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View Full Version : Who is your favorite underwater basket weaver ??

12-04-2002, 07:25 PM
You shouldnt have favorite players on a team...you should only have a favorite team and wish them all well.

Bulldog Fan
12-04-2002, 07:28 PM
You shouldnt have favorite players on a team...you should only have a favorite team and wish them all well.Why are there so many humbugs on this board?

12-04-2002, 07:35 PM
you tell me


12-05-2002, 12:02 AM
Well my favorite underwater basket weaver has to be Jeff Sholoah. I have never seen anyone with skills and potential like him. I just wish that this sport could move up a level and become an Olypmic sport. I'm sure Jeff would step it up a notch and show the rest of the underwater basket weavers how the sport should be played.

GO JEFF SHOLOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-05-2002, 12:30 AM
justanopinion: although i agree with you that Jeff Sholoah is an excellent underwater basket weaver, i am gonna say that he's not quite my favorite.

i am very impressed with Yurn Kerlensmith from Mexico...he is an up and coming youngster with 'mucho' potential.

his signature credential is that he can hold his breath for 5 minutes. now, i understand that he does not have the most talent at doing the actual basket weaving, but with his water-submission time, i know that only great things are to come. if he improves his skills, he will be at the top of every poll including the BWCS(basket weaving championship series)

go Yurn Kerlensmith....yay!!!

12-05-2002, 08:44 AM
I would like to respectfully disagree with you. I am the original Underwater Basketweaver. I have not lost a competition to date, and my world record closed weave pumpkin basket will never be toppled. Thank you.

12-05-2002, 08:58 AM
3ADL, always seems to bring out the very best in everyone. It is going to be a very longgggg off season.

12-05-2002, 09:06 AM
There's always NFL Europe! just kidding.

12-05-2002, 09:13 AM
Turbo, you better get back to changing those dirty diapers.

12-05-2002, 09:42 AM
JimboTex: I also agree that Yurn Kerlensmith can hold is breath for a long time and has alot of potential but I must call your attention to the "Steroid scandal of 1996."

Preparing to weave for Yurn's first time on the professional circuit he was left in the locker room alone. Sources say that 5 minutes before his weave was scheduled to start IUWBW officials caught Yurn doing the unthinkable. They caught him using finger steriod injections to increase his weave ability.

So maybe you should reconsider your choice. If Yurn breaks the all time record of "The cross weave angel basket" he will no doubt be like Mark McGuire. Although he broke the all time Homerun record people still remember how he used drugs to get there.

There is now a new Message Board for Underwater Basket Weaving.
www.uwbwdownlow.com (http://www.uwbwdownlow.com) uwbwdownlow (http://www.uwbwdownlow.com)

12-05-2002, 01:19 PM
Creecy you are such an idiot that was his older brother, Yagitz.

Yurn has learned from his older brothers mistakes and plans on making it to the top. I guarantee you Yurn could kill Jeff in any underwater basket weaving contest. You retard!

12-05-2002, 02:12 PM
Jimbo....I wonder about you and Creecy sometimes...I think you two spend tooo much time together...haha See you at the game Saturday


12-05-2002, 04:16 PM
That may be true. But I know it's not. A wise man once said that "you never know about those darn basket weaving competitions."

I don't see Yurn beating Jeff within the next 2 years. If PPHSfan takes us up on our offer he wont have 2 years left. So consider the facts Jimbo.

Jason: Me and Jimbo both know that you enjoy this sport more than us. I have seen your collection of UWBW trading cards. Heck you even have a part of "the cross weave angel basket."

Maybe you should put some of your input on this site.

12-05-2002, 06:46 PM
Y do u have to have a favorite team? Y cant u like just one person? r u going to the game on Saturday or do u have to work?

