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View Full Version : OK, WOS, this is for you!

07-16-2004, 11:58 PM
Why do you think the US is resented everywhere in the world today. Is it because we are the greatest nation on earth, or because we are the richest, have the biggest army, won WW I and II, or what? We see ourselves as benevelent and don't understand why others do not appreciate us. Well, one of you kind of said a lot in his signature which said WOS was the winningest team in Texas Football. We have all seen that over and over. Human nature being what it is, we naturally like to see the little guy win, and so if one of our unheralded teams could whip up on you, some of us would like that a lot. We have all gone a little overboard at times supporting our favorite teams and some of us have eaten more than a little crow. Football teaches all of us humility because sooner or later everybody loses a game they shouldn't have lost. Just as we Americans don't understand why the foreigners don't like us (yet can't wait to move to America), you guys don't understand why we make negative comments about WOS. We have great respect for the accomplishments of WOS on the football field and we are not jealous, but anyone who is on top has to understand that they are the target.

Also, you have to understand we are a bunch of people who have gotten to know each other a little bit and have certain expectations and don't get offended (usually) by what the next person says. We try to have fun and to some of us, myself included, having fun can include a rough jibe or a bit of sarcasm now and then. I expect to get back what I dish out. That is the fun of it. So bring it on! Don't leave this board. Just be prepared to get a few broadsides now and then. :D

07-17-2004, 12:38 AM
I think you hit it square on the head... The USA has a ton of things other countries want -- wealth, low infant mortality rates, high standards of living, a fairly educated populace, military power, longer than average life expectancies, etc. A lot of people around the world suffer an inferiority complex and hate the US out of jealousy, no doubt about it.

I tend to subscribe to the theory "You can't strengthen the weak by weakening the strong." In that sense, I don't believe other countries gain something when our country falters. The same can be said about football. While I do understand everyone wants to beat a preseason #1 pick, I can't follow the idea that somehow negative comments about WOS will add anything good to this board. Most people enjoy witty sarcasm, and that certainly has it's place here, but negative, unfair statements about anyone will always be confronted no matter who is in the line of fire. In that light, WOS fans are no different than anyone else here. Yes, WOS is taking its share of shots from fans across the state, but we're not going anywhere anytime soon. :)

07-17-2004, 02:52 PM
WOS sucks. They couldn't beat the 6-Man Buckholts team in football....

07-17-2004, 06:24 PM
LOL... Yeah, that's exactly why we didn't put them on our predistrict schedule. :)

07-17-2004, 09:35 PM
I though so...;)