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09-06-2004, 06:09 PM
Well, the Leps come off a sound spanking in Cuero. Will they rebound to meet the perenial challenge of the Sealy Tigers in their first home game? The Tigers are coming off a victory against a mediocre Needville team after being beaten by Cameron. The Tigers will want revenge for the 15-6 loss to the Leps in round one last year in the play-offs at Leopard Stadium. The Leps want to prove to the fans that they are a winning team. I figure that we will see a different team this week with Woods at the helm as Qb and a more balanced offense developing around a sound passing game. The Lep D will be the difference in this game holding Sealy to 2 tds.

Leps 28
Sealy 13

Mustang '89
09-06-2004, 06:10 PM
What happened to Daniels?

09-06-2004, 06:11 PM
Haven't these games usually turned out to be good ones?

It should be a good game... And of course, you'll have to give us Cuero guys a scouting report since we'll be playing them after you guys do :D

09-06-2004, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Mustang '89
What happened to Daniels?

I don't think anything happened to him...

But I think folks feel he makes a better RB than QB...

Pretty quick guy...

09-06-2004, 07:45 PM
La Grange and Cuero already played this year? If so what was the score?

09-06-2004, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by OHSwr19
La Grange and Cuero already played this year? If so what was the score?

It was this past Friday Night...

Cuero 34-0...

Does anyone what Sealy's top threat is this year?

Haven't heard much out of Title-Town this season...

09-06-2004, 07:51 PM
Thought La Grange was supposed to be pretty good this year is Cuero that much better or what?

09-06-2004, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by OHSwr19
Thought La Grange was supposed to be pretty good this year is Cuero that much better or what?

LG will be just fine...

their defense will do nothing but get better the rest of the season...

Trying out a different QB and stickin' Daniels in the backfield could really work for the offense I believe...

They'll be rollin' heads here pretty soon...

09-06-2004, 07:57 PM
Originally posted by OHSwr19
La Grange and Cuero already played this year? If so what was the score?

There are three types of folks in this world:
those that make things happen
those that watch things happen
and those that ask "What happened?"

La Grange lost to Cuero in week one.:(

09-06-2004, 09:00 PM
Lagrange will be fine in this ball game. That game last week against Cuero was a off night for lagrange they looked out of sync all that night. Well for Sealy they have a good team But not what Sealy is customed to in that town.


09-06-2004, 09:00 PM
pugluger sealy lost to giddings 14-3. not cameron

09-06-2004, 09:38 PM
Oh yeah, another senior moment I guess!:)

09-07-2004, 10:07 AM
I think that LG will rebound in this game. The loss last week will have them hungry for their first win. I pick the Leopards by a TD.
Go Raiders!!!

09-07-2004, 10:21 AM
Sealy 24
LG 7

09-07-2004, 11:09 AM
Originally posted by Bellville22
Sealy 24
LG 7

Would you like to elaborate a little on how you arrived at this prediciton? Do you know something about Sealy that you want to share with us? I would welcome some analysis here.:)

09-07-2004, 11:17 AM
thanks for the love 22!:D

strike hard
09-07-2004, 01:52 PM
To close to call but I will say La Grange by 10

09-07-2004, 04:07 PM
Should be a good game. Sealy will be doing some fine-tuning before they go up against Cuero. Both programs turn out quality teams, but my heart is in Austin County. Go Tigers!

09-07-2004, 04:35 PM
Sorry Pud, don't take it personal, I have great respect for Coach V and that program, just an impulse pick.

Sealy will be out for revenge, and at home. From what I hear, LG is down this year, and Sealy is about at the level they were last year.

09-07-2004, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by Bellville22
Sorry Pud, don't take it personal, I have great respect for Coach V and that program, just an impulse pick.

Sealy will be out for revenge, and at home. From what I hear, LG is down this year, and Sealy is about at the level they were last year.

Well Sealy is in our house so I think that changes things.

LG 28
Sealy 13

09-07-2004, 08:38 PM
My bad....