<small>[ December 05, 2002, 05:54 PM: Message edited by: MrForneyDude712 ]</small>

12-05-2002, 06:57 PM
uhm, i dont know who you are but im scared...i dont have to work though, ill be meeting friends and family to eat before...


and yes Jimbo, I do have the whole Collectors set of the UWBW cards...I'll sell them to you for $1,000,000.99

12-05-2002, 10:27 PM
I have to confess, I'm more of a sentimental fan myself. I'd have to say my favorite underwater basket weaver is Nathan McCoy of our very own United States. He's almost like the Lance Armstrong of Basket Weaving. People forget that he was considered a serious contender for the World Championships seven years ago. If it had not been for the terrible incident with the shark in the Maui Invitational, he could be a BW legend now. It's too bad that he had to go into retirement for two years after losing his left arm. But when he started his comeback after learning to weave with his toes, he instantly became my favorite. I know that must have taken all kinds of determination. He may never contend for a world championship, but just the fact that he is now competing by using his toes is good enough in my books.

eye of the tiger
12-05-2002, 10:38 PM
No no no. The best is Svenska Brottningsförbundet formerly of the Swedish womens diving team. After winning numerous gold medals for diving she turned to underwater basket weaving. She would spend her time after a dive while still underwater to practice this new skill. And she looks good doing it.

slpybear the bullfan
12-05-2002, 11:24 PM
Okay, I have to bring up my personal favorite underwater basket weaving champion of all time... My great-grandpa, Steve "The Weave" Stankowicz.

Grandpa Steve was born in the west-texas town of Turkey. He was 10 years old when he hired on with the old XIT ranch. He worked his way up from cook helper to the lofty position of windmill greaser. He road a buckboard with assorted tools and grease and made the rounds through old section 10 and checked on all the windmills. Along the way, he started killing time at the water tanks by weaving sculptures of horses with prarie grasses he found along the way. I heard him tell stories of callusses cracking on his fingers while he held them under that water... Man! What inspiration!

The rest of the story is history, as some of you more astute underwater basket weaving fans may know. Steve went on to give up his career on the XIT for a similar position on the King Ranch near the coast. He perfected his art in the Gulf, married Jaques Cousteau's daughter after the war and became famous worldwide in weaving competitions while travelling with old Jaques. His greatest achievement was an "All-around Underwater Basket Weaving World Champion" belt buckle he won at the 1962 world championships at Kyoto, Japan. Dang, he would polish that buckle, grin and his fingers would twitch... just a little...


ps - You know, one time before he passed on in 1973, I asked him what he thought about the new, superstars of underwater basket weaving that had the high powered contracts of today - the guys like Jeff Sholoah, Yurn Kerlensmith, Nathan McCoy, you know, all the stars. My great grandpa just grinned and said, "Slpy, the money would be nice, but they couldn't weave a nice paint horse to save their life." That was it. All he ever said about it. Can you believe that?!!

<small>[ December 05, 2002, 10:27 PM: Message edited by: slpybear the bullfan ]</small>

slpybear the bullfan
12-05-2002, 11:41 PM
By the way, if anyone ever wants to consider Underwater Basket Weaving for a career, I would highly reccommend Duke University. They are one of the best. Their UBW home page is here...


12-06-2002, 09:29 AM
How could you have possibly asked your grandfather about Nathan McCoy in 1973 before he passed away? Everybody knows that Nathan wasn't born until 1978! Besides that, Yurn and Jeff would have been infants in '73. Sounds like somebody told a phony grandfather story.

12-06-2002, 09:35 AM
Well I just want to say, that I myself left this thread alone so everyone else could shine with their brilliant wit. And after reading for three days I have come to the conclusion, that several of you have a great wit about you, but Slpybear won this won.

Slpybear, I was almost in tears by the end of your story. You my friend are a natural. :D

12-06-2002, 09:38 AM
deitrick: i guarantee that Yurn Kerlensmith would beat Nathan McCoy with his hands tied behind his back.

Yurn Kerlensmith is da bomb!!!!

12-06-2002, 09:45 AM
Hold on a minute guys.

Jeff Sholoah beat Miles Kilmer
Miles Kilmer beat Nathan McCoy
Nathan McCoy beat Yurn Kerlensmith

So by all means Jeff Sholoah should be able to beat Yurn Kerlensmith. So unless you can prove other wise I am just going to have to go with the UBWDataPoll and put Jeff Sholoah #1.

