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View Full Version : What was the most funniest thing you ever saw at a Highschool Football game?

09-14-2004, 01:11 PM
I once saw a coach come running out of the field house with toliet paper hanging from his rear, and when people tried to call him by name to notify him he just waved back until one of the players told him.:D

09-14-2004, 01:15 PM
I saw a tailback get his helmet knocked off one time, and a lineman jumped on it like he was recovering a fumble.:D

09-14-2004, 01:19 PM
Originally posted by PPHSfan
I saw a tailback get his helmet knocked off one time, and a lineman jumped on it like he was recovering a fumble.:D Get out!

09-14-2004, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by cunbed10
Get out!


You can't make up stuff like that!:D

Well maybe you could if you were me....but YOU can't.:D

09-14-2004, 01:32 PM
I know a pretty funny thing, not at a football game, but most funniest? Is that correct? j/k But the helmet thing, thats great.

Underwater Basketweaver
09-14-2004, 02:04 PM
Last year when we played Venus. One of the craziest guys on our team goes down the field on a kickoff and lays out the Venus kid. The trainers and Doctor went over to check on the Venus kid, and he was out. The kid woke up and looked around to see that he had something small and white on his jersey. He asked his coach, "What is that?" The coach picked it up and said, "That is your tooth, now let's get you off the field."

09-14-2004, 02:06 PM
i was watching a jr high game last year (forney 8th grade) and my little brother (3afan2k3) went to throw a block and he just ran into the guy and he (my brother) leveled himself and fell to the ground, me and my mom and dad started busting out laughing and when the announcer was making the call about whoever had made the tackle or whatever, he busted out laughing over the loudspeaker...it was priceless, lol...

09-14-2004, 02:07 PM
This is no joke. One time we had this kid who was a sophomore at the time and he actually hurt himself coming through the breakthrough sign. I think it was when we played La Grange. He ran through jumped up and when he landed, he fell in a little hole. Ended up being out for a few weeks. Seriously.

09-14-2004, 02:09 PM
it was my senior year, and the booster club had just bought us one of those new velcro banners to run through. Not knowing the top of the thing was sewn together, and me being me, I was the first through and I jumped while going through it. My hand hit the top, knocked the banner out of the cheerleaders hands and it crashed to the ground, tripping up our entire team. To make matters worse, my girlfriend was in the opposing teams drill team, very embarassing.

raider red 2000
09-14-2004, 02:39 PM
funniest thing that i have seen was at the columbus/sweeny scrimage this year. it looked like columbus was runninga wing back trap and the wrong guard pulled *CRACK* *SMASH* *BANG* Boom* is what was heard. the guard ran smack into the back. both on their hind ends. the bad part was that it was the best hit of the night ...oh yeah it was only pregame.

mascot- navasota's snake....looks like a gila monster without arms...not much of a rattler.

09-14-2004, 02:45 PM
End of Canton Grand Saline game this year it was a rout, crowd was bored, and a dog comes onto field and takes a dump on the 20...PA said well that sums up this game

09-14-2004, 02:59 PM
I was at a 7th grade game, and about 2 minutes into it I saw a kid standing on the sidelines reach into his pants, pull out a giant pickle, take a bite, and quickly put it back in. This went on for the entire first half. Needless to say, he never saw the field.

09-14-2004, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by jason
i was watching a jr high game last year (forney 8th grade) and my little brother (3afan2k3) went to throw a block and he just ran into the guy and he (my brother) leveled himself and fell to the ground, me and my mom and dad started busting out laughing and when the announcer was making the call about whoever had made the tackle or whatever, he busted out laughing over the loudspeaker...it was priceless, lol...

but he made the block - his guy didnt make the tackle

09-14-2004, 03:38 PM
U tell em dad.

big daddy russ
09-14-2004, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by LST_Terry
End of Canton Grand Saline game this year it was a rout, crowd was bored, and a dog comes onto field and takes a dump on the 20...PA said well that sums up this game

My roommate's from Grand Saline. Said he was at that game with the little girl he's been seeing... that's hilarious.

