The defense has played pretty well so far, but the offense has been inconsistent. Lacking the breakaway threat the Tigers have had since the mid-90's, they have been depending on ball control and a possession passing game that has been up and down. The fair week distractions are always a consideration in this game. I think the coaches liked it better whent they were able to play the last week and the ramifications were clearer. The braggin' rights aspect of the rivalry are never lost on the kids.

10-13-2004, 01:15 PM
Originally posted by OldBrahma04
I didn't know any team could be down 14-0 to hempstead in 3A.

Hempstead is better than you think this year.

10-13-2004, 01:18 PM
Bellville may lead the series, but Sealy's championship run was one of the best in high school football. Somebody should of wrote a book about those great Tiger years of the past. Eric Dickerson is the biggest star to come out of Sealy. Bellville can boast about Ernie and Ted Koy, Willie Zapalac, Ken Hackemack and Hunter Goodwin. All of these former Brahmas went on to play in the NFL. One incredible thing about Sealy's glory days, alot of the players didn't even get college scholarships. Great coaching, discipline and playing great as a team were the ingredients for those winning teams. There is a great mutual respect from both teams and towns. There were alot of Sealy fans supporting Bellville during the last couple of play-off runs.

strike hard
10-13-2004, 02:52 PM
I was at the Sealy vs. Hempstead game the other night, and Sealy is going to do what they do alot of times run the ball and run the clock out. Yall might want to watch out for Hempstead when you play them, this is a totally different team than you will remember from the past. They are a better disciplined ball club over all except for all of the trash talking. I think early in the game alot of the Sealy players got caught up in all of the trash talk from Hempstead, and that got them away from their game plan. Some of the Sealy players just worried about getting back at the Hempstead players for the things they were saying. Hempstead will look pretty good in the first half when you play them, but later in the game the other teams will ware them down because they have alot of kids going both ways. Sealy kept pounding the ball up the middle and out wide, and after they scored late in the third quarter to go ahead 14-13 the Hempstead players were so worn out that they just gave up. Oh ya when you go play in Sealy watch out for the score board keeper he will help out the tigers. The other night Hempstead was up 13-6 right before half and I looked at the clock when Hempstead had the ball their was :39 ticks left, and Hempstead had to give up the ball then me and the other two guys I was with looked at the score board when the tigers got the ball and they had 1:20 on the clock. So if your playing in sealy watch for that, you will see what I am talking about. Anyways to the Sealy vs. Bellville game. I believe this is going to be one heck of a game, at least I hope so I will be there scouting. The only advantage that i see in this game goes to Bellville, and thats because the game is at their place. Other than that I think both teams match up very well aginst each other. It will be a great game to go see.

Good luck Rattlers represent Navasota well GO BIG BLUE!!!!
Strike fast, Strike hard, and often

10-13-2004, 08:26 PM
I think the "bad blood" you refer to 22, is about gone. Left in its place is a true rivalry and mutual respect between programs. I never thought I'd say that, but I've come to appreciate Sealy's program and tradition of excellence. In terms of the coming game, either team could be ahead at the last buzzer. Both teams have struggled, neither has strong defense, so it may be a battle of the offenses and who makes fewer mistakes. That said, I hope it's a fun game, a great memory for the seniors, and there are no injuries! Go Brahmas!

10-13-2004, 10:23 PM
Both teams have struggled, neither has strong defense, so it may be a battle of the offenses and who makes fewer mistakes


I will agree with you on the fact that both teams have struggled at times, and that the team that makes the fewest mistakes will win. Having said that, I will have to disagree with you that neither has a strong defense. Bellville always plays strong defense, and while they started out slowly, they have come on as of late. As for Sealy, their defense has been strong all year. I think I saw in the Houston Chronicle that their defense is only giving up like 169 yards per game. In addition, they did limit Cuero to only 20 points earlier in the year (which is the most points Sealy has allowed in a game all year). Now, I'm not saying that Sealy will win, but I think it's incorrect to say that neither team has a strong defense, especially not Sealy.

Oh yeah, I went to the Junior high games the other night in Bellville to get a preview for Friday night and the future Friday nights, and to me, it looked like Sealy was playing against 15 out there on the field for most of the night. Did y'all get booster club members to officiate the games? Anyways, good luck to both teams this week, and for the rest of the season.

10-14-2004, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by 28OptionOn2
Did y'all get booster club members to officiate the games?

I think the outcome has more to do with the fact that all of Bellville's Junior High teams have lost 1 or 2 games combined.

10-14-2004, 04:48 PM
28Option: Nope, no Booster Club members. Our 8th grade teams were combined for a lot of talent as Sealy only fielded one 8th grade team due to academics; I did notice one particular incident during the 8th grade game where a Sealy player was holding, a Bellville player took offense, a struggle ensued where someone could've gotten hurt, and the referees did an excellent job of handling a volatile situation. In terms of the varsity,it will probably be a long time before I am satisfied with Brahma defense again, a personal issue. However, I can objectively say that our defense is smaller than it has been in many years. That always worries me. Our team has come on, they get better every week and I am very proud of them. They have the heart it takes to succeed. It will be an exciting game tomorrow night. GO BULLS!

10-14-2004, 04:52 PM
Go Bellville, beat the Tigers!!!!

Go Raiders!!!:cheerl: :cheerl: :cheerl:

10-14-2004, 11:52 PM
Good luck to both teams. Hopefully the players didn't eat too much cotton candy at the Fair. Go Bulls!!:flamingma :flamingma :flamingma :flamingma :flamingma

10-15-2004, 10:32 AM
Bellville 27
Sealy 24