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View Full Version : To WOSgrad

Phil C
07-20-2004, 08:30 AM
This may get deleted quickly by the moderators and probably it would be justified but I hope one of the WOS posters who knows you gets to read it and pass it on to you if I interpreted your last post correctly (which I hope maybe I didn't). I am not the most serious of posters but for a few lines I will step out of character. A lot of what is said on these posts is just met to be friendly arguments and no animosity is intended at all (at least in 99 percent of the cases). You are fairly new to this thread and if you stay with it you will catch on to it and I hope you keep posting. You will learn that not everything is to be taken seriously. We all have life's problems and this forum is a good place to relax and express your opinions and engage in friendly banter just like we all do with our our own families because we are kind of a family here too. I have family members who have attended both UT and A&M if you know what I mean. We hate to lose you on bitter terms if that is the case but if you are too serious a minded person then perhaps it is best if you don't come back. But we hope that you can come back and post your arguments and comments. Remember too you have a team and school that has a great record that nearly every school in Texas regardless of class would love to have and would gladly trade with you. Your team is recognized as one of the outstanding teams in the State and so naturally it gets media attention and people are going to comment. But remember all the schools in Texas are involved in friendly competition and friendly rivalry - we are not enemies. This was displayed by many schools after the 9-11 attack. But WOS grad you are the ones in the enviable position in hs football. I hope you and the WO posters keep posting and fortunately nearly all of them have jumped in with the friendly spirit and rivalry of the forum that is attended and are a welcome addition here. We hope you can understand this and come back.

X Man
07-21-2004, 04:00 AM

WOSGrad is a very intelligent and level headed individual. If he seemed put out at something that someone said, it was probably deserved. There are silly bragarts and flamers on all the boards, but if everyone responded as down to earth as your response seems to, there would be a lot less problems. I can name a number of people on the boards who seem to enjoy trying to provoke others. I have seen a couple here, and hope that number doesn't grow as I learn about and get to know the posters here. I am sure you will get to know and like WOSGrad.

07-21-2004, 09:06 AM
Phil, X, I think it's too late. I'm pretty sure that WOSGrad has already "busted a move". I'll let him know your sentiments, though.

07-21-2004, 09:09 AM
Great post X Man. Well said.:)

X Man
07-22-2004, 04:58 AM
What kind of move did he bust? Or will I have to email him to find out?

07-22-2004, 12:58 PM
Nice post Phil. :thumbsup:

Mustang '89
07-22-2004, 01:45 PM
The warm feeling of love just came over me.:inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

That was beautiful man!!!