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09-11-2004, 01:21 AM
marlin crushed tne brahmas tonight 42 - 0 i told ya''l the dogs are for real this year what do you think is this a

09-11-2004, 06:07 AM
Great job Bulldogs! Where are all of the Bellville posters now? Last year they were giving all these predictions and this year nothing. Most of them had their relatives graduate. Bellville hasnt been 0-5 in many many many years but looks like they probably will be this year. But, im sure the Brahmas played hard and gave it their all and had lots of pride. 42-0!!!!!!!!!!

09-11-2004, 09:05 AM
Here's a Brahma fan now. I see the Marlin fans still contain a few (at least) classless fans. We didn't talk trash, we expected a difficult game and the Bulldogs gave us one. It is tasteless for a coach to keep his first team in so long on so obvious a win. Congratulations on a win, you were the better ball club, no doubt. But you lose in my book for poor sportsmanship on this board. Congratulations to the Brahmas for doing their best, holding their heads up in an unpleasant situation, and fighting the good fight the right way. You BET I am PROUD of the Bellville Brahmas! Every single one of them. There were personnel changes they adapted to well. Sanders and Bryant played their hearts out, Pope did an admirable job at QB--I would have shied away from that job last night. Alan Cooper did his job well. Lane O'Connor played after being hurt last week. No excuses, we all know why this will be a tough year for the Bulls. It's okay. To the senior Brahmas, I say: Don't give up. You've got a job to do, getting the younger Brahmas to grow up. You've had some big seasons, learning to lose in life and move forward as important as winning with grace (and look, some folks haven't learned that yet). We knew it would be tough, but we did our best. Defense, please eat and get tougher. Make those hits hard, quick and sure. Focus, younger players, focus. Fans, support this team. It's easy in good years, not so easy in developing years. Lick your wounds, guys, and get ready for the next game. Go Brhams, BrahmaMom loves you and is proud of her Bulls!

LH Panther Mom
09-11-2004, 09:09 AM
Originally posted by BrahmaMom
Here's a Brahma fan now. I see the Marlin fans still contain a few (at least) classless fans. We didn't talk trash, we expected a difficult game and the Bulldogs gave us one. It is tasteless for a coach to keep his first team in so long on so obvious a win. Congratulations on a win, you were the better ball club, no doubt. But you lose in my book for poor sportsmanship on this board. Congratulations to the Brahmas for doing their best, holding their heads up in an unpleasant situation, and fighting the good fight the right way. You BET I am PROUD of the Bellville Brahmas! Every single one of them. There were personnel changes they adapted to well. Sanders and Bryant played their hearts out, Pope did an admirable job at QB--I would have shied away from that job last night. Alan Cooper did his job well. Lane O'Connor played after being hurt last week. No excuses, we all know why this will be a tough year for the Bulls. It's okay. To the senior Brahmas, I say: Don't give up. You've got a job to do, getting the younger Brahmas to grow up. You've had some big seasons, learning to lose in life and move forward as important as winning with grace (and look, some folks haven't learned that yet). We knew it would be tough, but we did our best. Defense, please eat and get tougher. Make those hits hard, quick and sure. Focus, younger players, focus. Fans, support this team. It's easy in good years, not so easy in developing years. Lick your wounds, guys, and get ready for the next game. Go Brhams, BrahmaMom loves you and is proud of her Bulls!

Very classy, BrahmaMom! Losing is always tough, but learning to do so with dignity (in life as well as on the field) is what makes outstanding people. :clap: :clap:

Just as important, if not more so, is learning to win with dignity.

09-11-2004, 09:15 AM
Spoken like a TRUE fan and a GREAT mom! Keep your chins up and keeping working hard. No shame in a loss if you gave it your all.

09-11-2004, 09:56 AM
Great post Brahmamom. I was thinking the same thing. Best of luck to you guys and gals the rest of the season.

Bandera YaYa
09-11-2004, 10:59 AM
Darn straight, BrahmaMom!!! I'm so proud of the way you show your love to your Bulls!!! THEY ARE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU CHEERING FOR THEM!!!! GO BULLS!!! Congrats to the Marlin team..........but Marlin posters, watch your mouth!!!! I remember a few years ago (two, to be exact!) you were shooting off your mouth and it came back to bite you in the butt!! Be gracious in your victories and show some respect for those you defeat!! Peace!

09-11-2004, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by XMan
Great job Bulldogs! Where are all of the Bellville posters now? Last year they were giving all these predictions and this year nothing. Most of them had their relatives graduate. Bellville hasnt been 0-5 in many many many years but looks like they probably will be this year. But, im sure the Brahmas played hard and gave it their all and had lots of pride. 42-0!!!!!!!!!!