GO JEFF!!!!!!!!!! THE REAL BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-06-2002, 09:51 AM
my god..ya'll have taken this WAY TOO FAR...haha


12-06-2002, 10:06 AM
Well, obviously McCoy isn't going to beat the greats like Jeff and Yurn. Having to weave with your toes is an obvious disadvantage.

But hey Jimbo, if you think Yurn could win with his hands tied behind his back, I have a feeling you're wrong. I seriously doubt that Yurn could even compare to Nathan if Yurn had to use his toes too.

12-06-2002, 01:45 PM
I hate to continue to toot my own horn, but the disrespect I am receiving concerning this thread is intolerable.

I am still the only UWBW superstar to have a movie made of my story. Listen to my story and I'm sure you'll recognize it.

I grew up as a Jewish boy in the slums of Philly. My mentor worked at a little known UWBW training center. I started working with him. He knew I had what it took. He began training me. I wanted to quit he was so hard on me. He made me go underwater and chase guppies to improve my swimming skills. He took me to the muddiest pond in the outer Philly area, and made me train in water I couldn't see through to work on my dexterity. He taught me to lay back in the early rounds of a weaving contest, and blast everyone in later rounds with unbelievable baskets. He nicknamed me the Jewish Camel. Not long before I was going to weave against the combined USBW, IBW, and WBW champion, I met my future wife, Adrian, and almost lost my edge, but my trainer pulled me through. After I won the championship I was so excited that I almost drowned when I tried to yell "Y-o-o-o- A-d-r-i-a-n" underwater holding the belts above my with my bleeding fingers and knuckles.

Yeah, they called me to make a movie about it, but decided that basketweaving didn't work well for movies, and turned the story into a boxing movie, named the guy the Italian Stallion or something, and then hired some guy with a lisp named Sly to play my character in a movie named Rocko or Rocky or something like that. I never saw it, but I'm sure it sucked.

12-06-2002, 01:48 PM
I hate to continue to toot my own horn, but the disrespect I am receiving concerning this thread is intolerable.

I am still the only UWBW superstar to have a movie made of my story. Listen to my story and I'm sure you'll recognize it.

I grew up as a Jewish boy in the slums of Philly. My mentor worked at a little known UWBW training center. I started working with him. He knew I had what it took. He began training me. I wanted to quit he was so hard on me. He made me go underwater and chase guppies to improve my swimming skills. He took me to the muddiest pond in the outer Philly area, and made me train in water I couldn't see through to work on my dexterity. He taught me to lay back in the early rounds of a weaving contest, and blast everyone in later rounds with unbelievable baskets. He nicknamed me the Jewish Camel. Not long before I was going to weave against the combined USBW, IBW, and WBW champion, I met my future wife, Adrian, and almost lost my edge, but my trainer pulled me through. After I won the championship I was so excited that I almost drowned when I tried to yell "Y-o-o-o- A-d-r-i-a-n" underwater holding the belts above my with my bleeding fingers and knuckles.

Yeah, they called me to make a movie about it, but decided that basketweaving didn't work well for movies, and turned the story into a boxing movie, named the guy the Italian Stallion or something, and then hired some guy with a lisp named Sly to play my character in a movie named Rocko or Rocky or something like that. I never saw it, but I'm sure it sucked.

12-06-2002, 01:49 PM
I hate to continue to toot my own horn, but the disrespect I am receiving concerning this thread is intolerable.

I am still the only UWBW superstar to have a movie made of my story. Listen to my story and I'm sure you'll recognize it.

I grew up as a Jewish boy in the slums of Philly. My mentor worked at a little known UWBW training center. I started working with him. He knew I had what it took. He began training me. I wanted to quit he was so hard on me. He made me go underwater and chase guppies to improve my swimming skills. He took me to the muddiest pond in the outer Philly area, and made me train in water I couldn't see through to work on my dexterity. He taught me to lay back in the early rounds of a weaving contest, and blast everyone in later rounds with unbelievable baskets. He nicknamed me the Jewish Camel. Not long before I was going to weave against the combined USBW, IBW, and WBW champion, I met my future wife, Adrian, and almost lost my edge, but my trainer pulled me through. After I won the championship I was so excited that I almost drowned when I tried to yell "Y-o-o-o- A-d-r-i-a-n" underwater holding the belts above my head with my bleeding fingers and knuckles.

