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View Full Version : snyder 45, clyde 6 final

10-08-2004, 10:00 PM
snyder 45
clyde 6

10-08-2004, 10:03 PM
no suprise there

pero chato
10-08-2004, 10:50 PM
Looks like Snyder is back on track.

10-08-2004, 11:04 PM
huh how bout that.

Da Mules
10-08-2004, 11:09 PM
Reality check for Clyde.. anybody wanting out of R1 will have to reckon with Snyder this year

10-08-2004, 11:12 PM
Snyder is looking pretty tough. I hope Sweetwater can get back on the winning track against them next Friday!

Da Mules
10-08-2004, 11:14 PM
tough loss Stangs. I really thought your stangs were gonna handle Wylie, but they're still gonna make the playoffs, i bet.

10-08-2004, 11:15 PM
Sweetwater and SNyder in the bowl is always a classic, no scratch that, Sweetwater and Snyder anywhere is a classic for these two rivals I guarantee you it will be a great game

Black & Gold
10-09-2004, 01:43 AM
The Tigers pulled off another one. Good job guys!!! Sweetwater and Wylie was a good one. Wylies defense is for real. The big game is coming up next week. Strap up and hold on cause it's gonna be a rough one.

10-09-2004, 01:54 AM

10-09-2004, 11:10 AM
Snyder was up 27-0 at half. They had 535 yards Total Offense!!!! So much for Clyde having the best Defense . Dee walker had a huge game with 265 yards Rushing . That Gives him over 1180 for the year and I believe makes him the leading Rusher in the State in 3A at this point. Matt Reigh had 109 yards passing and 2 TDs (77 of that going to Castillo). The Tigers held Clyde to under 75 yards total Offense and Did shut out Clyde. Clyde's only score came on a fumble recovery for a TD when snyder had the #2s in the 4th quarter. Snyders Frosh Middle linebacker returned an intercepted pass for 103 yards on the 2 pt conversion. I was Suprised at the mouthing done during the game by Clydes players. Clydes coaches I understand are a class act . They had a few that threw some cheap shots and alot of racial remarks . I guess they were frustrated big time. Snyder Cramed the ball down thier throat most of the night. Great job by the O line! I Hope they can keep the momentum going into Sweetwater. If they do, It could lead to a District championship showdown in week 9 (Snyder has an off week in week 10) at Wylie.

oh well
10-09-2004, 12:16 PM

Snyder 14
Clyde 0

Snyder 13
Clyde 0

Snyder 7
Clyde 0

Snyder 11
Clyde 6

Snyder 45
Clyde 6

LH Panther Mom
10-09-2004, 12:23 PM
Originally posted by Black_Magic
Dee walker had a huge game with 265 yards Rushing . That Gives him over 1180 for the year and I believe makes him the leading Rusher in the State in 3A at this point.

Actually, there's someone from Carthage who had 1,419 yds after the games on 10/1.

10-09-2004, 01:25 PM
Thanks Black Magic for the stats. I looked in Abilene Reporter and there was just the score. Was very curios of total yards etc. Snyder is going to be tougher than I gave them credit for. Wished I could go to this weeks game at the bowl. Will be another exiting game.

Chief Woodman
10-09-2004, 01:29 PM
Looks like another stellar performance by the "Iron Curtain"

10-09-2004, 03:16 PM
funny thing is everyone was sayin snyder by 14 or snyder may put up 21 and that clyde would be more intense than snyder, haha in more intense are you meaning talking more crap as if they were stompin a mud hole in us, and im not just talkin bout the first of the game but im talkin the fourth quarter when it was like 45-0, or making more cheap shots, because that was about all that i saw last night... and i thought that their defense was supposed to be big and bad well ok maybe they are big and bad compared to some 2a team, i cant wait to see what sweetwater or wylie does to them! we may be 1-0 but that doesnt mean that we cant be beat, we have been waitin a year for this next friday and the time has come we will have to out work them this next week, and see what happens on friday.

