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View Full Version : SLPYBEAR WEEKLY POLL -- Week #8 -- No Pass ~ No Play

slpybear the bullfan
10-10-2004, 09:06 PM
This Week's Poll...

We have now had our first six week grading semester come and go and the effects of no-pass , no-play are being felt at some schools around the state.

Sleepy bear would like to know, what do you think about it? Is it too harsh? or can we change it up a little?

As always, polls should close on Friday...

Last Week's Poll...

Last week we asked what folks thought about the number of teams that make the playoffs. It was a good turnout, with 53 votes. 20 folks said to just take the top 2 teams and send one DI and one D2. There were sixteen folks who just said, "leave it the way it is..."

For complete week 7 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=20218)
For complete week 6 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19648)
For complete week 5 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=19243)
For complete week 4 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18802)
For complete week 3 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18431)
For complete week 2 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=18150)
For complete week 1 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17852)
For complete week 0.2 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17671)
For complete week 0.1 results click here... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17546)
For a Summary of the 2003 Poll Results, click here.... (http://bbs.3adownlow.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=17444)

As always, I welcome your thoughts and suggestions.


10-10-2004, 09:10 PM
I recently learned that here in california that the no pass- no play is based on GPA.. if a player's GPA is lower then 1.5 for a grading period then he is not elligable..

I thought that was different and figured i would share

10-10-2004, 09:11 PM
If you can't make a freakin' C in any high school class... then you're just not applying yourself.
It's not like most teachers want to fail students. Most teachers want their kids to TRY AND GIVE SOME EFFORT IN THEIR STUDIES.
Keep no-pass no-play as is.

10-10-2004, 09:13 PM
I think the last option will work... I agree with no pass no play, education is the most important thing here, but when some of these really good kids fail and can't play for three weeks or whatever, they lose interest in football, the only thing making them want to pass in the first place, and their grades may go down the tube even more...

I dunno, very good topic...

10-10-2004, 09:19 PM
They already have a three week time frame to get the grade(s) back up. I say leave it "as is" and keep on encouraging kids to do their best. As long as you put forth effort, there's almost no way you can fail.

Old Green
10-10-2004, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
They already have a three week time frame to get the grade(s) back up. I say leave it "as is" and keep on encouraging kids to do their best. As long as you put forth effort, there's almost no way you can fail. I agree, It's not hard to pass. They have already lowered it from six weeks to three weeks several years ago.

10-11-2004, 01:23 AM
Every kid with just some effort can at the least pass.... if they can't pass the 'watered down', low expectations of many of our high schools, then they most definitely should not play.
As some other poster said.. most teachers will gladly reward a kid that might not have the mental capacity but he puts forth the effort, pays attention, does the work, ect... they most likely will do everything they can to pass the kid.

I believe our atheletes are some of our best and brightest but oftentimes we sell them short by not expecting their best in the classroom.....as we do of their performance on the field!

Hawk Fan Izzy
10-11-2004, 01:46 AM
The rules, I believe, are not harsh enough. In most high schools, we've created an enviroment where students feel they are superior to others just because of their athletic achievements. Hell, even in an 0-10 school, the jocks physically and psychologically dominate their more intellectual classmates.

High School is about education. Football is second.

10-11-2004, 08:12 AM
if you cant pass high school classes then how do you have no business playing sports...high school is NOT that hard...heck, i made it thru with a 4.01...

Bandera YaYa
10-11-2004, 10:47 PM
I agree......I for one, don't want more dumb jocks out in the world , thinking the whole world owes them something because they can catch a ball....... :D :D:eek:

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-12-2004, 12:22 AM
Keep it the same. Like another poster said, it used to be 6 weeks. That was the deal when I was in school and let me tell you, Kids passed or they were out for the season.

With the 3 week suspension, suppose the knuckleheads mess up like so many do, at least they can still have an impact with the team after they get the grade up.

10-13-2004, 09:09 AM
The rule is good like it is. 3 week period has enough bite to it to hurt but still leaves a glimmer of opportunity for most sports.

slpybear the bullfan
10-13-2004, 12:20 PM
Wow.... 82 responses and it just wednesday...

10-13-2004, 09:30 PM
Keep it the same... if a kid can apply that much time and effort to football basketball or whatever the UIL thing in question should be, then there is NO reason at all they cant make a 70 or higher in a class. I know our teachers are getting a lot tougher when it comes to students grades and I am proud that Caldwell only lost one player to grades! But heres another question for yall.... do you think teachers that are also coaches pass their players but not others??? Ponder that one!

LH Panther Mom
10-13-2004, 09:33 PM
Good teachers, whether coaches are not, will treat all kids the same when grading.

10-13-2004, 09:36 PM
Some coaches might, but they probably don't get away with it for long. Most communities would sense something wrong.

10-14-2004, 07:43 AM
No, I dont think a teacher passes a kid just because he is an athlete. Most of the teachers here will pass a student if he puts forth and effort to pass the class. Not because he or she is an athlete because they would od this for any student

10-14-2004, 11:41 AM
I helped pass a fair share of my teammates back when I played an easy way to make a pretty penny and keep our football team winning

10-14-2004, 12:16 PM
Some students last year believed some of our coaches*that arent with us anymore* were passing their players and not some others.... I dont know if it was true or not.... just wanted to see what you think your schools coaches do.

10-17-2004, 02:57 AM
our teachers got mad at our coaches and would often not pass them or give them any extra cushion