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07-20-2004, 08:32 AM
Hey, what do yall think about LG's chances this year? I heard that a promising junior OT/DE, Greyson Kovar moved to Fresno. That is too bad for the Leps as they need guys with size to fill the OL. Coach V will find the talent,or develop it,as always, but this year he will most likely need to go with some sophomores on the line. Whether these underclassmen can step up to the varsity level will determine the success of the Leopard season. As for offense, the Leps will be a very fast team with three guys in the 4.5-4.6 range carrying the ball. I expect a lot of option plays and off-tackle stuff with an occasional toss to Minzenmeyer, their top receiver. Leopard213 what is your predictions and take on this year's Leopard team?:)

07-21-2004, 06:17 PM

07-22-2004, 09:16 PM
Pud, check pm:)

07-22-2004, 09:21 PM
no chance for anything you guy should have lost to orangefield last year ORANGEFIELD!!! you guys suck

La Grange
07-22-2004, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by Cardplayer12
no chance for anything you guy should have lost to orangefield last year ORANGEFIELD!!! you guys suck

I love you :D .

Maybe if we give this guy some positive feedback he will take his pills and be happy with us :D .

07-22-2004, 09:26 PM
LG....You have to love clowns like this. They live on coulda, shoulda, woulda....grow up bird boy...don't embarass yourself anymore than you already have.

Like LG said....be happy with us!

07-23-2004, 03:49 PM
Kovar might, (might) be missed. The juniors coming in this year are the bunch of kids that everyone expects to do as well as the the 2000 team. I have high expectations. We bought season tickes when Leopard213 Junior was a year old. He is now a junior and chomping at the bits to get started. I can now see the fruits of my investment, not to say that the years before haven't been exciting.

I would hate to see Daniels at quarterback. He will be better in the backfield. I think Coach V will look at the soph. qb as he did Gunn and Anderle. If not, then Hernandez, Bennett or Cernoch.

The O Line, I have no clue. Leopard 213 Junior will be there somewhere. He is one of the fastest linemen.

Defense will be strong, but maybe a little small.

Meet the Player is 08/11/2004 at 7:00 P. M. First Scrimmage is 08/14/2004 in LG at 11 am against Del Valle.

As the song says, "Let's get it on". I'm ready.

07-23-2004, 03:53 PM
Lepfan, where are you all now? I did the RE Appraisal on your house for the buyer. I tried to under appraise so ya'll would have to stay here, but no luck. ha ha

Old Tiger
07-23-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by Cardplayer12
no chance for anything you guy should have lost to orangefield last year ORANGEFIELD!!! you guys suck this guy needs to see a shrink ASAP he has some serious mental problems

07-23-2004, 08:31 PM
Originally posted by Leopard213
Kovar might, (might) be missed. The juniors coming in this year are the bunch of kids that everyone expects to do as well as the the 2000 team. I have high expectations. We bought season tickes when Leopard213 Junior was a year old. He is now a junior and chomping at the bits to get started. I can now see the fruits of my investment, not to say that the years before haven't been exciting.

I would hate to see Daniels at quarterback. He will be better in the backfield. I think Coach V will look at the soph. qb as he did Gunn and Anderle. If not, then Hernandez, Bennett or Cernoch.

The O Line, I have no clue. Leopard 213 Junior will be there somewhere. He is one of the fastest linemen.

Defense will be strong, but maybe a little small.

Meet the Player is 08/11/2004 at 7:00 P. M. First Scrimmage is 08/14/2004 in LG at 11 am against Del Valle.

As the song says, "Let's get it on". I'm ready.

Daniels knows the offense and has been back-up qb for 2 years so I say it it his job to lose. The two soph qbs, Thomas and Neiser, might get a shot at the job but I think in the end it will go to Daniels, in which case LG will revert to an option offense as in days past. I think the big question is the O line. If Leopard213 goes to center then we still need a tackle and guard. There are a couple of guys who might step up from the sophomore class as well as some good juniors who earned some bones on the jv team last year as sophs. Coach V will no doubt give this some serious thought. I agree the defense will be strong and as usual small (but very aggressive and fast). I suspect the Leps will take a couple of games to find their groove and then will be pretty tough. Good to see yall back on the Downlow, L213.:)

07-23-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by Leopard213
Lepfan, where are you all now? I did the RE Appraisal on your house for the buyer. I tried to under appraise so ya'll would have to stay here, but no luck. ha ha

We are in Kansas...it is 55 degrees here right now.....we are wearing jackets...