Sealy 21
LG 13

09-08-2004, 02:23 PM
Traditionally LG is slow out the gate, but they have won their second game every year since 1997 and I think they will come out and do so again Friday. They are coming off a tough loss to a very strong Cuero team and that will serve them well against Sealy. The Leps had some bright moments in their loss last Friday and with some tweaking of the defensive secondary and backfield on the offense they will be very difficult to beat. My guess is we will see the senior Collin Zapalac at safety and the soph Matt Woods at quarterback. The O line looked pretty stout against Cuero's big guys. I would say the reason the Leps stalled in their drives was due to the lack of a passing game. Three interceptions leading to 21 points is a great way to dig yourself into a hole.

My predicition for the Sealy match is that Coach V will opt for the option and veer offense setting it up with short passes out in the flats to #2 Minzenmeyer and to the TE over the middle or quick dumps in the corners. Meanwhile the Lep D will be all over the field swarming to the ball as usual. This Lep team is a whole lot better than the score last Friday indicates. Good luck and here's to a clean injury free game.

09-08-2004, 06:12 PM
Any other LG boosters out there?:confused:

09-09-2004, 09:16 AM
Coach V seems to have a knack for getting kids in the right positions to create a winning team. When you have a the numbers and tradition in programs like LG and Bellville you have the kids willing to work, you just have to get them in the right spots. Coach V and staff will probably have it figured out by this week and if they do they will probably beat Sealy. I remember a few years ago when LG had lost a few game and Coach V put this freshman in as qb and no more losses after that. His name was Tye Gunn. Should be a good, close game.

09-09-2004, 06:22 PM
Punt you are right. It seems like every year we are saying this same thing after game one. In 11 seasons Coach V has only won 2 first games, none since 1999. On the other hand he has won the second game since 1997, so I guess that explains it. Watch for some different personel in key slots and a fired up O line Friday. I think Sealy is going to be surprised how good these Leps are when they are backed up against the wall.

Leps 28
Sealy 13

09-09-2004, 07:45 PM
The game tomorrow night should be another typical Sealy-La Grange matchup. Neither team has quite the talent they had a few years back and they always matched up pretty well and they seem to be pretty even this year again.
I believe both have a lot of returning players, but none are the Tye Gunn nor Brad Burttschell type.
Sealy went into the season ranked first in its district as well as first in the Greater Houston Area by the Houston Chronicle. They had good outings against 4-A El Campo and a talented Wharton team in scrimmages.
But in their first game they fell to Giddings, a team that didn't have the talent that the Tigers seem to have. Losing to a team with less talent hasn't happened in Sealy in quite some time.
Sealy's defense is quite challenging and they have several players who are real tough... for instance Deran Schneider at middle linebacker is starting for his third season and nosebacker Josh Scyrus can be a force. Scyrus is about 210 pounds and was the leadoff runner in the Tigers' third place sprint relay team at the state meet year before last. He can go.
On offense is where the question is. They just haven't shown much there. The running back is a good tough runner who was an all-district outside linebacker last year. Their quarterback Brantly could very well be an all-state tight end, but chances are he is the best they have at quarterback so they are forced to use him there.
The game looks to be a tossup to me but...
I have great respect for coach V and his staff and if there could be a differnce in the teams it could be there. You have to remember that little Dago won a state championship and played for another. And on top of that he coached the Leopards to Sealy's only loss in a four-year run. He may not be the most popular person among his coaching collegues, but he is a great coach.

09-09-2004, 08:30 PM
Dago? That's an endearment I assume.

Except for that, I agree with your assessment. Both teams have yet to prove themselves. It will be a telling contest. I hope the Leps step it up and play to potential. :)

09-09-2004, 08:42 PM
Yes, I like Tony and respect his ability emmensely. My dictionary tells me that (Dago) is a person of Spanish, Portugese or Italian descent. I look at it as a Kraut being associated as a one with German descent... that's me. No pum intended, but I still look at Tony as a little Dago.