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View Full Version : Defensive Coaching Question

09-16-2004, 09:38 PM
Do you think DB's should be taught to play the "man" or the "ball" when pass defending? Most coaches seem to stress playing the "man" to avoid being beaten badly on routes by the receivers, yet I see so many young db's get beat by never looking back for the ball, even when they have good, tight coverage. My opinion is that the faster, more experienced DB's can get away with playing the ball, while the younger, slower db's are forced to play "man". What do you think?

big daddy russ
09-16-2004, 10:06 PM
Depends on the player. In high school, many players are still learning the game. The coaches at that level are still teaching the fundamentals, and learning to play your man comes before learning to play the ball (you have to crawl before you can walk). In college and the NFL, the players have had six years of fundamentals, so the coaches focus on other things such as reads, different sets, etc. That's where you find more db's playing the ball.

La Grange
09-16-2004, 10:16 PM
Offensive Coordinators have come up with the fade to stop this. Stops, Crack and Flags, and many other routes can make a D.B. loose himself if he is just going for the ball. D.B's are on an island out there, if they mess up it is 6 on the score board for the other team.

09-16-2004, 10:21 PM
The 'ball can only be 'caught', the 'man' can take it in for a 'touchdown'...

Roll'em up
09-16-2004, 10:22 PM
It really all depends on what kind of coverage the DB is in. If you are a DB playing an over the top coverage such as a cover 2 safety or cover 3 corner or safety, you should be able to play the ball. In this coverage everything should be in front of you therefore you should be able to play the ball.
If you are in man, I see it differently. I think you should play the man all the way. I have an many occassions seen young men come off of their man and misjudge the ball flight and it goes right over their head. Most high school DB's will go into a backpedal to intercept the ball causing the reciever to get away and ball over their head.

09-16-2004, 10:43 PM
I think you have to play the man first. The good ones play the man and the ball by reading the man they are playing. :D

Chief Woodman
09-16-2004, 10:59 PM
I say punt on third down. It will be unexpected and the punter will have great stats.

slpybear the bullfan
09-16-2004, 11:12 PM
IMHO the best friend a DB can have is FOUR HUGE DLinemen who make the QB hate life for 48 minutes...