I assure you that unless they stopped posting because their kids graduated, all of the Brahma posters are here and active. And if you did a little research, you'll find that all Bellville posters who made predictions last year, also made predictions on this game. 'Bellville22', 'Bulls-Eye', 'BrahmaMom', and others all threw out predictions, and I believe they all picked Marlin. So before you make such an asinine post, please atleast read up on the game topics.

And despite the extreme sarcasm in your statement, it was right, the Brahmas absolutely played hard, gave it their all, and played with pride, as they always do. Marlin was flagged for I believe 4 personal fouls or unsportsmanlike conduct, Bellville had 0. And you were right again, it has been a while since a Bellville team started 0-5, and I agree, it could happen this year. But I would much rather be who I am and support my 0-5 Brahmas with pride than be a classless person like yourself, who boasts their team while their hot. (actually, where are you from X-man???)

Bellville's glory days may be gone for now, but atleast we still have class and pride. When your glory days are gone, what will you have?

09-11-2004, 12:02 PM
Thanks YaYa & fullhouse and I'm right with you, 22! As are other Brahma fans. Once a Brahma or Brahma fan, always a Brahma/Brahma fan. Love ya, Big Red! You see, XMan (or should I say XBoy?), we love the Brahmas not just for how they play of the field, but we love the young men they have become in the process. We love them as the people they are, not just if they can win a football game. They are ALWAYS winners in our hearts. That might be a concept you don't comprehend or want to make fun of, but we are the winners at the end of the day. There are no numbers that exist for the character, tradition, work ethic, devotion and PRIDE that these guys exhibit--but they have what it takes to win in the game of life. This is the kind of season that builds character and determination, so I am proud or these Bulls. GO BRAHMAS!!

09-11-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
Darn straight, BrahmaMom!!! I'm so proud of the way you show your love to your Bulls!!! THEY ARE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU CHEERING FOR THEM!!!! GO BULLS!!! Congrats to the Marlin team..........but Marlin posters, watch your mouth!!!! I remember a few years ago (two, to be exact!) you were shooting off your mouth and it came back to bite you in the butt!! Be gracious in your victories and show some respect for those you defeat!! Peace! Ya Ya you are so full of it you know everyone isn't nice in this world and everyone is not going to react to a certain situation

09-11-2004, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Bandera YaYa
Darn straight, BrahmaMom!!! I'm so proud of the way you show your love to your Bulls!!! THEY ARE LUCKY TO HAVE YOU CHEERING FOR THEM!!!! GO BULLS!!! Congrats to the Marlin team..........but Marlin posters, watch your mouth!!!! I remember a few years ago (two, to be exact!) you were shooting off your mouth and it came back to bite you in the butt!! Be gracious in your victories and show some respect for those you defeat!! Peace! Ya Ya you are so full of it you know everyone isn't nice in this world and everyone is not going to react to a certain situation

09-11-2004, 12:46 PM
Lay off of YaYa. At least the posts show honesty and truth and she doesn't hide it.

Bandera YaYa
09-11-2004, 12:53 PM
Originally posted by zpiber
Ya Ya you are so full of it you know everyone isn't nice in this world and everyone is not going to react to a certain situation WEll, on another thread I was giving you the benefit of the doubt....but hey, Ok....yeah,. believe me, I know everyone in this world is not nice, in fact I don't think most are. I think it takes a lot more effort to be kind and gentle, than to be mean and abusive. I like to think that I try to be the former.

09-11-2004, 01:01 PM
Ya Ya I don't know whats up with some people. They never seem to learn even after getting put on the bench. Some posters have no class and never will. Hang tough.

09-11-2004, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by XMan
Great job Bulldogs! Where are all of the Bellville posters now? Last year they were giving all these predictions and this year nothing. Most of them had their relatives graduate. Bellville hasnt been 0-5 in many many many years but looks like they probably will be this year. But, im sure the Brahmas played hard and gave it their all and had lots of pride. 42-0!!!!!!!!!! I'm still here and will continue to show my support for Bellville. Yes, I made a few predictions last year. I went 13-1 and came pretty close on some of the scores! By the way, I got this game right. These predictions were just for fun. I'm not sure what you are applying by relatives graduating?
Most of the Bellville posters don't post negative things on other teams posts. I really don't like the trash-talking, I think it's childish but sometimes funny. Winning teams usually gets their share of haters or people who are jealous. I rather support my team than smash other teams. During the down years, we can tell who are the true fans.