Yeah, they called me to make a movie about it, but decided that basketweaving didn't work well for movies, and turned the story into a boxing movie, named the guy the Italian Stallion or something, and then hired some guy with a lisp named Sly to play my character in a movie named Rocko or Rocky or something like that. I never saw it, but I'm sure it sucked.

12-06-2002, 01:52 PM
Sorry about the multiple posts, my comp was spazzing out.

12-06-2002, 06:14 PM
Creecy, you can't make a comparison like that. Kilmer beating McCoy was a total fluke that happened at the beginning of last season. Besides, Kilmer had like 3 blisters on his hands, so he was at a disadvantage, so that match shouldn't count. Comparisons mean nothing in UBW.

Gee, this sounds awfully familiar, doesn't it?

12-06-2002, 06:16 PM
Well I have been reading this thread now for a few days and I have come to the conclusion that a few of you are making fun of basket weavers. Now before any of you guys start calling me names for defending these tremendous athletes, I want you to take a minute and think about the dedication that goes into becoming a basket weaver. I myself have done a lot of research on the subject and I wanted to share with you the commitment that some of these fine young men and women display, simply by joining a team.

Just take a look at the required courses one must complete in order to receive a B.S. in basket weaving.

Major in Basket Weaving (B.S.)

Requirements Within the Department:
MBW210 Introduction to Underwater Basket Weaving 1 (and Laboratory*^)
MBW220 Introduction to Atmospheric Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
MBW230 Introduction to Extreme Pressure Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
MBW240 Introduction to Extreme Temperature Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
One of the following:
GBW101 Introduction to Basket Weaving
GBW140 Conceptual Basket Weaving
Two of the following:
MSBW250 Calculus for Basket Weavers
MSBW255 Introduction to Computational Basket Weaving
MSBW350 Analytical Basket Weaving
MSBW425 Advanced Computational Basket Weaving
Two of the following:
SBW150 History of Basket Weaving
SBW160 Basket Weaving in Literature
SBW260 Basket Weaving Ethics
SBW270 Classical Basket Weaving
SBW280 Modern Basket Weaving
SBW305 Basket Weaving Law
Two of the following:
CBW 110: Basket Weaving and Society
CBW 203: Etiquette and Basket Weaving
CBW 205: Asian Meditation While Basket Weaving
CBW 207: Zen and the Art of Basket Weaving
CBW 311: Food, Drink, and Basket Weaving
Two of the following:
MBW300 Advanced Underwater Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
MBW310 Advanced Atmospheric Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
MBW320 Advanced Extreme Pressure Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
MBW330 Advanced Extreme Temperature Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
Three of the following:
MBW405 Multi-Environment Basket Weaving, Selected Topics
1 - High Pressure, Low Gravity, Blindfolded Basket Weaving*,**
2 – High Temperature Asbestos-Clad Basket Weaving
MBW410 Arctic Basket Weaving*
MBW420 Deep Sea Basket Weaving*,**
MBW430 Alpine Basket Weaving*
MBW440 Airborne Basket Weaving*,**
MBW450 Zero Gravity Basket Weaving*
MBW460 Inverted Basket Weaving*
MBW470 Basket Weaving in Extreme Gravitational Fields*
MBW475 Inverted Basket Weaving in Extreme Gravitational Fields*
MBW480 Basket Weaving through Fires and Earthquakes*
MBW490 Basket Weaving through Tornadoes and Hurricanes*
One of the following:
MBW400 Senior Research Project
MBW495 Senior Seminar

Requirements outside Department:
CHEM 210 General Chemistry (4)
CHEM 211 General Chemistry (4)
MATH 229 and 230 (Calculus I an II) (4)
OR MATH 210 Finite Math and MATH 211 Business Calculus (4)
PHYS 250 and 251 General Physics I and II (4)
OR PHYS 250A and 251A Fundamentals of Physics I and II
(Engineering Physics) (4)

Minor in Basket Weaving (24-25)
CHEM 210 General Chemistry (4)
GBW101 Introduction to Basket Weaving
MBW210 Introduction to Underwater Basket Weaving 1 (and Laboratory*^)
MBW220 Introduction to Atmospheric Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
MBW230 Introduction to Extreme Pressure Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
OR MBW240 Introduction to Extreme Temperature Basket Weaving (and Laboratory*^)
Electives from 300- and 400-level basket weaving courses (5-6 hours)

Whew...this one has worn me out friends :p

12-06-2002, 07:06 PM
Geez, with all those requirements, i'd rather take up Meteorology than Basket Weaving.

