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10-02-2004, 06:21 PM
The best 3A district in the state in my opinion starts play this next friday. Every single team in this district can be a playoff team. Hard luck that only 3 teams go. Best of luck to all teams...

10-02-2004, 06:23 PM
Who are the teams?

10-02-2004, 06:37 PM
sweetwater, snyder, clyde, merkel, wylie

10-03-2004, 12:57 AM
Looks to be a tough race. All the teams finished up over .500. I think the first two weeks will tell alot about how the race will finish. Sweetwater has Wylie first, then Snyder after that.

10-03-2004, 01:26 PM
This is a very tough district. I think it will be Sweetwater, Wylie and Snyder who come out on top (hopefully in that order). I think Clyde and Merkel will battle it out for last place. Time will tell.

10-03-2004, 04:41 PM
I think Wylie and Sweetwater will be in the playoffs and the last spot will be up for grabs. But in saying that, Wylie and Sweetwater can be upset by any team in this district because there are no weak teams. So there is no telling how this district race will play out.

10-03-2004, 05:43 PM
This is a very tough district. You can't have a bad game in this district or you will get beat.
The three favorites that everybody thinks will get in are Snyder, Sweetwater, and Abilene Wylie. Clyde and Merkel have a shot, but they will have to play up to the level of the "big three" for them to sneak into the playoffs.

10-03-2004, 08:35 PM
I think Clyde is gonna sneak up on Snyder or Sweetwater and surprise a lot of people. Then it will be a dog fight between Merkel and Clyde for a playoff spot. I think Clyde has a chance to beat Wylie, but they will have to play twice as good as they did when they played Vernon.

10-03-2004, 08:40 PM
If anybody gets sneaked up on it will be snyder, dont get me wrong they r good but not that good.

10-03-2004, 08:42 PM
I think Clyde or Merkel will beat Snyder, then whoever wins out of Merkel and Clyde will get the last playoff spot. If Clyde has an offensive attack like they did in the second half against Vernon then they can and should beat Snyder. Their defense will also need to cause a couple of turnovers, and that should seal the deal.

10-03-2004, 08:51 PM
this is a tough district indeed but i feel that the 3 that make it will b sweetwater wylie and snyder in no particular order but hopefully in that order though. no offense to merkel and clyde who appear to b good teams.

Black & Gold
10-03-2004, 09:32 PM
I agree with most of you that it will be Wylie, Sweetwater, and Snyder. I think that if anybody has a chance at sneaking up on one of those three, it will be Merkel. I don't think Clyde will beat any of those three. I do think that the Sweetwater and Snyder game will be a good one with the rivalry that they have. It will be a good game. Clyde was impressive against Vernon, but I have heard that Vernon is down this year. Don't know if it's true, just what I heard.

10-03-2004, 09:34 PM
Vernon isn't too bad off. After all they do have a running back that is going to go play for Oklahoma State. That's not too bad off, but they aren't as good as they are usually known for. They are still a very good team though, and should be taken seriously.

10-03-2004, 09:44 PM
Originally posted by sirhc11
I think Clyde is gonna sneak up on Snyder or Sweetwater and surprise a lot of people. Then it will be a dog fight between Merkel and Clyde for a playoff spot. I think Clyde has a chance to beat Wylie, but they will have to play twice as good as they did when they played Vernon.

Even if Snyder gets "snuck up on" by Clyde that doesn't put Merkel and Clyde fighting it out for a playoff spot. That won't even necessarily knock Snyder out of the playoffs. Clyde beating Wylie is wishful thinking at best. I still say Clyde and Merkel will fight it out for last place in the district.

just my onion

10-03-2004, 09:47 PM
If Clyde plays like they did against Vernon, they will beat at least one of the big three, because Vernon is a good team and i believe is as good as Snyder and Sweetwater, no matter there record. As for Merkel, i don't know if this is true but i hear Lambert is hurt and if this is the case and he misses action, they will be in deeeep trouble.

10-03-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by J-Kwon
If Clyde plays like they did against Vernon, they will beat at least one of the big three, because Vernon is a good team and i believe is as good as Snyder and Sweetwater, no matter there record. As for Merkel, i don't know if this is true but i hear Lambert is hurt and if this is the case and he misses action, they will be in deeeep trouble.

#1. Didn't Clyde lose to Vernon, which means they will have to play better than that to win.

#2. I disagree that Vernon is as good as the Big Three. I think they are having a off year and are not up to their normal level of play this year. (which would explain why Clyde didn't get blown out by Vernon.

