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View Full Version : Sorry Olympic Coverage by NBC!

Phil C
08-16-2004, 01:14 PM
Let's hope they pick another network in 2008! This coverage is sorry! They have commercials at the worst time and you miss action. And today's coverage of the Women's USA softball game with Japan took the cake. Cat Osterman (THE CAT) pitched a great game against a great team with only one hit the whole game. The USA won 3 to 0 but get this. In the eighth inning with the score still tied at 0 to 0 the USA had one out with runners on first and third and what does the NBC affiliate do. They cut the game off! They made it look like it was an earth shattering news break but when they got to it it was just regular news and nothing that couldn't have waited till the game was over. So we missed the USA scoring the three runs that won the game. Thanks for Nothing NBC! At least the USA won and the CAT was magnificient. When you televise a sporting event you have to realize that time may go over and make allowances NBC wins the 2004 Heidi Bowl. And this isn't the only event they have messed up and if you keep watching you will see what I mean. Sorry job NBC! Change networks in 2008 I hope. Sorry coverage.

08-16-2004, 01:22 PM
And they wonder why the ratings are down...

08-16-2004, 01:27 PM
That sucks!

I noticed it when I was watching Puerto Rico kick the US's... er, ahem... "BUTT" in basketball yesterday. They would come back from commercial to someone going up for a dunk. I realize the Olympics can't cater to NBC's commercial time. But it comes across as juvenile and unprofessional.

08-16-2004, 01:30 PM
Supposedly MSNBC is also carrying some of the load so we can see more sports. However, all of yesterday, all they broadcast was old reruns of "MSNBC Reports" and other documentaries. :rolleyes:

Supposedly, the BRAVO network is carring some Olympic events too. But, I've seen very little from them either.

08-16-2004, 01:40 PM
spiveyrat, the Olympics is on 24/7, its being carried on NBC, MSNBC, CNBC, Bravo, USA, and for you spanish speakers, Telemundo.

08-16-2004, 01:42 PM
I agree, NBC sucks on coverage. Will they replay the SBall game?

Phil C
08-16-2004, 02:25 PM
I doubt that they will Chain and even so it won't be the same as it was live since we know the final results. I'm just glad I didn't get up at 4:00 A.M. in the morning to watch it live. I recorded it so I didn't lose any sleep on it but man what a disappointment to those that did get up and were watching it live.

Da Mules
08-16-2004, 06:34 PM
all of the above is true, but you didn't even mention that most of the NBC schedule is 2nd-class events. I mean who give's a rat about Beach Volleyball?? Also the coverage on most field events is extremely biased-- unless they expect an American to win it, they don't even televise it. Very one-sided.. hooray for Puerto Rico!