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View Full Version : West Orange-Stark History(formed and molded in controversy)

Old Cardinal
06-26-2004, 05:17 PM
Back around 1977 Lutcher Stark High encompassing the basic city area of Orange had a school with quite a bit of funding; however, next door was a little West Orange Independent School District that was absolutely loaded with money! Well the political machine of the county(using a Judge), late one night, prompted by the Orange School Board voted to dissolve the Orange School District and two minutes later the Judge attached them to the little West Orange District that had VAST amounts of money coming in from the area Petrochemical plants. Of course, at the next election the giant contingency of voters from the now defunct Orange School District voted out the incumbents for the little West Orange School District. There has been bitterness in those circles ever since, over the midnight money takeover.

What was created in that midnight political action was a WO-S emerging school with more money than it knew what to do with. If you go to the WO-S football stadium you will see a facility where no amount to money was spared to have the most opulent facilities for a HS. Likewise, the Coaching staff was the highest paid around because of the enormous funds available. What happened was a school was created with the objective to win football contest and there has been none that have been any more successful than WO-S!

Interestingly enough however, the local shipyards and others were overwhelmed with Trial Lawyer baited lawsuits in the early eighties and the labor intensive industries began to move away. Thus, the enrollment decline of the West Orange-Stark School District began. The towns of Orange and West Orange went into decline in a number of ways. The area because of its policies and politics were shunned by progressive potential industry.

Since WO-S was noted for its football centeredness and Little Cypress-Mauriceville was becoming an academic-centered school many people moved from the area that was inside of the WO-S school territory. It became more and more popular to move to LC-M if you could afford it.

Meanwhile, the area inside of the the WO-S District declined even though huge sums of federal money was spent to prop up the ailing economy. The exodus from that area of the county has never faltered. They dropped from 5A to 3A and the folks interested in top flight academics are still pouring into the Deweyville, Orangefield, and LC-M school districts.

There has been one bright light in WO-S and that was Hooks and Cornell and their incredible football teams. The folks in that District center all their pride and identity on that football program...They are the cockiness fans of all when winning and go into the deepest depression you have ever seen when they lose. Football pride constitutes their very existence!

I look for the exodus out of WO-S to continue unabated and they will go down down down in enrollment, yet they will continue to win in 3A in a big way.

Folks in 3A-- you have never dealt with a program like WO-S, they have one central reason for existence and that is to win football games. They are boastered with so much money in their coffers that they can hire the very best Coaches in the country for training every age group and buy the very best equipment to build a program. They also have built the most football-dedicated young men that you could ask for!

They will do very well in other sports since they have one of the highest enrollment around in 3A now, but they want to beat you in football games with a deep passion. 3A football has just inherited a very rich school where the Teachers and Coaches make megabucks and the name of the game and the pride of existence is FOOTBALL.

06-26-2004, 05:52 PM
*Hi, I'm Gobbler Two-Thousand and One, and I approved this message


Not insinuating that Corpus Christi Calallen is in better shape program/tradition-wise than WO-S...

But having played Corpus Chrisit Calallen a few times in our day (Sinton playing them as well), your comment:

"Folks in 3A-- you have never dealt with a program like WO-S, they have one central reason for existance and that is to win football games."

... cracks me up...

WO-S is a name that strikes fear into the hearts of a lot of opposing fans who want their team to win on the night the 'Stangs roll into town because it just doesn't happen too often (the winning THAT night)... Atleast that's the case in the Angle...

But here around the Gulf Coastal area of Texas, Calallen takes that position, and in North Texas teams like Southlake Carroll do etc...

So, take a knife, cut a hole in this triangular box you've never stepped foot out of (on this site anyway), and take a look at what's going on around the state...

BTW: I believe WO-S will do very, VERY well in 3A...

06-26-2004, 05:58 PM
I find it interesting that although our "only reason for existence" is football, we've managed to win state titles in debate and one act play over the last five years. They also excel in academic competitions at the district and state level. Clearly your opinions - and they are just opinions - of the quality of academics at WO-S label you as an outsider. I consider myself a well-educated person, and the foundation of that came from my years at West Orange-Stark. One faculty member of the H.S. is a five-time national teacher of the year. The only thing driving people in droves to other school districts - from an academic standpoint - are uninformed people such as yourself. My wife moved to WO-S from Orangefield because it offered better academics. For someone with such a superior education, I'd think you would be able to spell "existence" and punctuate a sentence. You come on a site like this and try to give a "WO-S" in a nutshell view, and you're so far off the mark it isn't even funny. What is the point of this post? Yeah, we get bitter when we lose games. It's not something to which we are accustomed.
Did Michael Moore write this for you?

By the way - anyone interested in WO-S academic should check out their high scores on the TEA website. They'll show that Old Cardinal knows jack about WO-S. Go see for yourself.