Don't get me wrong though, I love the water....it's just that I can't picture myself weaving baskets underwater.

STORM CHASING, now THAT'S a sport!!!!!

12-06-2002, 07:22 PM
hey PPHSFan...a little too much time on your hands have we??? haha


12-06-2002, 11:39 PM
wow, thanks PPHSfan.

this now makes me have the utmost respect for the stars as well as the unsung of the grueling sport.

i was considering majoring in basket weaving next year at Baylor, but now i will go back to a religion major with maybe a minor in basket weaving.

12-06-2002, 11:58 PM
hey PPHSFan...a little too much time on your hands have we??? haha

GO FORNEY !!! BEAT EVERMAN !!!I like to think of it as time well spent jason. I try my best to keep my fellow posters informed as much as possible. :D

12-07-2002, 03:01 AM
Hey PPHSfan, You forgot the graduate course
GUBW3AFB501: Underwater basket weaving and its
uses in 3A Football. :D :D

12-07-2002, 07:55 AM
ok, i opened the topic, so i deserve the right to close it....haha, i wish i had that much power on this board...


12-07-2002, 07:57 AM
correction...go forney....beat EVERMAN (give me some credit, it's 6:45 in the morning) haha

12-07-2002, 09:37 AM
I hate to tell you guys this, but compared to this guy, yall are panty-waists as fans of this sport. TRUE fans would want to know the history. Check it out: History of UWBW (http://sporkqueen.diaryland.com/010517_9.html) Those of us that have been around since Jesus was a pup could have told you about this had you bothered to ask.

<small>[ December 07, 2002, 08:48 AM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

slpybear the bullfan
12-07-2002, 11:16 AM
Heh, heh, Sinton66, I am sure you and my Great Grandfather Steve "The Weave" Stankowicz would have gotten along tremondously...


12-07-2002, 12:36 PM
Hey Jason you know you coulda saved a little face and edited your original post. But oh well if your ok I'm ok. :p :D wink :confused: eek! :mad: :( :cool:

slpybear the bullfan
12-07-2002, 02:09 PM
How could you have possibly asked your grandfather about Nathan McCoy in 1973 before he passed away? Everybody knows that Nathan wasn't born until 1978! Besides that, Yurn and Jeff would have been infants in '73. Sounds like somebody told a phony grandfather story.Okay crzyjournalist03, I tried to ignore your statement, but Great Grandpa Steve's memory is something we protect in our family. As I am sitting here typing this, I am looking at a custom made scuba harness he weaved for me when I was just a little babe. He was a good, no... great man.

First of all, that was my error. I meant to type 1983, not 1973. Steve "The Weave" Stankowicz died in his pool in July of '83. He went quietly with his fingers doing what he loved to the end. I was born in '71, and spent a lot of time with Great Granpa Steve while I could. He made that custom-woven SCUBA rig for me to try and get me in the sport and I am sad to say I never had the passion he had.

Secondly, I used those names with a little literary license to make sure all the folks who know the sport today would understand. Everyone who is anyone knows that by the time Granpa Steve retired in the seventies, the big starts of the sports were greats like, Allan "Fingers" Harvick, Daniel "dueling digits" Deweese, or one of my favorites, Isoroku "Reed Samurai" Yamachatka.

Thirdly, if you are picking on my posts like this, crzyjournalist03, then I think you might be taking this thread a little TOO SERIOUSLY. wink wink wink wink


(Yep, :D , tongue was planted firmly in cheek by the time I finished making... um... writing this up LOL :D :D )

12-07-2002, 04:38 PM
I would have changed it but it would have taken me longer than just to put a new message...I'm probably the most Illiterate Computer guy on this board..even my little bro probably knows more than I do...haha


slpybear the bullfan
12-09-2002, 08:24 PM
Oh, what the heck...


