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View Full Version : Alumni game?

Chief Woodman
03-08-2004, 11:07 PM
Any high schools do a full contact alumni football game? (Pads and all including real refs?) Decatur is planning on doing one...I think the Orthopeaedic surgeon in town is going to help sponsor the event. Looks like a good investment. And NO, this is NOT a hoax.

03-08-2004, 11:30 PM
There used to be an annual alumni (full pads and all) game between Pineland (West Sabine) and Hemphill. But in the early 80's it stopped. The head coach of Pineland (who used to be the QB at Lamar Universtiy) had brought some recruits from the LU football team (QB, FB, WR & the MLB)...needless to say, we all knew who won that one, that year.

But it was a lot of fun, still between two small town rilvalries...It was still funny to see how the old blood thickened, the tension, the spirited rivalry was still strong...although the speed had deminished somewhat between the past friday night heroes...it was enjoyable to watch.

slpybear the bullfan
03-08-2004, 11:41 PM
Chief, please tell me there are no POCO people playing... we are too busy to have guys laid up at the bone doctors! LOL wink

Chief Woodman
03-08-2004, 11:52 PM
Haven't got the roster yet....but I willl keep you informed....LOL

03-09-2004, 06:46 PM
I remember that Burnet used to have a full pads exes game back in the late 70s. Generally from what I remember,the teams consisted of guys who had graduated in the last 4 or 5 years on one team and the over the hill team, which was made up of every one else. I played on the Over the Hill team for 2 years and as I remember it, we won one year and tied the other. It was pretty wild. One year we had a guy who was 65 on our team. I dont recall how he did though. What I do remember was the games being a lot more painful that the ones I played in school very hard hitting. It was a lot of fun and raised some money for the school. I dont think there were any severe injuries during the years I played. You should have seen the cheer leaders!:eek: :eek:

03-09-2004, 07:12 PM
Ballinger used to have one in the early seventies...I don't know what happened to cause it to stop. They would play the current Bearcat team...I think. I would imagine that there would be some serious liabilty in those games. I hope everyone signs a waiver!! ;)