#3. If Merkel has injury trouble, then maybe Clyde will finish 4th in district, instread of 5th.

10-04-2004, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by westTXbest
If anybody gets sneaked up on it will be snyder, dont get me wrong they r good but not that good. is that because you played Snyder close? dont judge them by an off game. If you remember Andrews Thumped you and snyder beat them 28-14.

Black & Gold
10-04-2004, 09:27 AM
After seeing what I have on Clyde, I really don't see them sneaking up on any of the "Big Three". I think they have some talent but not enough to beat Snyder. I think Sweetwater has way too many weapons for Clyde to beat them. I don't know much about Wylie yet but they are usually pretty solid. I don't think that Clyde will beat them either. I hadn't heard about Merkel having injury problems but if that's the case, Clyde will probably beat them.

10-04-2004, 10:24 AM
is that because you played Snyder close? dont judge them by an off game. If you remember Andrews Thumped you and snyder beat them 28-14.

maybe andrews had an off game against snyder

10-04-2004, 10:48 AM
True. I know Snyders Offense had an off night (3 turnovers). they had been averaging 400 yard per game.

Im Sure Monahans must have had an off game to let a slightly above average 2A school "School them like that.:p

10-04-2004, 12:08 PM
as a matter of fact they did, and it doesnt matter anymore, you can start out 0-5 and do better than a team that starts off 5-0, the only games that matter start friday

10-04-2004, 03:47 PM
#1. Clyde did lose to Vernon but proved they can play with tough 3A teams like Snyder and Sweetwater. That was simply what i was saying.

#2. Your an idiot if you think Vernon isn't as good as Snyder. They HAVE had an off year... in their standards. They are still a VERY good team

#3. You are an idiot if you discout ANY team in this district. No team, except MAYBE Wylie, is just head and shoulders above the other teams. It's not like these previous years when Clyde and Merkel haven't been competetive because times have changed.

10-04-2004, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by J-Kwon
#1. Clyde did lose to Vernon but proved they can play with tough 3A teams like Snyder and Sweetwater. That was simply what i was saying.

#2. Your an idiot if you think Vernon isn't as good as Snyder. They HAVE had an off year... in their standards. They are still a VERY good team

#3. You are an idiot if you discout ANY team in this district. No team, except MAYBE Wylie, is just head and shoulders above the other teams. It's not like these previous years when Clyde and Merkel haven't been competetive because times have changed.

Ouch! It seems like someone is a little touchy when it comes to their team, holding a different opinion does not make one an idiot. Expressing different opinions is what this board is all about. If you can't tolerate other's opinions then maybe this site is not for you. The name calling just shows your immaturity.

I can understand why it is important to you that Vernon be viewed as a very good team, nobody likes to get beat by an average team.

Clyde and Merkel have not proved themselves to be competitive, definitely not on par with the Big Three. Either will have to play a lot better to even have a chance in district.

10-04-2004, 05:54 PM
sweetwater, wylie, and snyder, in that order

i dont see clyde or merkel upsetting anyone for a playoff spot, but i do see them upsetting someone to rearrange the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd spots between swater, snyder, and wylie

my opinion on this district....sweetwater has always been in good districts, and weird things happen EVERY year. i kid you not.
so good luck to both teams and i hope that no one gets anymore injuries, i know of a couple of players from some teams, that just sux and can pull down a teams' morale...so good luck to the Mustangs, Wylie bulldogs, Tigers, Badgers, and Clyde bulldogs

Z motion 10 out on 2
10-04-2004, 08:07 PM
After seeing Sweetwater, Wylie, and Clyde I must give my unbiased opinion:

Sweetwater is the creame of this crop and should win out. They have a good line, speed with Thompson and Carillo. The Mustang defense can hold Wylie enough to out score them.

Wylie just didn't look too good against Vernon. Maybe they played down to the level of competition, maybe they will improve as they seem to always do...I don't know. They have great coaching and tradition which does mean something.

Clyde was competitive with Vernon. I hate to say this because I live in Vernon, but Vernon is an average team this year that will be lucky to even make the playoffs...that is unless something major changes on offense. (Remember Vernon plays with Graham, IP, and Breckenridge) So Clyde hanging with Vernon really is a short sell. That being cleared up, Clyde has a good defense and the offense looked good in the second half of of the Vernon game. I think Clyde will beat Merkel based on how things have shaken out already this year for both teams. Clyde may just sneak up on Wylie or Snyder. That may be enough for them to make it depending on how things play out.

Snyder - I haven't seen, but they seem to have a solid team with the wins thay have.

Merkel - also a good team, just in a tough district.