(PS - I was kind of wondering who else might be the creme of the crop in UWBW leagues...)

12-09-2002, 10:23 PM
One of the greats that comes to my mind is the Immortal "Lacey Fingers". Some of you may remember his twin brother "Rollie Fingers". But Lacey had an even greater impact on the UWBW world than Rollie had on Baseball.

Lacey was one of the first Relief Weavers, he actually started the tradition of Saving Baskets, when a starting weaver began running out of air.

If most of you think back to the early 70's, you will recall Lacey going to court with the Canadian Leauge, insisting that Winter events be held in heated indoor pools. Had it not been for Lacey's efforts, the sport would not be what it is today.

Below is one of my cherished photos of Lacey, feel free to enjoy viewing it at your pleasure, but please do not make any copies, as this is a very rare photograph, and I would not want to diminish its value.

Lacey Fingers 1977

<small>[ December 09, 2002, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: PPHSfan ]</small>

12-10-2002, 02:12 PM

12-10-2002, 02:50 PM
slpybear the bullfan:
His greatest achievement was an "All-around Underwater Basket Weaving World Champion" belt buckle he won at the 1962 world championships at Kyoto, Japan. Dang, he would polish that buckle, grin and his fingers would twitch... just a little...

splybear, I have to disagree with you, or at least the version of the story that I grew up with was that he won the championship, he turned down the brass championship buckle and wove one for himself. That is what the UWBW Championship Committee patterned the present day buckle after. If that was the case, why was he polishing it? Can you please verify?

slpybear the bullfan
12-11-2002, 09:53 PM

slpybear the bullfan:
His greatest achievement was an "All-around Underwater Basket Weaving World Champion" belt buckle he won at the 1962 world championships at Kyoto, Japan. Dang, he would polish that buckle, grin and his fingers would twitch... just a little...

splybear, I have to disagree with you, or at least the version of the story that I grew up with was that he won the championship, he turned down the brass championship buckle and wove one for himself. That is what the UWBW Championship Committee patterned the present day buckle after. If that was the case, why was he polishing it? Can you please verify?Well, BIG19, the story, "behind the weaving", is that ol' Grandpa Steve had gotten kind of hacked at Japan during WWII. He was too old to serve by then, but he worked for the Navy on Underwater Rescue breathing techniques. He had read an article in Stars and Stripes about the Japanese using strips of Bamboo to torture people with and he went ballistic, just went off on one of his patented "I'll clean their clocks!" benders.

Fast forward to Kyoto in 1962. When he was presented the buckle, he pulled a buckle out of his pocket that he had woven while waiting for the award ceremony. He threw it at the judges and snapped, "That is what blankety blank Bamboo is used for!" and stormed off, minus the cast buckle that was intended for him.

The international panel of judges sheepishly stood their until the Japanese representative picked up the bamboo buckle and the rest is history... Japan began the tradition of the woven bamboo buckles that is now such a tradition in the sport.

The funny thing was, that same japanese judge that picked up the original woven buckle at the '62 awards ceremony is the same judge that sent the cast silver buckle to Grandpa that he was supposed to take home. It arrived in the mail later that year and Grandpa wrote a thank you note and apologized, the judge corresponded back and the next thing you know, they become great friends. In fact, the judge had a son who was so taken with Grandpa Steve that he got in the sport and became world champion in '81 at Lisbon. The son's name?... Isoroku "Reed Samurai" Yamachatka. I swear!

12-12-2002, 06:27 PM
I can't believe this topic hasnt fallen of the recent posts lists. I thought it would die a long time ago.

12-13-2002, 09:53 AM
I might as well!


slpybear the bullfan
12-14-2002, 11:18 AM

09-20-2003, 09:01 PM

slpybear the bullfan
09-20-2003, 09:17 PM
Man... I had a few chuckles rereading some of those posts... I wonder what Grandpa Steve would think of how long this topic has lasted?