10-09-2004, 05:24 PM
I picked Snyder by 21. I thought I was being a little generous, but I wanted to give the Clyde boys the benefit of the doubt considering some of the grief that I took for saying that their defense was not as salty as they thought. Too bad....you know if some of those Clyde boys had not been so mouthy about how good their defense was....I think that they would have gotten alot more support on the board for their cause. I know that I always root for the underdog and was hoping that Clyde could have a great season. They still can....but they are going to have to step it up because Sweetwater and Wylie are in the same league that Snyder is....It will be interesting as the season progresses if some of the more.....vocal....of the Clyde fans will be just as vocal in eating their crow like men.

10-09-2004, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by Black_Magic
I was Suprised at the mouthing done during the game by Clydes players. Clydes coaches I understand are a class act . They had a few that threw some cheap shots and alot of racial remarks .

Not sure where you get your information. BUT CLYDE HASN'T had any discipiline the last 2 years. for some of the coaches it's ALL about who you are and not what you do. that starts at the top.

10-09-2004, 10:54 PM
well that was the most disapointing part of the game. there was no need to cheap shot or mouth at the Tigers. It could have been Much worse that it was. Dee Walker had 265 yards in 3 quarters Vs the "Iron Curtan". They pulled off the entire 4th quarter.

10-11-2004, 12:31 PM
too bad that happened. We aren't used to that kind of behavior.

10-12-2004, 11:12 AM
Most of the people that are talking about Clyde cheap shoting and mouthing werent down on that feild. Snyder is the bigest cheap shoting team Clyde has played all year. Dont be crying about it, its part of football. If you cant take it, you shouldnt be playing.

10-12-2004, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by BigAbe79
Most of the people that are talking about Clyde cheap shoting and mouthing werent down on that feild. Snyder is the bigest cheap shoting team Clyde has played all year. Dont be crying about it, its part of football. If you cant take it, you shouldnt be playing. Well Big Abe. I think Snyder took all you could dish out and stuffed it back in your face:eek: So I think you guys had the crying to do if any.
You dont need to be "on the field " to know if something happens. Anytime you see one of our running backs on the ground after the play is dead and A clyde kid is Punching him in the jaw ( I hear it is on film clearly), I think its a Cheap shot. The officals them selves came to Snyders sideline and said the bad stuff was not instigated by snyder but only being responded too by our players. your center was nothing but cheapshots all night. D angelo Davis ( a black kid ) was Called "nigger" several times. several of our hispanic kids were continualy being called Mexicans or "Mescans" as it was phrased. According to our players they are some of the most cheap shotting and mouthing guys we have ever seen. I understand where it may come from because Clyde has very few minorities but you should learn otherways to vent your frustrations other than racial remarks and throwing punches after the play is done.

10-12-2004, 12:11 PM
i know a lot of trash talk takes place and that's just part of football but

the racial stuff is unexceptable.........

we do have minorities. they are usually very close bunch of kids. this isn't what clyde is about.

i'm not sure where any of that came from. but not good at all.

pero chato
10-12-2004, 12:54 PM
It's a shame that it only takes a relative few players to tarnish the image and accomplishments of a team. I wasn't at the game but it does sound like it got a little ugly. I'd like to see ALL trash talking, especially the racial stuff, go away and not be part of the game. Nothing wrong with a celebrating a good hit or a great catch, but there really is no need to taunt the opposing players. I know a lot of people from Clyde and I know the cheap shots and racial slurs are unacceptable and does not represent their school or community.

10-12-2004, 02:35 PM
Originally posted by pero chato
It's a shame that it only takes a relative few players to tarnish the image and accomplishments of a team. I wasn't at the game but it does sound like it got a little ugly. I'd like to see ALL trash talking, especially the racial stuff, go away and not be part of the game. Nothing wrong with a celebrating a good hit or a great catch, but there really is no need to taunt the opposing players. I know a lot of people from Clyde and I know the cheap shots and racial slurs are unacceptable and does not represent their school or community.

no it's not... hopefully they will take this off week and get back to what's important!

10-13-2004, 11:01 AM
Black_Magic.....Im asking you a question WERE YOU ON THE FEILD. Were you even at the game? How do you know if we were making racial comments? Do you know if they were cheapshoting and talking first? NO, you dont. So shut up and quit talkin crap about things you heard from other people.

10-13-2004, 11:10 AM
Yes i was there and yes I heard it and yes it is on film. The officials came to the sideline and told the Snyder coaches that our side was not instigating the incidents but were responding to them. Our local TV station even had a Clyde player kicking a snyder player in the head and he is speaking out on this board now. What cheap shots are you talking about I saw nothing on film from Snyder. You know what Im talking about so deal with it You know your one of them.

