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View Full Version : Final Gilmer 48 Longview Pine Tree 7

08-26-2004, 10:50 PM
Gilmer wins its first game of the season
by beating Longview Pine Tree 48-7

Gilmer Buckeye
08-27-2004, 03:58 PM
Way to go, Buckeyes! Here is an article about the game from the Tyler newspaper:


08-27-2004, 05:33 PM
The most encouraging thing for me about last night was that I haven't even heard of some of the kids making the big plays! Terrance Lovely is gonna' be a playmaker for us all season! That kid has some wheels!:eek:
The offensive and defensive lines held up very well despite including some freshmen later in the game. I'll say that on average our lines were outweighed by about 50 pounds per man, but Pine Tree could not run up the middle effectively. (For those of you not familiar with the Buckeyes, they typically don't have a lot of huge kids. We're built more around speed, especially on defense.)
The defense really impressed me also. They have very good pursuit to the ball. I recall several plays with eight or nine guys in on the tackle. That is very encouraging.
All in all, this year's team may feel like they have something to prove in following last year's team. They're kinda' like the Texas Rangers. Nobody really looked for them to do much after losing 18 starters, but they didn't look last night like they really care what the expectations are.
Great game last night Buckeyes! Keep workin' under Coach Traylor. The man knows what he's doing.