I heard you did the appraisal...what did it come in as...I know what it was when we built it and am curious what it was when we sold it....let me know:D The buyers got a deal on the house I can tell you. He is the new game warden in town...very young...it has me wondering....they must pay those guys VERY well.

We are about to close on our house up here...I am so ready to stop camping out

Y'all keep me posted on LG news!

07-25-2004, 07:28 PM
Leopard213 you said some think this junior class might be the next 2000 level team. That's a pretty bold statement. Could you give us your take on just who is going to step up and fullfill this prediction? I think the Leps will be a solid team this season but they will have to learn how to win. I expect them to be 1-2 going into the district play. Maybe 2-1 but that is a long shot. [On the other hand the 2000 team lost 2 in preseason to eventual 4a champion Bay City 28-7 and to playooff team Gonzales 14-6.]

La Grange
07-25-2004, 07:44 PM
The La Grange class of 2007 will win atleast one state championship it either football or baseball. That class has loads of talent, and they all have the right attitude.

07-25-2004, 09:52 PM
Well I have to agree at least in part that the sophmore group right now has the most talent. It remains to be seen how many keep involved and don't quit or move away. Remember how many good players in your class who quit, got injured, failed, or are otherwise not playing? I can think of one or two guys who had the talent but for one reason or another aren't playing. It is hard to predict what a young class of players will turn into because of all the factors involved. But, yes, the sophomores look real promising and in fact will no doubt begin to contribute to the varsity this season. I don't see the junior class as unusually talented as classes at La Grange go...good, but not better than others that is.:)

07-26-2004, 09:31 AM
no chance for anything you guy should have lost to orangefield last year ORANGEFIELD!!! you guys suck

2003: Orangefield 15, Bridge City 14

07-27-2004, 12:23 PM
Since 2000 the expectations for the Leopards havn't been as high yet we consistently go several rounds into the playoffs. Lagrange has built a tradition of winning. Year after Year people on here and around Lagrange always say that the team won't be as good as the last. Right now i'm reading all these posts on how the leopards won't be much of a team and how they won't win very many games, But look at last year. None of the team has ever played together. All of last years Juniors, with the exception of Danson, played on JV the whole year. I remember hearing people around town saying how we're going to lose most of our games but look at how we well we did, a hell of a lot better than most people thought. The Offesive line will be small this year but since when have we had a HUGE offensive line. Grayson Kovar might be missed but we have people that can fill his place. Keith Hickle is their biggest guy on the team at 6'1 290. They moved him to right tackle from playing center during all of last years distict games and playoffs. I think that he did a pretty good job and so i think that the leopards will be able to run the option pretty well with him at either right or left tackle. LaGrange is not blessed with awesome athletes but they get the job done and since 2000 have made it to the state championship or at least 3 rounds deep.

The coaches at Lagrange know how to make a team out of what they have.

07-27-2004, 05:57 PM
Bigman87 you are correct that for at least the past 2 seasons the Leps have outperformed the expectations of most folks with an opinion. My question is who will step up this season and fulfill the promise of this team in 2004? Hickle is a big strong physical lineman and obviously will anchor the line. I would like your opinion of who will step up from the underclassmen to fill the other open slots- left guard, left tackle and center. As a former lineman, I believe the guys who open the holes are most responsible for total yards rushing. I would take a team with outstanding lineman and average backs over the opposite any day, and go deeper in the play-offs with them. Actually in 2000 and 2001 the O line averaged around 250 lbs. Last year they averaged about 220 lbs. This year they will need to find some hosses to break 210. That will be a problem. Coach V is a master at developing talent, so maybe he will bring some younger players from last years frosh to start as the junior and senior classes have no one over 200 lbs after Hickle and Rayborn to play O-Line. I think the Leps will be fine this year, but they will definately not be equal to the 2000 team, as was stated earliar in this thread. This will be a building year and, probably in 2005 and 2006, the Leps will have a real shot going deep in the play-offs and, maybe, even going to state. Just my 2 cents.:)

