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HighSchool Fan
08-14-2004, 07:43 PM
How's the little one with the ear infection?

Chris Hart
08-14-2004, 08:04 PM
He's with his mother right now, but he is feeling much better. The nighttime is when it's at it's worse, but he seems to be doing better. Thanks for asking! BTW, Burnet handled 5A Round Rock Westwood pretty well today. I'm excited!:)

HighSchool Fan
08-14-2004, 08:11 PM
Hope he keeps getting better. Thanks for the update on Burnet. Have you heard anything on how McGee or Shipley is doing. Will they redshirt or get to play early?

Chris Hart
08-14-2004, 08:20 PM
As of now, I don't think they are going to red-shirt either of them. I went and watched the Horns practice Thurs. and Shipley was looking really good. He sure looks small out there, but the biggest topic from the fans in the stands Thurs. was how glad they are to have Shipley. I don't know exactly how they will work him in, but they had him returning punts/kickoffs, and I expect if he gets to play any offense it will be in the slot/flanker. I haven't had the chance to go and watch Stephen, but I read where Coach Fran said he expects him to play quite a bit this year. I'll tell you this, after watching Vince Young and his reserves practice, as far as throwing the ball, I'd take McGee over all of them anyday. I think if he remains healthy throughout college, he has the potential to go all the way. It's going to be weird watching them play against one another the next four years.

HighSchool Fan
08-14-2004, 08:43 PM
You will get no argument from me aboutj McGee. He is one of the best pure passers that I have ever seen in high school. Last year I was amazed at his accuracy. Shilpley impressed me with his speed and his ability to get open. It seems to me that Shipley got more press coverage, but I say that McGee was the key to that team. I'm sure they will both represent Burnet with class.