09-11-2004, 03:36 PM
Bellville has the nod from Cameron any day of the week. The past 3 years those two teams have put on clinics each and every time and it's always a clean (for the most part) game. Congrats to Bellville on all thier accomplishments and hey, season has just started. These predistrict games mean nothing but stats. Hold your heads high guys, like the Franklin team from last night, you have a helluva TEAM and once things fall in to place, you're gonna cause alot of problems for future opponents.

marlin fan
09-11-2004, 08:56 PM
Yaya u make it hard for me to like u dissing my team and marlin poster becuase we are showing pride in our tema go Dawg Great way to beat up bellville hehe brahma mom did u see me last night??? lol some guy from bellvilles side wanted me to break dance!

marlin fan
09-11-2004, 09:06 PM
Originally posted by zpiber
Ya Ya you are so full of it you know everyone isn't nice in this world and everyone is not going to react to a certain situation HEHE good point!!!! Go Dawgs Beat Lorena!!!

09-11-2004, 09:58 PM
Unfortunately, marlin fan, I had a family emergency that required that I leave before half-time, so I missed you. I returned before the end, just to be there for the Bulls. zbiper, YaYa and other adults are well aware that there are too few nice people in the world. Some of us try to make the world a better, nicer place. If Moms can't spread the love, I can't imagine who can. LHPanther Mom, you got that right--and outstanding people is the ultimate goal!

marlin fan
09-11-2004, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by BrahmaMom
Unfortunately, marlin fan, I had a family emergency that required that I leave before half-time, so I missed you. I returned before the end, just to be there for the Bulls. zbiper, YaYa and other adults are well aware that there are too few nice people in the world. Some of us try to make the world a better, nicer place. If Moms can't spread the love, I can't imagine who can. LHPanther Mom, you got that right--and outstanding people is the ultimate goal! awww well we sucked so u didnt miss much!! Best of luck to u guys unitill we meet up again!!!

09-12-2004, 12:45 PM
Wow, didnt mean to get the entire Brahma nation up in arms. I guess the Brahma folks were all too upset on Sat. morning to see the sarcasm in my opening statement. As a Bellville resident myself, I too question why Marlin needed to score 42 in a game that was well in hand. I also wondered why the first Marlin fan needed to brag, it was obvious who the better team was. I have not been seeing all the Bellville posters like last year but now i see they have come out of the woodwork. The Brahmas could be 0-5 going into district although they can play with Gonzales and make it a good game. Bellville has played one of the toughest non district schedules in the state and should be proud of that. In district Bellville should beat Columbus to open the race and then against Hempstead its almost automatic as long as the bus doesnt break down. That leaves Rice, Sealy and Navasota. Any win in those 3 puts the Brahmas in. Sealy and Rice are not near what they have been in the recent past so it can be done. Go Brahmas. ps, 22, how did your softball team choke so bad at the end of the season, i thought yall had it wrapped up?

09-12-2004, 02:39 PM
:clap: I applaud your effort to keep this conversation going. You realized that my points in my previous post were correct, so you resort to dragging summer beer league softball into the conversation to try to get a rise out of me. Unfortunately it doesn't bother me. We weren't expected to win the tourney, and we won't be next year. Doesn't bother me, I'll play just the same, and have a blast doing it again.

If you really are from Bellville, you should do a better job supporting our team. I picked the Brahmas to finish 4th in district at the beginning of the year, and I still believe that, but I'm going to support them as much as I always have, you should do the same.

Obviously you know who I am (or that was one hell of a guess), I don't suppose you'd be willing to reveal your identity.

09-12-2004, 09:01 PM
XBoy, having re-read your original post, I continue to view it as hostile. You attack the Brahmas, you have upset the Brahma nation--football, softball, golf, wahtever! Your posts seem to consistently upset people. You might want to look into that aspect of your personality. As for 22, Bull's Eye and Red Mustache and me, we will continue to be Brahma fans, not just Bellville residents(if the term applies). Obviously, you can live in Bellville and not LOVE the Brahmas-or not live in Bellville and LOVE the Brahmas. If I was you (thank goodness I'm not--sarcasm), I would not reveal my identity. It could be detrimental to your well-being. Go Bulls!! BrahmaMom loves you! XBoy, I'm not so sure about you.

09-14-2004, 08:52 AM
I had never heard of Bellville until that faithful night of 3 OT's, and then I looked for Bellville on the Map your town, and school play with so much passion I could help but respect the Brahmas and last year was a classic game also 22 keep your head up because we were 1-4 and look where we ended up.