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View Full Version : Bad Coaches

Srs. o4
10-01-2002, 09:32 PM
Has any player ever had a coach that it seemed that no matter what you did good or bad, he always had something to say that was smart and to put you down??

<small>[ October 01, 2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: Srs. o4 ]</small>

10-01-2002, 10:35 PM
Coaches sometimes have a shield up. Some others just present a cold shoulder. Coaches have the same common goal as players - WIN. Sometimes a player gives of a vibe that winning is not as important as how HE plays. My advice, talk to the coach. You both need to have the same goal in this game.

10-01-2002, 11:00 PM
If he really was a bad coach, everyone on the team would think so, not just one or two. The previous poster gave some pretty sound advice. You do need to talk this out with the man. If you're uncomfortable with him, start with one of the assistants you have some trust in. He should be able to provide some guidance. Good luck.

10-02-2002, 05:38 AM
I had a coach exactly like that in high school(76-80), one day (So. yr.)I had had enough and I got the guts up to confront him after practice. I said "how come J.T. screws up on his block every time and you never say a word to him?", he said "because he doesn't have the same potential you have, he gives me all he's got and I know it after 4 years with him, I'm just tring to find out how much you've got.". Give the guy 110%, he'll notice. Most coaches are blockheads for a reason, you'll get more from aggrevated training than "kid gloves". Good Luck

10-03-2002, 11:53 PM
i've been in the shadows for a long time now, but its time i rembered my password and rejoined the fun. few may know me, other will not. INOUNVME, i know you, but do you know me. i believe i was in your 6th period A&P class last year at Giddings. is this correct. how is everything going for you? good luck to the buffs this coming friday as Caldwell will to be an easy opponent.


10-03-2002, 11:54 PM
man my grammar sucks............just go ahead and try and figure out what i said......it'll be tough.......this is slinky signing off......


10-04-2002, 12:34 AM
caldwell will be an easy opponent? ok, we will see

10-04-2002, 07:52 AM
Slinky, I think you are a very biright young man to remember who I was on here. So, I guess I did have you in a 6th period classs. What are you doing now? Are you going to the homecoming game? A few of us are making the trek that direction. Maybe we can catch each other there.

10-04-2002, 09:44 AM
speaking of bad coaches....whatever happened to the giddings O-line coach from last year? This guy was nuts.....I went to one game last year in which he went absolutely nuts on the sideline yelling at his players.....this dude was out of control...most would kill to coach kids of that caliber...

10-04-2002, 10:27 AM
Hey sweetspot, I know that dude. Actually, I won't admit that. I watched him a few times last year. The funny thing about it was that every time he turned his back to the players, they all shot him the finger and stuff like that. He had all of the talent in the world there and they still could not block a single person. How hard is it to lock on to someone, keep you feet moving, and drive 'em off the ball. I can only imagine that G-Town is glad to be rid of him. Now the buffs might be able to get a 1st down on 3rd and short.

* Those of you that don't know need to realize that the subject of this post is all in jest. The coach in reference to is one of the best coaches I have had the privelige of working with. See y'all at homecoming tonight.

10-04-2002, 12:10 PM
i'lll be at the homecoming game tonight. have you been watching CSI lately? I haven't and from the commercials i have seen, they have a new cast. very disappointing......oh well.....how are things going for you? things are going okay for me, classes are kinda tough but not too bad. i'll see you at the game........and by the way, YOU'RE A JERK!!!