09-14-2004, 08:59 PM
I gotta couple my Junior year the team was runnin out the breakthrough sign and it was hangin kinda low and our tight end ran into the top of the pole and neary caused a domino affect. That also happened w/ a cheerleader who tripped. But the best thing happened and I didnt get to see it cuz it involved me when I was in 8th grade and we were backed up at our 10 and had to punt and our punter punted it into the back of my head and it bounced back to our punter and he took it 90 yds for a TD I didn't know what was happenin cuz I was so dazed

09-14-2004, 09:00 PM
I have one, but the kid is still in high school so i'll leave it out.. ask this same question in a few years

09-14-2004, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by jason
i was watching a jr high game last year (forney 8th grade) and my little brother (3afan2k3) went to throw a block and he just ran into the guy and he (my brother) leveled himself and fell to the ground, me and my mom and dad started busting out laughing and when the announcer was making the call about whoever had made the tackle or whatever, he busted out laughing over the loudspeaker...it was priceless, lol...
why must your turn the 3adownlow into a house of lies???

09-14-2004, 09:12 PM
Hey raider red 2000 give navasota a break- at least we got a mascot-It aint easy trying to make something look like a snake

09-14-2004, 09:31 PM
My freshmen year we were playing Lake Worth. We had the ball and it was on fourth down. Our qb jogs over to the coach and asks for the play. The coach says just to kick it away. Thats what exactly what they tried to do, they field goal unit took the field instead of the punt team. By the time the coach noticed, the ball had been kicked.

marlin fan
09-14-2004, 09:56 PM
the funniest thing i saw had nothing todo with football boys... yall might think im mean but we were playin some one and i think it was mart and they cheerleaders came to ourside to do a cheer and they dropped one of the cheerleaders hehe she had dirt all over her when she got up

09-14-2004, 10:08 PM
3 things.

2 years ago our band was in the endzone geting ready for halftime when we scored. Our kicker kicked a feild goal and the ball hit and destroyed one of the instruments.

A QB spiked the ball and the ball bounced back up and hit the center in his crotch.

(Practice) We were working on special teams and this kid was watching us practice. Our uprights face a hill and the kid was standing on the hill, well the kick went through the uprights, bounced up the hill and hit the kid right in the crotch-al region. Good times......

09-14-2004, 10:11 PM
While I was coaching 8th grade football, we had a tall, strong kid kicking off for us. Ref blows the whistle, kicker starts toward the ball and as he gets to the ball on the tee, he kicks the ground behind the ball with full force resulting in him flipping forward over the ball and landing on his back with the ball still sitting on the tee. The rest of the team doesn't know what to do. The kicker gets up, looks at me and asks, "what do I do now?". The referee was laughing so hard he didn't call us for off-sides. The kicker just grinned and kicked the ball.

Another time we were scouting in Silsbee and two very quick offensive guards both pulled, in opposite directions. You got it. They met head-on behind the center and laid each other out. The real funny thing was that the play somehow resulted in an 8 yard gain!:D

09-14-2004, 10:13 PM
This is not the funniest thing that ever happened but the scariest. In 1977 at a Gp game, a an F1 (small) tornado went right through the middle of the stadium during a game.

09-14-2004, 10:15 PM
The funniest thing I have seen was Gp vs Kingsville. Kingsville was punting into a strong headwind at their 10. The punt went up in the air, the wind caught it and pushed it backwards into the endzone for a touchback. It made America's Funniest Videos.

09-14-2004, 10:15 PM
In Jr. High we beating Gonzales with only a few seconds left and their coach yells at the Q.B. to spike the ball, he snaps the ball and kneels it!! oops!

09-14-2004, 10:16 PM
A few years ago while photographing a Jasper game one of the Jasper Cheerleaders decided to start doing back flips, so she's flipping along and bam right into the trash can. lol!