09-20-2003, 09:59 PM
ahh, fond memories of high school. Jimbo, justanopinion, and I would sit around and talk about this thread during class and talk about what we should write next...high school truly was "the good ole days".

09-21-2003, 12:09 AM
ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
that's some shunny fit!!! :D

09-21-2003, 01:17 AM
who in the heck brought this post back up...even though it was some of my finest work...

09-21-2003, 11:28 AM
My favorite is that guy who got tangled in his basket and had to be rescued by the judges. Wide World of Sports must have shown that at least 50,000 times under their Agony of Defeat Section. I wonder whatever happened to that guy.

09-21-2003, 12:45 PM
who in the heck brought this post back up...even though it was some of my finest work...ME

11-24-2003, 02:52 PM
Why not? We may as well get ready for offseason.

LH Panther Mom
11-24-2003, 05:09 PM
Man, I don't see how I could've missed this. Slpy, you undoubtedly have an extremely talented grandfather. :) It's so ironic that he was born in Turkey - my mother was born in Dickens, my dad was born in Dumont. I'll be spending Thanksgiving right down the road in Matador.

PPHSfan, your research into the degree requirements for UWBW now make me ashamed for my prior remarks about ATM students. My sincerest apologies to all UWBW graduates and wannabes.

To all of you.....I needed a good laugh. Even though it's almost a year old, this was hilarious. :D :D

11-24-2003, 05:50 PM
I have yet to find a funnier post on this forum. I feel like a complete idiot sitting at my computer, all alone, laughing out loud to the point of snorting! You guys are frikkin' killin' me! Absolutely hilarious and indescribably creative! I needed to laugh like that the way my luck has been as of late.....THANK YOU ALL!!!!!

11-24-2003, 05:51 PM
I have yet to find a funnier post on this forum. I feel like a complete idiot sitting at my computer, all alone, laughing out loud to the point of snorting! You guys are frikkin' killin' me! Absolutely hilarious and indescribably creative! I needed to laugh like that the way my luck has been as of late.....THANK YOU ALL!!!!! :) :) :)

LH Panther Mom
11-24-2003, 08:10 PM
Buckeye80, I know the feeling. I was doing the same thing. I'm just glad I wasn't reading it when the kids got home from school, because they would've thought mom had totally lost her mind.

03-07-2004, 12:42 AM
In memory of PPHSFan

08-10-2004, 09:57 PM

08-05-2005, 10:27 PM
can you belive this thread has been locked since the last switchover...

08-05-2005, 10:28 PM
LOL...Only Jason can make stupid thread and get alot of post on it!!!

slpybear the bullfan
08-06-2005, 01:02 AM
Man, I remember this thread fondly... with twitchin fingers!


RIP Grandpa Steve "The Weave"

08-06-2005, 09:55 AM
Just a note for those interested...

Underwater Basketweaving Championship this Oct. 21 at 11 P.M. on TNT following an extended version showing of "Dawn at the Soccoro" (they say they have some never seen before footage they will be airing).

Two must see cable T.V. events. Folks if you been waiting to get on the direct TV or dish bandwagon I am certain this will push you over the edge.

Phil probably will be updating us more on this later.

Ranger Mom
08-27-2006, 11:40 PM
PURE GREATNESS!!!!!:clap: :clap:

08-27-2006, 11:42 PM
Cant believe its been So long without Grandpa Steve :(

08-27-2006, 11:46 PM

08-28-2006, 09:19 AM
:thinking: :confused: :thinking:

08-28-2006, 09:21 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
:thinking: :confused: :thinking: "It's okay now, I'm here"

08-28-2006, 01:09 PM
whoever created this thread must be a comedic genius

08-28-2006, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by KindaCool
whoever created this thread must be a comedic genius


08-28-2006, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by KindaCool
whoever created this thread must be a comedic genius Slpybear was the true comedic genius!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: The King said so himself!! :D

Phantom Stang
08-28-2006, 01:16 PM
Originally posted by KindaCool
whoever created this thread must be a comedic genius
Nah... It was Jason.


10-15-2006, 01:03 AM