So bottom line:

Sweetwater wins district

Snyder, Wylie and Clyde fight it out for second and third.

Merkel finishes 5th.

10-04-2004, 08:15 PM
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up a minute. How can you already start calling Sweetwater, Snyder, and Wylie the "Big Three" of District 4-3A? This is the first year of the district to be formed, and no one has even played another district team yet. To be considered a "Big Three" then I think the teams should at least have to be the consistent top teams in a district for about 3 or 4 years. I know that they will probably get realligned befored that, but just wait and see how things turn out in district before making such biased predictions.

10-04-2004, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by sirhc11
Whoa whoa whoa, hold up a minute. How can you already start calling Sweetwater, Snyder, and Wylie the "Big Three" of District 4-3A? This is the first year of the district to be formed, and no one has even played another district team yet. To be considered a "Big Three" then I think the teams should at least have to be the consistent top teams in a district for about 3 or 4 years. I know that they will probably get realligned befored that, but just wait and see how things turn out in district before making such biased predictions.

I refer to Sweetwater, Wylie, and Snyder as the "Big Three" based on their performance this year. Whether they will continue as the Big Three over the course of the next several years remains to be seen. But based on their pre-district schedule and how they have played so far, the Big Three are a notch or two above Clyde and Merkel and are gonna be hard to knock out of a playoff spot.

just my onion

10-04-2004, 08:38 PM
sirhc11, whenever stangster said the Big 3, it is not DEFINITE, those are just the favored teams and ones that have so far this season proven to be the tougher 4-3A representatives, he wasnt taking anything away from clyde or merkel, he was just pointing out the 3 teams that are standing out

10-04-2004, 09:44 PM
I see where you are coming from Stangster, but I still think you should wait before district is over before you name anyone the "Big Three".

10-04-2004, 09:47 PM
ok fans this is what i see. 1. wylie 2. sweetwater 3. snyder all three heve played very tough pre-season, alot stronger teams that clyde and merkel haven't. thats how i came up with my #1 #2 #3........ but anything can happen in district... wylie gets #1 because they play s-water at home.

10-04-2004, 10:29 PM
nah...the mustangs have played on the wylie field so much, we're making ourselves at home on it;)

10-04-2004, 11:57 PM
i just think its gonna be an incredible 4...technically 5...weeks....there are gonna be some great games in this district and i as a Mustang would be honored to win it.....good luck to all...

10-05-2004, 01:27 PM
wylie, sweetwater, snyder, clyde, merkel.

I would love for clyde to cause an upset and prove me wrong. play tough dogs!

Black & Gold
10-05-2004, 02:19 PM
I think that there will be an upset in this district but it will be between Snyder, Wylie, and Sweetwater. One of those teams will win against another that isn't supposed to. I just don't see how Clyde is going to step up and match the talent that these three teams have. I may be proven wrong, after all it is just an opinion. I really haven't heard anything about Merkel this year. Anybody got any news on them? Is Lambert really hurt or what?

10-05-2004, 08:36 PM
Merkel is not near the team last year, and I do not know for sure if Lambert is hurt or not. I will try to find out though. I think the standing will look like this:

1.) Sweetwater: (4-0)

T-2.) Wylie: (3-1)

T-2.) Clyde: (3-1)

3.) Snyder: (1-3)

4.) Merkel: (0-4)

These are just my predictions and I may be way off, but who knows.

10-05-2004, 08:40 PM
i think merkel will get at least one win at some point

10-05-2004, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by sirhc11
Merkel is not near the team last year, and I do not know for sure if Lambert is hurt or not. I will try to find out though. I think the standing will look like this:

1.) Sweetwater: (4-0)

T-2.) Wylie: (3-1)

T-2.) Clyde: (3-1)

3.) Snyder: (1-3)

4.) Merkel: (0-4)

These are just my predictions and I may be way off, but who knows.

That not possible Sirhc. Wylie and Clyde couldnt both finish 3-1 and leave Snyder with one win.

10-05-2004, 08:46 PM
okay...everybody is saying Merkel will be last. i mean yea i know that we aren't the same team as last year but we could come through...thats just like clyde beating wylie last year, nobody expected that and Merkel could be the same way. Merkel has beaten Wylie before but not by a landslide.

*MERKEL (we can pull through)

Don't get an attitude with my predictions, it's just my opinion.

10-05-2004, 08:47 PM
tis true, if snyder was 1-3, then that means either clyde or wylie had to be 2-2, or sweetwater 3-1, right wildstangs??

