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View Full Version : Thank Goodness we are off week zero!!

Ranger Mom
08-21-2004, 09:08 PM
Just got word our QB hurt his ankle last night at the scrimmage, I don't know to what extent exactly, but it was severe enough to require surgery this morning. He will be out for at least 2 months...which is pretty much the season.

Hopefully this will give our 2 backups some extra time to practice at that position. One is a junior and the other is a sophomore. I feel so bad for the starting QB, he's a senior and this was going to be his first year to start on Varsity!

08-21-2004, 09:36 PM
Man, that stinks. Poor kid.

Z motion 10 out on 2
08-21-2004, 09:45 PM
Hate to hear it. It is sad that he will not get his shot.

08-21-2004, 11:47 PM
Similar thing happened up here(only this injury was aquired through stupidity)...QB, his senior year also...broke a wrist, ankle and jaw (he just had surgery on his wrist and jaw, it is now wired shut)...a bunch of the guys went to the sand dunes and he decided to take off like a bat out of he!! on his quad...he went off the edge of a dune and dropped over 50 feet to the bottom...his mom now has his 2 quads and dirt bikes advertised in the paper FOR SALE...I don't think the team has much depth for back up

08-22-2004, 12:37 AM
How much is she asking for the dirt bikes?

08-22-2004, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by lepfan
Similar thing happened up here(only this injury was aquired through stupidity)...QB, his senior year also...broke a wrist, ankle and jaw (he just had surgery on his wrist and jaw, it is now wired shut)...a bunch of the guys went to the sand dunes and he decided to take off like a bat out of he!! on his quad...he went off the edge of a dune and dropped over 50 feet to the bottom...his mom now has his 2 quads and dirt bikes advertised in the paper FOR SALE...I don't think the team has much depth for back up

Hey Lepfan how good is the high school football up in western Kansas?:D

08-22-2004, 04:17 AM
Really hate to hear this about two young kids. Although their football season are probably done, they still have the rest of the lives to go! Sure hope thye heal well and are back soon.

08-22-2004, 10:45 AM
I don't know about the $$$ on the stuff, my son just informed me they are not dirt bikes...they are crotch rockets. Big19 you are so right...the kid I am talking about had a bad injury last year on his quad...this most recent wreck should have ended up a fatality but by the grace of God did not. That is why his mom is so upset. My son watched the accident happen. Come to find out a man died at the same spot doing the same thing earlier this summer. Pud, Football up here is different...not as intense...I know I am gonna miss LG football---get loud for us! We really want to get down to visit and watch at least one game.

Ranger Mom
08-22-2004, 06:17 PM
It is amazing how many injuries the kids on our football team have had the past 2 years -- the majority on dirtbikes or ATV's.

Too bad the coaches can't outlaw them when 2-a-days start!

Green Ranger
08-22-2004, 07:10 PM
One could look at the peseason schedule the past couple years and wonder why it has been so tough year after year. I understand the point if you can hang with the big boys you should have no problem getting through district, only problem how many are left to go at 100%. I wish GWoods QB the best. He is a great kid, I think the week off will help but I think this will make a long year for them, they always seem to have a big heart and prove people wrong and I hope that is the case.

08-22-2004, 10:42 PM
ranger mom is it valencia?

08-22-2004, 10:44 PM
I feel your pain, we're lucky to have escaped Gregory-Portland with just our star RB injured...

I don't know what it was but High-Lows were not against the rules that night...

Then again, when a youngster gets caught up in the rush he's gunna do what he can to get a tackle...

Ranger Mom
08-22-2004, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by lobo12
ranger mom is it valencia?

Yes, it is!:(