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View Full Version : Such loyal exes

Phil C
07-23-2004, 09:10 AM
The olympic track star and gold medalist Marian (spelling) Jones' ex has accused her of taking illegal drugs and even said he administered them to her. Also Lance's ex trainer wrote a book saying that Lance took drugs too. Sounds like there may be some greed and jealously and bitterness involved along with a profit motive to sell books. The thing is that it is someone's word over another's word and that is hard to prove without more concrete evidence. Plus these are twp athletes have been tested over and over again and have come clean every time. It is almost becoming harassment because they tested Lance and his team again this morning before the race started and they came out clean again. $ounds like it'$ other motive$ involved.

07-23-2004, 09:53 AM
All that steroid stuff is taking away from the true sport enjoyment. I believe what you are saying 100%. Money and jealousy is the cause. It makes me mad when someone will lie to just stir the pot. It is sickening.:mad:

Phil C
07-23-2004, 11:53 AM
And look at their timing Chain. Right when Jones is about to participate in the Olympics and Lance is about to win the Tour de France for a record sixth straight time.