09-14-2004, 10:45 PM
yrs. ago yoakum was playing lavernia and there were only seconds to go with yoakum ahead. the lavernia q.b. spiked the ball to stop the clock. only problem it was 4th down.

big daddy russ
09-14-2004, 10:55 PM
Back when I was working for one of the TV stations in Corpus, one of the girls with the Miller HS Journalism Dept. was taking pictures for the yearbook behind the endzone. I had my camera zoomed in from across the field after the play (focusing on a wide receiver who just scored a TD) and landed a golden nugget that everyone at the station got a kick out of. She didn't think anyone was looking, reached her hand down the seat of her pants, scratched her butt and then sniffed her hand. Classic.

09-14-2004, 11:57 PM
Originally posted by PPHSfan
I saw a tailback get his helmet knocked off one time, and a lineman jumped on it like he was recovering a fumble.:D

that is a classic. too funny to be true.

Old Dog
09-15-2004, 12:26 AM
Back in the stone age, at a Burnet/Marble Falls game, the ref threw his cap to mark where the ball went out of bounds. One of our stellar players swooped in to "recover" the cap. The ref didn't think it was very humerous!

LH Panther Mom
09-23-2004, 10:46 PM
Okay, it wasn't high school, it happened at our 8th grade game tonight. There was an upset, not very knowledgable, mom sitting a few rows behind me. She was upset because she felt like the refs should have called a clipping penalty on Marble Falls. She screamed at the refs for a couple of minutes about it. (BTW, the QB was the only player in the backfield - I really think she should've been upset because her son missed the sack.)

Several plays later, there were just seconds left in the game. Apparently the MF coach wasn't happy with whatever was going on & stepped on the field to talk to the ref. She started yelling at the refs again saying, "CALL A TECHNICAL ON THAT COACH!". I just looked at my husband and shook my head.

09-23-2004, 11:17 PM
my senior year.. so 2002 season cuz i graduated in 2003..

we were playing 7 on 7 full contact (which is stupid) and one of the recievers were about to recieve a catch and a gainesville DB stepped up and hit him just as he caught the ball and knocked him plum out.. well whatever happened made him poop his pants.. an ambulence had to come (which was scary) but the kid ended up ok.. but nobody on the field could miss that awful smell, i'm sure he heard about it from his team mates next week about how a Gainesville kid "knocked the crap out of him"

09-23-2004, 11:41 PM
Sadly I dont believe we have had anything funny happen at any of our games.... not that I remember anyway.... although one year it was raining really bad and our band color guard and drill team had to do our halftime show full out and our drill team was rolling around in mud... that was kinda amusing to watch..

09-24-2004, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by bd62
yrs. ago yoakum was playing lavernia and there were only seconds to go with yoakum ahead. the lavernia q.b. spiked the ball to stop the clock. only problem it was 4th down.

Same kind of thing in a San Antonio 5A, can't remember the teams, I think Marshall was one. But the team was like on the 1 foot line for the go ahead score, seconds remaining and the QB spikes the ball on 4th down.

scrub c
09-24-2004, 07:46 AM
Originally posted by LST_Terry
End of Canton Grand Saline game this year it was a rout, crowd was bored, and a dog comes onto field and takes a dump on the 20...PA said well that sums up this game

NO WAY !!!:clap:

09-24-2004, 07:53 AM
scrub - I expect you to pass the 100 post mark somtime this weekend ......... don't disappoint me !!!

09-24-2004, 08:21 AM
Last year, while we were reviewing the film from the night before, we noticed that on one play both of our guards pulled and collided behind the center. Funny thing is, the linebackers were reading guards and collided behind the nose.

09-24-2004, 09:00 AM
since junior high has been included...
last night at the navasota jh game, a 7th grader took the ENTIRE game to put in his pads...apparantly he just sat up in the locker room and continued to work on his pants...anyway, he trots on down to the field right as the 4th quarter is beginning...

09-24-2004, 09:02 AM
Not much PT for him I gather?

scrub c
09-24-2004, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Hannibal
Last year, while we were reviewing the film from the night before, we noticed that on one play both of our guards pulled and collided behind the center. Funny thing is, the linebackers were reading guards and collided behind the nose.

NO WAY, you should send that in to funny videos or something.