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08-05-2004, 02:25 PM

Phil C
08-05-2004, 02:33 PM
Hey Chris how have you been? And how is my old friend Paint doing?

08-05-2004, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Hey Chris how have you been? And how is my old friend Paint doing?

Hey Phil, as to your question about Paint Ball, he is doing better, he had a heart attack last month and had to have a quadruple by pass, but according to his wife he is doing very good now. The doctor made hime quit chain smoking and changed his diet, which will be good for him. His youngest son graduated this last spring, so I dont know how active he will be on here this year. Maybe he will spend some time here or on the 4aaaa site. when I see him I will tell him hi for you.

Hi Chris, hope all is well with you! See you at the football field real soon:)

Phil C
08-05-2004, 03:42 PM
Thank you Old! I was not aware of Paint's illness and we will be praying for him to have a complete recovery.

Chris Hart
08-05-2004, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Hey Chris how have you been? And how is my old friend Paint doing? Phil, I have been doing fine, just sitting by and waiting as patiently as I can for the season to get here. That's getting harder and harder to do for me, it seems each off season gets longer, lol. I'm not a close friend of Paintball, but I do know him. I went to school with his oldest son. I'm glad I've never had to use Paintball's expertise in the community. He is a lawyer here in town. I didn't know of his heart attack or by-pass, but I hate to hear the news. I hope he is doing well. If I pass him by in town, I'll let him know that you asked about him.:)

08-05-2004, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by olddawggreen
Hey Phil, as to your question about Paint Ball, he is doing better, he had a heart attack last month and had to have a quadruple by pass, but according to his wife he is doing very good now. The doctor made hime quit chain smoking and changed his diet, which will be good for him. His youngest son graduated this last spring, so I dont know how active he will be on here this year. Maybe he will spend some time here or on the 4aaaa site. when I see him I will tell him hi for you.

Hi Chris, hope all is well with you! See you at the football field real soon:)
I hope Paintball makes great improvements from his heart attack . We never really got along that well here but I would never wish bad tidings for anyone. olg, if you get a chance, tell Paintball I hope he makes a full and complete recovery. I had the chance to meet him at last year's Sinton-Burnet game. He was a pretty nice guy. :cool:
We'll say a prayer for him tonight hoping the best in his future health.

08-06-2004, 12:33 PM
Will do SintonFan:)