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View Full Version : Was Hershall Walker such a Bad Deal by Minnesota?

Phil C
07-23-2004, 04:31 PM
We all know that the Hershall Walker deal made by the Cowboys to Minnesota gave cowboys draft picks that they used to win three super bowls in the 90s but was it really a bad deal. It made the top 25 blunders in the past 25 years on ESPN but I kind of disagree with it. Remember hindsite is always more accurate than forsight which is what ESPN has the benefit of. Look at how many teams that have made similar trades and busted on their draft picks. Remember the year before Walker had rushed for 1514 yards and was still fairly young and expected to have several good years left. In fact at the time there were many people who criticized the Cowboys for making the trade expecially during that first season. True Walker didn't become the great back at Minnesota that everyone thought but that is hindsite. So I really don't know when you analize things at the time it really wasn't the one sided deal that everyone says it is. Just my opinion.