La Grange
07-28-2004, 02:26 AM
Braden Fisbeck, (Sen.) 6' 1"-225
Michael Binkely, (Sen.) 5'10-270
Sam Gaertner, (Sen.) 6'3" 190
Kirbey Martin, (Jun.) 5' "10"-230
Wayett Hollek, (Jun.) 6'- 260
Adam Schramm, (Jun.) 6'-200
Chase Rayborn, (Jun.) 5' 11"-225
Duston Wolfe, (Jun.) 5' 10"-190
Andrew Wolff, (Sof.) 6'3"-205
Blake Olenick, (Sof.) 5'10"-220
Justin Raab, (Sof.) 6'1"-230
Trenton Hruska, (Sof.) 5'10"-200
Lance Cullison, (Sof.) 6'2"-210

?Anothy Stambler?, (Sen.) 6'5"-270, We really need Anthony, but he is the kind of guy that is just a hasbeen wannabe.

For those of the fellow posters that thinkn LG will not have a line, these are the athelets that will fill the line. LG has an abundent amount of young tallent to mold and sculp.

Old Tiger
07-28-2004, 02:40 AM
Sounds impressive. Finally someone doesn't post 40 times when they list players! They are the most lied about things!

07-28-2004, 06:59 AM
Originally posted by La Grange
Braden Fisbeck, (Sen.) 6' 1"-225
Michael Binkely, (Sen.) 5'10-270
Sam Gaertner, (Sen.) 6'3" 190
Kirbey Martin, (Jun.) 5' "10"-230
Wayett Hollek, (Jun.) 6'- 260
Adam Schramm, (Jun.) 6'-200
Chase Rayborn, (Jun.) 5' 11"-225
Duston Wolfe, (Jun.) 5' 10"-190
Andrew Wolff, (Sof.) 6'3"-205
Blake Olenick, (Sof.) 5'10"-220
Justin Raab, (Sof.) 6'1"-230
Trenton Hruska, (Sof.) 5'10"-200
Lance Cullison, (Sof.) 6'2"-210

?Anothy Stambler?, (Sen.) 6'5"-270, We really need Anthony, but he is the kind of guy that is just a hasbeen wannabe.

For those of the fellow posters that thinkn LG will not have a line, these are the athelets that will fill the line. LG has an abundent amount of young tallent to mold and sculp.

La Grange , you have made a good list of young players here, and certainly Coach V will put together a winning combination for the Leps. It is encouraging to see so many sophs and juniors as this bodes well for the Leopard future. Remember the 1999 Leps? They had two sophs in the line-Andy and Lane Schramm. They went 11-0 before losing 21-14 to Robinson (the Rockets went on to the semifinal losing to Sealy that year). That was a "building year" for the Leps who were not picked to win district yet alone go 11-1. I wouldn't be surprised if we see some new talent step up and get the job done as is so often true with La Grange. The coaches develop the talent more often than it just walks onto the field. (Big87's point and one I have made many times on this board). One final thought, that is leadership. The 2002 Leps will need a strong senior class to lead many new players in the coming weeks. I know you will be one of those leaders. Your positive attitude is going to be infectious so keep it up. I am looking forward to this season and hopefully this team will surprise a lot of folks. Good luck.:)

07-29-2004, 07:06 PM
How was the summer work-out program this year? Did they have a good turn-out? I think this is an important prognosticator of team success.

07-30-2004, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Pudlugger
How was the summer work-out program this year? Did they have a good turn-out? I think this is an important prognosticator of team success.
The work out program this year was pretty good. The turn-out wasn't as good as I thought it would be. Some guys who are important to us didn't come to many of them. Kind of dissapointed me.:(

07-30-2004, 05:52 PM
LGHernandez#5 I know you were there 'cause we worked out in the weight room together. I think this 2004 team will turn on leadership. If those seniors like you and La Grange can pull these underclassmen together the Leps will win district and go deep in the play-offs. A positive "can-do" attitude and confidence will be infectious. In my view much of the past success of the Leps has been in this vein. They have great coaching and great senior leadership. Many teams with more talent suffer from the Prima Donna complex, that is a great player who is all about himself and not the team. I'll take a team with a tight nit group of good players any day over a bunch of D1 wannabes who are all about themselves. I think that is what drove the 2000 and 2001 Leps and we look for that in your group. Good luck.:clap: