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Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 10:40 AM

Tons of it.

I never claimed to have any. Heck I call myself Sans Couth, and anyone with a vocabulary of over 400 words should know what that means.

But I love it when others tout how much they DO HAVE.

Example number 1 (http://www.wo-s.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=656)

Example number 2 (http://www.wo-s.com/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=655)

07-17-2004, 11:02 AM
sounds like some of those guys need a tissue...

07-17-2004, 11:25 AM
LOL! I was wondering how long it would take for those to get here.

But what is the matter, Sans. At least the posts made there are grounded in truth. Are you now so thinned-skinned that you cannot take the fact that everybody doesn't care for your opinion to the point that you are pointing a "classless arrow" at those who express that displeasure?

Hello, pot? This is the kettle!

07-17-2004, 11:44 AM
:crying: Oh, that really hurts. Where's the Kleenex.... Boo hoo hoo, sob, sob, sob.

Let me see if I can follow what's going on here... Someone put the same post up a while back (example no. 1) and now Sans is putting it up again for some unknown reason. Rather than responding on the WOS board, particularly to the people who made comments he determined were offensive, he comes over here and makes a non-sensical post. I'm not sure where this is going, but it's off to a great start. Thanks, Sans. :rolleyes:

07-17-2004, 11:49 AM
you can tell some of you WOS posters are new when you get mad about what Sans does. he does that to everyone hes just having a little fun.and shouldnt you be proud to the the target?and be proud your ranked 1 instead of getting all defensive when someone says something about your program? remember no one likes a winner!

07-17-2004, 12:00 PM
You're assuming a few things here and you're incorrect on several points. I've been going to message boards for several years now, so I know how all of this works. I'm new here, but other than the fact this board is dedicated to 3A football (to some extent) this isn't any different than any other board I've been to. I go to these boards to read about and discuss HS football -- while there's always debate, I really don't see the point of people being negative for no other reason than just to be negative. With that said, I am very proud of my team, and would be even if they weren't ranked #1. I've been following WOS football for 20 years now, and it's been a big part of my life. I'm going to stand up when someone says something negative about me, my family, my friends, my job, or my school, but I'm going to be grateful whenever someone is positive. People get what they give, and so long as they're continually saying something about WOS, they're going to get some kind of response.

07-17-2004, 12:39 PM
Sans....I think that you are stirring up a bunch of crap for no reason. I thought that your post concerning Hooks was suspect at best and I didn't see all of the reason for the hoopla. Then....you take on a whole group of posters and when they say things deragatory about the way you post...you get mad and start making the ever present "classless" posts. You are doing nothing more than disturbing the peace and stirring controversy. How do you expect them to react? I would react the same way if I were in their shoes. I would defend the honor of my school if I thought that they were being unfairly characterized. For the most part...the WOS posters have handled themselves well considering the fact that you started this debate by casting the first stone. I know that you are sitting there chuckling because you have stirred up such a controversy (which is likely your only intent), but I think that enough is enough. Now your escapades are reflecting poorly on the downlow community as a whole. My only gripe to the WOS posters is that you seem to lump everyone into the same mold as Sans. There are alot of great posters on this board that know football and can have spirited debate without taking everything personally. Sans....you remind me a great deal of a poster from pilot point who did a great deal of harm to the board by his attitude and his delight in stirring contoversy at the expense of others. Sorry for the lengthy post...I have just had enough.

07-17-2004, 12:44 PM

Your point about the generalization is well taken. There have been several posters that I have gotten along with here and to the extent that any criticism has splashed upon them, my apologies.

However, as you elequently noted better than I could, that is the extent of my regret.

07-17-2004, 12:46 PM
lol all they do in the second one is trash the DL and say they're not comin back...but they are, lol...

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 01:04 PM
I have decided to delete this post myself. (Since SOMEONE can't seem to see what would offend me about it)

Think of me what you will, I could really care less. But when derogatory references to the female anatomy are posted to make a point, I WILL shut it down.

Ranger Mom

Ranger Mom
07-17-2004, 01:07 PM
Ok Sans....now I am offended.

I suggest you go back and edit that post....PRONTO!!!!:mad:

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 01:09 PM

I am too stupid to know which part offends you. I wouldn't know where to begin.

Ranger Mom
07-17-2004, 01:14 PM
Okie Doke....FINE!!

Have it your way!!

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 01:16 PM
Thank You.:D

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 01:20 PM

Calling people a bunch of P****ies has absolutley nothing to do with the female anatomy.

Let's please remember there are lots of kids on here and act accordingly. At the very least, disguise it a bit.~sinton66

Ranger Mom
07-17-2004, 01:24 PM
Okay Sans.....whatever!!

I supposed you got my PM, You KNOW how I feel about it.

07-17-2004, 01:44 PM
Ranger Mom, I didn't see what had to be removed, but judging from the response, it is apparent something inappropriate was written (from his last post, I'm guessing it had something to do with namecalling and vulgarity, which somewhat surprises me he would fall to that level). I appreciate you removing the post, and I really wouldn't mind seeing this entire thread go away. As with at least one other SC post, there really is no point to this thread other than to aggressively stir up controversy.

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 01:57 PM
I did not stoop to name calling.

I stooped to adjective calling.:D

But RM turned it into a noun.,

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by WOSgrad
LOL! I was wondering how long it would take for those to get here.

But what is the matter, Sans. At least the posts made there are grounded in truth. Are you now so thinned-skinned that you cannot take the fact that everybody doesn't care for your opinion to the point that you are pointing a "classless arrow" at those who express that displeasure?

Hello, pot? This is the kettle!

What you don't seem to understand is the simple fact that I live for the days when nobody agrees with me.

But you can rest assured that yall most certainly "care for my opinions" or you wouldn't spend so much time talking about them. :D

Say what ever you want. Just make sure and spell my name right.

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 02:05 PM
OH, and one other thing.

Sans Couth means without Couth. Not without Class.

You better grab your dicitionary and look it up.

1 entry found for couth.
Entry: sophisticated
Function: adjective
Definition: cosmopolitan
Synonyms: adult, artificial, been around, blase, bored, citified, cool, couth, cultivated, cultured, cynical, disenchanted, disillusioned, experienced, go-go, hep, hip, in, into, jaded, jet-set, knowing, laid back, mature, mod, mondaine, on to, practical, practiced, really into, refined, schooled, seasoned, sharp, skeptical, smooth, stagy, streetwise, studied, suave, svelte, swinging, switched on, uptown, urbane, well-bred, wise to, wised up, with it, world-weary, worldly, worldly-wise

It means a lot of things. But Classless is not one of them.

07-17-2004, 02:16 PM
haha...the funniest thing about this all is how WOSgrad said he wasnt coming back...now he cant stay away! This is greatness. Talk bad about the DL all you want...but youre the one who registered and the one who cant leave well enough alone.

07-17-2004, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by vfunk
haha...the funniest thing about this all is how WOSgrad said he wasnt coming back...now he cant stay away! This is greatness. Talk bad about the DL all you want...but youre the one who registered and the one who cant leave well enough alone.

Are you serious? Are you dizzy? Can you not read the first post on this thread? Who is it that can't "leave well enough alone"?

07-17-2004, 02:29 PM
Gee, Sans. For someone with such thin skin, I don't know how you go about calling anyone a p****. You need to toughen up, man. You put up a boohoo post about people boohooing. :rolleyes: If you're gonna post this kinda stuff, you have to be able to take the heat!
If not, you might want to invest in a case or two of Kleenex.

07-17-2004, 02:39 PM
I'm still shocked he didn't have the coconuts to post a response on the WOS board if he was that offended... I imagine his thought was something like, "insert tail between legs and flee to the 3Adl." LOL

07-17-2004, 03:13 PM
Everyone relax, take a deep breath, and calm down. :cool:

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by GS#17
I'm still shocked he didn't have the coconuts to post a response on the WOS board if he was that offended... I imagine his thought was something like, "insert tail between legs and flee to the 3Adl." LOL


Why would I need coconuts to come post on another board? You showed your coconuts when you ran and hid on another board instead of saying those things here. I am not the one who ran away to my p****ie support group.:D

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 04:03 PM
OH, and one more thing.

Sans Couth, just like GS#17 is a mythical bulletin board personality. And my imaginary cyberstud can whip your imaginary cyberpunk any day.:D

07-17-2004, 04:17 PM
But you did the same thing, slick. You ran and posted about one board on another. :rolleyes:

The thing is, a lot of the people on this board plan to meet if their teams play one another. Somehow, I doubt we ever meet SC.

07-17-2004, 04:55 PM
I'll take exception to yall's claim that 3ADL doesn't know much about football. I'll put the collective knowledge of our membership up against any board in the country. The same goes for their overall class.

Class is difficult to define in exact terms, but I'll offer one bit of "old man" wisdom. Those who really HAVE class rarely feel the need to PROVE it.

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by WOS92
But you did the same thing, slick. You ran and posted about one board on another. :rolleyes:

The thing is, a lot of the people on this board plan to meet if their teams play one another. Somehow, I doubt we ever meet SC.

I did not run to another board and hide with my buddies and talk behind your back. I posted a link to what was being said on another board. There is a big difference. And the part about doubting that you will ever meet me is another slam at my character. You are starting to make this personal now.

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 05:04 PM
And why did you destroy the thread on that other board if you are not ashamed of the lack of class that it displayed? The thread was there where you trash talked our board, but now it is gone? That's real classy there.

07-17-2004, 07:01 PM
Awwwwwwwww... :(
Poor thing. Maybe you should go to disneyworld.com or barbie.com. The boards there are probably much more gentle.
Aren't we supposed to be thick-skinned here? Take things with a grain of salt? Kleenex, all that?

07-17-2004, 07:35 PM
The way the WOS board works is it keeps inactive football posts for a short period of time. The board automatically removes the thread once the topic is too old, which is based, at least in part, on the activity of the specific topic -- if you notice, the oldest remaining thread in the football section (outside of polls, which can be set for indefinite expiration dates) was posted only one week ago.

You showed your coconuts when you ran and hid on another board instead of saying those things here. I am not the one who ran away to my p****ie support group.

Actually, I posted everything there that I've posted here time and time again. I didn't even start the threads you took offense to, I merely responded to them, and I did so exactly how I responded here. That brings up an interesting thought, though. I wonder why you even rehashed this issue on this board? Nobody called you out and we all assumed this topic was in the past. If you wanted to respond to a thread on another board or to people who no longer or never have come to this board, the more appropriate avenue would have been to post something on the WOS board, not here.

BTW, the word you're trying to use has a "y," not an "ie." :p

Sinton66, I don't really know how this pertains to you, but since you put in your two cents, I'll put in mine. I haven't seen anything on the WOS board that indicates people on this board don't have much football knowledge. What has been posted, though, is that a lot of the topics here have been non-football related.

I registered here so I could discuss 3A football and learn about programs around the state. What I've found out is this message board is a great place for many people to be agitators and debaters, and several people apparently take much pride in their ability to be negative. It's too bad, too, because the board really has the potential to be a great place.

07-17-2004, 07:58 PM
I'm the one who started the post on WO-S.com. Just wanted to let everyone there know what was happening here. But that's neither here nor there. The fact that you would call someone a p***y for doing it is really funny to me. It really takes a p***y to call someone that from behind his keyboard. I wonder if, when we meet, you'll have the intestinal fortitude to look me in the eye and say it... :D

07-17-2004, 08:22 PM
Fine, believe what you want, but here is the comment.

I think your right T.For a football board they sure don't talk a lot about football.When they do they don't show a lot of wisdom for the game.There are 25 threads on the first page.Only 8 are about football with 192 replies compared to 17 topics( none of which will enahnce (sp) your mind )of whatever,7914 replies to this crap.If it wouldn't be for us they wouldn't have much to talk about football wise.I'm like you GS, just pure jealousy.

"When they do they don't show a lot of wisdom for the game."

And, just for the sake of clarity, you'll notice I posted the entire comment. Just because you guys came in the off-season doesn't give you the right to prejudge our board or it's members.

07-17-2004, 08:43 PM
man oh man...if only the WOS posters woulda stayed on their own board...we'd all be better off. We dont need all this trash

07-17-2004, 08:51 PM
Or maybe if people would just treat us like any other team, and not continue creating antagonistic threads.
Why isn't there any of this fuss over Silsbee or West Columbia? I guess nobody hates a loser, but this is getting silly.
As far as the WO-S board, posters there have the right to judge this board if they'd like. You're not a moderator there.

07-17-2004, 09:00 PM
Sinton66, even for you this should be elementary. When reading a paragraph, look for the topic sentence. This will help you understand the idea the writer is trying to convey. In this case, the topic sentence is:

For a football board they sure don't talk a lot about football.

The rest of the paragraph merely supports the writer's point. You say "believe what you want," but I've got a better idea. How about you respond only if you understand what's being written? It sure would make things a lot easier...

07-17-2004, 09:06 PM
I was responding to this comment.

Sinton66, I don't really know how this pertains to you, but since you put in your two cents, I'll put in mine. I haven't seen anything on the WOS board that indicates people on this board don't have much football knowledge. What has been posted, though, is that a lot of the topics here have been non-football related.

07-17-2004, 09:07 PM
To those folks that complain about the content of this board, get real the season hasn't started yet. Soon the talk will be football
and not much else. Yes, serious football talk. So, if you don't like it here why come?

Mom and Sinton66, you dear folks know who this turkey(ol' Sans)
is, so why is he allowed to stick around any longer? He stirs the pot for one reason, to stir the pot and mess this great board around. I understand why the WOS folks get upset. They just need to understand that "stirrin' the pot is EXACTLY what Sans wants. IGNORE THE OFFENDING TURKEY, if he's gonna be left to hang around. If it's not WOS, it'll be someone else.

I just came over here to look for a PM from another poster. I'm really sorry to see this crap going on. My suggestion is, WOS folks ignore the jerk, everybody else here are great folks, VERY KNOWLEDGEABLE about football. Sans , come on man, everybody knows you and why your here. If you hate everybody here so bad, why don't you leave , let evryone enjoy this great place. Don'y you try to screw it up for everybody else.

To 66 and Mom, enjoy , it could be a great year. With you here it will be. I'm going back to 4A.

07-17-2004, 09:07 PM
GS#17 This should be elementary for you, ITS THE OFFSEASON, no one is talking alot of football.

07-17-2004, 09:08 PM
How about we let 3A Down Low judge it for themselves?

07-17-2004, 09:16 PM
Turbo, I disagree on two counts.

1) WOS fans and others have been talking a lot of football, despite this being off-season. I, for one, came here hoping to expand the discussion. Apparently, I was incorrect in believing people would be talking about the upcoming season only two weeks before 2-a-days kickoff.

2) My beef isn't with people for not talking football, it's with people who are being negative for no other reason than to be negative. I've said that over and over again. I've got no problem with people having conversations on topics other than football, so be it.

07-17-2004, 09:20 PM
Sorry, GS17, you implied no comments were made about the lack of football knowledge on this board. Apparently you feel I'm "too simple" to know how to copy and paste from message boards.

07-17-2004, 09:28 PM
No, I think you're too simple to understand a basic English paragraph, that's all.

07-17-2004, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by GS#17

Sinton66, I don't really know how this pertains to you, but since you put in your two cents, I'll put in mine. I haven't seen anything on the WOS board that indicates people on this board don't have much football knowledge. What has been posted, though, is that a lot of the topics here have been non-football related.

I registered here so I could discuss 3A football and learn about programs around the state. What I've found out is this message board is a great place for many people to be agitators and debaters, and several people apparently take much pride in their ability to be negative. It's too bad, too, because the board really has the potential to be a great place.

I find many things wrong with this statement. Sinton66 has the right to put his two cents in on ANYTHING that is posted on this board. He is the moderator and he watches over everything, as do the rest of the moderators, so everything pertains to him. This board is a great place, contrary to what you say or may think. We have built quite a community here, and if this place is not good enough for you, then don't let the door hit you on the way out. The offseason may not always have topics pertaining to football, but it keeps the board going and everybody knows everybody and keeps in touch with one another. It's a good place and I wouldn't be anywhere but here. You are always going to disagree with people, that's life, but that doesn't mean you need to go write this board off as worthless because it is far from that.

07-17-2004, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by GS#17
Turbo, I disagree on two counts.

1) WOS fans and others have been talking a lot of football, despite this being off-season. I, for one, came here hoping to expand the discussion. Apparently, I was incorrect in believing people would be talking about the upcoming season only two weeks before 2-a-days kickoff.

2) My beef isn't with people for not talking football, it's with people who are being negative for no other reason than to be negative. I've said that over and over again. I've got no problem with people having conversations on topics other than football, so be it.

My beef isn't with people for not talking football, it's with people who are being negative for no other reason than to be negative.
I get the feeling that sometimes what some of us are posting are being taken negatively. I have several times clarified myself(and my intentions) and pmed many of your town's members.
But, I found my name mentioned on your board with something I didn't say.
To me that's extremely alarming.

07-17-2004, 09:34 PM
The majority of the post is subjective -- you've got your opinion, I've got mine. BTW, I never said he didn't have a right to post -- you're reading way too much into what I wrote; I just don't understand why he'd post on this subject...

Sans Couth
07-17-2004, 09:36 PM
What a bunch of crybabies.

Anyone with any sense at all can go read that entire thread about losing an A and see that I didn't do anything except start some spirited debate.

I come to this board for one reason, and one reason only. To have some fun. It is one of the many things I do for some release from an otherwise hectic schedule that I keep. But some folks just can't handle a little ribbing, and want to jump on some sort of crusade, like this board, and the things that happen here are the real world.

I have news for you guys. This is the friggin internet. It is not the water cooler. And if some of you whiney ass sissies take things seriously on an internet message board, you need to get out a little more often. I for one, can take it or leave it. But to listen to a bunch of little girls say that the fun I have here is "stirring the pot" is laughable. If it were not for threads like the one I started last week, yall would still have the conservatives calling the liberals names, and vica versa. We if that is what you want, by all means have at it. I will post whatever I feel like posting about Whoever I fell like posting on here, until a moderator tells me to leave. And if it offends you, makes you laugh, or makes you run to another board and gather in your little bleeding heart support group, then I have accomplished exactly what I set out to do.

Some of yall sound like a bunch of pregnant schoolgirls.

I'm done.

07-17-2004, 09:38 PM
SintonFan, I can't apologize for someone else's actions, but I am sorry you were misquoted. The names are very similar between you and 66, and I can only assume they meant the other Sinton fan (66), or were just using the term in a general sense. If I did it, I am sorry.

07-17-2004, 09:41 PM
Sans, let me see if I'm reading you right. Blah, blah, blah, misspelled word, blah, blah, blah, namecalling, blah, blah, blah. Is there anything else you want to say or are you really done?

07-17-2004, 09:42 PM
You guys keep saying you're only defending WOS, I'm only defending 3A Downlow and it's membership. How is this any different? YOU sir are the one turning this into a personal pissing contest by doing your best to insult me. If you guys are embarrassed by what was on your site, you SHOULD be. I've got better sense than to post stuff on a public message board that will come back and bite me.

07-17-2004, 09:42 PM
Yeah, I have my own opinion, and I respect yours, BUT what you're saying is wrong. You haven't been here two months and you're already drawing opinions about the people on this board and what this board is all about. I'm trying to set the record straight. I'm not trying to take a side on this issue, because quite frankly, I don't care about WOS. I don't care about the feud between you and Sans, but you have to understand that is what Sans is all about. He lives to step on peoples toes, and he usually is being facetious about it and is trying to make a joke. I've had my run-ins with him on several occasions, but hell, he's a good guy. I will give it to WOS posters, you are very knowledgable and passionate about football and are quick to defend your team, which is admirable, but the game isn't played here, and no matter what is said here has any bearing on the outcome of the WOS season. I think that everybody needs to just cool down and let things blow over and forget about it.

07-17-2004, 09:53 PM
66, I'm not embarrassed by anything I've posted, nor am I embarrassed (or should I be) by anything someone else wrote. That's plain silly....

You haven't been here two months and you're already drawing opinions about the people on this board and what this board is all about.

You're right. I haven't been here long. I was impressed by the meet-and-greet and I have enjoyed a lot of what has been written. In that light, I'm not generalizing what the board or its people are about. Yet, there have been a bunch of posts from several people that have been anti-WOS and have been initiated for no apparent reason. I'm sure you've noticed that, as even some of the non-WOS people here have commented on it. That certainly bothers me, and it's not what I was hoping to see on this board.

I completely agree with the rest of your post, and I've been asking for these types of threads to end for a while now; yet, just when things slow down, someone is there to pick up the slack. In this case, SC did it for no reason. As I have previously posted, I'm looking forward to discussing 3A football throughout the year, and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon. :)

07-17-2004, 09:54 PM
This is the friggin internet. It is not the water cooler. And if some of you whiney ass sissies take things seriously on an internet message board, you need to get out a little more often. I for one, can take it or leave it.

I did not run to another board and hide with my buddies and talk behind your back. I posted a link to what was being said on another board. There is a big difference. And the part about doubting that you will ever meet me is another slam at my character. You are starting to make this personal now.

Make up your mind, sister. It's all in good fun unless it involves you. Then you're running around with your hanky, getting your mascara all runny. No, I don't think you'll show up to meet anyone from this board. There's one of you on every board, and it DEFINES the word p**** that you keep throwing around.

(And yes, it's with a "y," not "ie." That's really funny.)

07-17-2004, 09:59 PM
Fine and dandy GS17, but NONE of this should get personal. Trust me on this, that's a game you CAN'T win.

07-17-2004, 10:06 PM
Okay folks, it's time for EVERYBODY to cool down, so this thread is being closed.

07-17-2004, 10:07 PM
Honestly, who gives a damn what anybody else has to say about WOS? You're complaining about people saying something, but yet, you won't leave well enough alone and persist on replying over and over to it. Well, I hate to break it to you, but that's what they want you to do. As soon as WOS can steer clear of the threads and leave it alone, then they will end. As soon as the peopel who start these threads see that you do not care what they have to say and ignore them, they will go away. You have no idea what anybody is like on here, and all you do is hover around these threads like a fly on cow **** even though you say you hate them so much. Sans may have started the fire, but both of you keep throwing gasoline on the fire. GS#17, you need to leave '66 alone, all he ever did was stand up for the integrity of the board. I have no beef with any of the WOS posters, but you don't see me jumping around on other boards and calling other posters p******* just because Rockdale is ranked #4 in our district and everybody thinks they're going to steamroll over us next year or saying this board sucks because I got into a petty argument with another poster and jumping on the moderators for defending the board itself.