10-05-2004, 08:55 PM
Correct Mustang04. Wylie, Clyde or Sweetwater would have to have one more loss for that scenario. Here is one I think that is a possibility. Say Sweetwater beats Wylie, but loses to Snyder, and Wylie knocks off Snyder.

Sweetwater 3-1
Wylie 3-1
Snyder 3-1
Clyde 1-3 or Merkel 1-3
Merkel 0-4 or Clyder 0-4

10-05-2004, 08:57 PM
Your right, my bad. Mental error. Won't happen again.

10-05-2004, 08:59 PM
Originally posted by sirhc11
Your right, my bad. Mental error. Won't happen again.

We will let is slide if you guys knock off Snyder this week Sirhc ;)

10-05-2004, 09:00 PM
Aight, that's cool, but only if ya'll blow Wylie out of the water.

10-05-2004, 09:04 PM
Please realize that Wylie, Sweetwater, and Snyder are not pro teams and have that much more talent than Clyde and Merkel. I'm telling you, this district is more even than ppl think and i guarantee either merkel or clyde will beat one of the "big 3".

10-05-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by J-Kwon
Please realize that Wylie, Sweetwater, and Snyder are not pro teams and have that much more talent than Clyde and Merkel. I'm telling you, this district is more even than ppl think and i guarantee either merkel or clyde will beat one of the "big 3".

Wylie, Sweetwater, and Snyder are not pro, you're exactly right and no one said they were everyone is just going on performances in pre district and from years past, believe me no one is underestimating Clyde or Merkel, we are just making reasonable predictions based on observations

10-05-2004, 11:40 PM
I have to throw my two cents in. I don't think anyone in this district will go 4-0.. I will predict Sweetwater, Wylie, and then it will get interesting. Snyder, Clyde or Merkel will battle for third. Snyder will have some edge over Merkel and Clyde, because they both have to travel to Snyder. Snyder is hard to beat in Snyder so there is the edge. All three teams will fight for it. I will go ahead and put Snyder as my third just because it makes more sense.

10-06-2004, 09:13 AM
Originally posted by J-Kwon
Please realize that Wylie, Sweetwater, and Snyder are not pro teams and have that much more talent than Clyde and Merkel. I'm telling you, this district is more even than ppl think and i guarantee either merkel or clyde will beat one of the "big 3". I think you will have a point if Clyde hangs within 17 of Snyder. BUT . If Snyder was to beat Clyde by 28 or more then I believe you would have to eat a little crow. Snyder has played tough 4A schools ( 2 out of the 3 were play off teams last year) and some of the best 3A schools in as well and ended up 5-1 with the one loss by a field goal in the last 2 min of the game. Clyde has played a 3A and 2A schedule that could not begin to compare with the "Big Three" and ended up 3-3 getting beat by every 3A school if im properly informed. If snyder comes out and does not play hard and have alot of mistakes then I think this could be a game for Clyde. If snyder comes out firing on all Cylinders then I believe it will be a rough game for Clyde. I wish Clyde well this season. I will be rooting for them every game after this friday night.

Black & Gold
10-06-2004, 10:09 AM
I wouldn't mind seeing Merkel or Clyde upsetting Sweetwater or Wylie, I just don't think it is going to happen. Obviously I don't want them to upset Snyder. I think that playing Snyder in Snyder will make it that much tougher to beat them. I could be wrong I just haven't seen anything on Clyde that is impressive enough to make me think that they will beat Snyder this week. Like Black Magic, I am all for them upsetting anyone else, especially if it makes us look better.

10-06-2004, 05:21 PM
u know what...i havent heard SQUAT on merkel so far this season, i dunno who they have played, their record or anything, and they dont have many if any posters on here, can someone bring me up to speed about how merkel's season is going so far....?

10-06-2004, 07:06 PM
Merkel's record isn't outstanding so far. But anyways here it is:

*Merkel 27
*Monahans 19

*Merkel 27
*C City 21

*Merkel 14
*Holliday 21 (They were No. 2 in class 2A when we played them)

*Merkel 42
*Ballinger 19

*Merkel 12
*Breckenridge 13 (DOUBLE OT)

*Merkel 6
*Lakeview 28 (Game called because of lightening.)

10-06-2004, 07:20 PM
doesnt look too bad at all really...appreciate it

10-06-2004, 09:08 PM
who were those schools again... holliday, ballinger, c-city... i thought the object of preseason games was to play tough teams to see how your team compares, not to pick on small schools! i'm not sure if they have had to face all the challenges that the big three have in their preseasons schedules! i guess we will just have to wait and see