10-13-2004, 11:16 AM
Just got this in a PM thought I would share with the Clyde faithful. I guess I better be quiet huh. Also got a nice one from Renegade dog thanks for the reply dog

Author Message

Registered: Aug 2004
Posts: 46
got a problem
You need to shut your mouth before i find u and break your neck.

10-13-2004, 12:09 PM
just to clarify... mine was uhhhh a little more constructive.
thank ya Black Magic... enjoyed yours also.

come on abe.... show some class. you never know who's watching. focus on the rest of the season. put this behind you and move forward. go dogs...

10-13-2004, 12:13 PM
Big Abe...i think the only thing you should worry about breaking is the lil loosing streak that yall have that will prolly only continue to grow

10-13-2004, 01:20 PM
Big Abe.. Im sure you guys will win this week.;) But Im sorry that the stats for this week will not count toward any all district selections. You keep plugging.:kiss:

10-14-2004, 06:32 PM
Cry me a river....my god. It's football, and all im hearing on this board is the snyder people crying about it. and you can't tell me clyde was the only people trash talking and instigating stuff on the field because that's a lie. Black Magic, please get a life and get off of 3A downlow for at least 5 minutes a day. it sounds to me like you are a pretty big doosh bag. i cant stand people like you. when you win, shut up and go on to the next week. you know, clyde people get on here and support their team, nothing else, hell they hardly even boast about their defense and yall are making it out like they say its the best ever. i havent seen them talk about their defense, im the one talking about the defense and i havent even talked about it for a couple of weeks. another thing, i have NEVER heard anyone from clyde talk bad about other teams. yet here we are, sweetwater and syder talkin trash, which is nothing new because they have no class whatsoever. so shut up and move on...

10-14-2004, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by J-Kwon
i have NEVER heard anyone from clyde talk bad about other teams. yet here we are, sweetwater and syder talkin trash, which is nothing new because they have no class whatsoever. so shut up and move on...

1st of all its spelled Snyder 2nd of all us Sweetwater and Snyder fans talk trash all in good fun on the board I bet if we met at a football game besides the Sweetwater Snyder game we would all get along,I dont know I guess your from Clyde by the way your defending them so you have just proved your own statement wrong by talking about us having no class, because that statement in itself is trash talking, thats all I got to say about that except see ya in Clyde when the Stangs go and whoop up on ya and have a nice time getting ready for basketball season early because Clyde cant hang with the Big 3

10-14-2004, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by TheDOCTORdre
1st of all its spelled Snyder 2nd of all us Sweetwater and Snyder fans talk trash all in good fun on the board I bet if we met at a football game besides the Sweetwater Snyder game we would all get along,I dont know I guess your from Clyde by the way your defending them so you have just proved your own statement wrong by talking about us having no class, because that statement in itself is trash talking, thats all I got to say about that except see ya in Clyde when the Stangs go and whoop up on ya and have a nice time getting ready for basketball season early because Clyde cant hang with the Big 3 Well said Dre . This guy has selective memory when it comes to Clyde and mouthing. Crow is not tasting very good for the bulldogs right now. The choking on the big black bird is getting loud. One calls me a "doosh bag" LOL and another pubecent teen wants me to shut up or he says he will "find me and break my neck" LOL Boy this is a hoot! The Clyde folks are really inpressing people here with the class they are showing. Good Job!:thumbsup:

10-14-2004, 09:27 PM
I cant believe this guy will come on here and say that Clyde hasnt been mouthing off. If they hadn't got on and bragged so much when they were beating mediocore 2A teams by 7 points, no one would have said a thing about Clyde. Seems like some of the Clyde posters are very sore losers.

Ranger Mom
10-14-2004, 10:20 PM
My my my.....if you are gonna resort to the playground mentality of name calling...at least learn to spell it.

It's douche bag!!:D

10-15-2004, 01:48 AM
hahaha..right on Rangermom...cuz douche is french

10-15-2004, 01:51 PM
lol ................ sorry ..for our little boys that are so stupid they are still a little down after the beating we took at snyder. if clyde would have won SOME how you would be hearing about the steel is back lol............ see yall friday at the bowl.