06-26-2004, 05:59 PM
Hard to compare Calallen to WO-S because they've only played once - in 2000. WO-S won.

06-26-2004, 06:00 PM
And Old Card, clearly you don't read the papers. WO-S is one of the poorest districts in Southeast Texas thanks to Robin Hood. Watch the news from time to time! As far as coach pay, our coaches make no more than other local coaches. They just know what they're doing. Just because you guys haven't been able to beat us doesn't mean there's a conspiracy. And I'd hardly describe Mustang Stadium as some sort of opulent football palace. It's a big set of concrete bleachers.

06-26-2004, 06:09 PM

By the way - anyone interested in WO-S academic should check out their high scores on the TEA website. They'll show that Old Cardinal knows jack about WO-S. Go see for yourself. [/B]

Yah, they get so close every year, just can't get past the La Marque's and Starks...

06-26-2004, 06:15 PM
WO-S/Calallen was the best game I've ever seen. I have it on tape :D

06-26-2004, 06:17 PM
Wanted to go, just didn't make it...

We haven't played Calallen since '99... Enjoyed those games, hard hittin' kids down there...

Let the series on a good note I guess, 13-10 Victory at their house, ending their 75-game home winning streak...

06-26-2004, 06:32 PM
I'm pretty sure they don't have the highest enrollement. What is their number?

Sans Couth
06-26-2004, 06:33 PM
... Folks in 3A-- you have never dealt with a program like WO-S, they have one central reason for existance and that is to win football games....

Now that is some funny stuff. Now WOS has a monopoly on the tradition that is Texas High School Football. Old Card you may find this hard to believe, but you just described at least half of the teams in Texas with that part of your babble. But I did admire the length of your post, and the way it was written. I like to read your stuff, even if you are windier than a bag of farts.:D

06-26-2004, 06:47 PM
I like that the teams who can't beat us consider us some kind of "evil empire," but most of that post is BS. Clearly, there are other programs who easily compare to us. But the crap about our academic programs and "full coffers" are just as delusional.

06-26-2004, 07:08 PM
just inherited a very rich school where the Teachers and Coaches make megabucks and the name of the game and the pride of existence is FOOTBALL.

Average teacher starting salary at WO-S is $27,000 - which applies to coaches. That's almost exactly the same amount that a starting teacher at Bridge City makes.

Football pride constitutes their very existence!

Do you really believe this? What about the state titles in drama, debate and academic competitions? That's about the most insulting, shallow and ignorant thing I've seen on this board. How much do you really know about what "constitutes our very existence?"

06-26-2004, 07:09 PM
How many of you people trashing Old Card were around in 1977?

Anyway, no one could ever accuse the Jasper ISD of spending a lot of money on a football stadium. It was built by the Civil Conservation Corp during the depression. About 10 years ago we added a few metal stands above our wooden bleachers. New lights were added 3 or 4 yrs ago when the ones we had began to lean after a storm. When we were in 4A, Port Neches-Groves
(Also a well funded school that lost some $ to Robin Hood) tried to thumb there nose at us because of our "inadequate facilities". Said we had to play all our games against them in PN-G's stadium. That did not go over with the coaches and fans in Jasper! It did not happen!

06-26-2004, 07:12 PM
Hmm, unless you were involved directely with the situation in '77, it doesn't matter when you were born...

When you're that good, everyone makes up crap about you...

06-26-2004, 07:14 PM
When you're that good, everyone makes up crap about you...

I'm so tempted to say something about the BC/WO-S series, but I'll leave it alone. You make a good enough point.

PhiI C
06-26-2004, 07:19 PM
I don't intend to trash anyone but when the talk about WO-S having lots of money came up the first thing I thought about was the robin hood law that WOS 92 brought up. Of course if that law is ever changed then maybe there might be credubility. A lot of schools and cities that benefited from the robin hood law such as valley schools are now prosperous and want the law changed which is unfair to schools like Andrews that gave millions to them in the past because of that law. In other words they feel is is blessed to receive and not to give now that it is started to go the other way.

06-26-2004, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
Hmm, unless you were involved directely with the situation in '77, it doesn't matter when you were born...

When you're that good, everyone makes up crap about you...

You mean all that stuff I've been hearing about the gobblers is just made up crap???:D

06-26-2004, 07:30 PM
Like I said... When you're that good...

Actually, in all honestly, tricky stuff has gone on at WO-S and Cuero...

And And Newton, and Childress and Kermit and Jasper and La Grange and Sinton and Aledo and Calallen and Brackettville and Forney and Burnet and Jefferson and Daingerfield and Atlanta etc... (I don't know of any specifics, but I'm sure SOMETHING tricky has had to have happened in one of these programs)...

But I am interested in what you've heard about Cuero...


Old Cardinal
06-26-2004, 07:49 PM
Interestingly the Robin Hood law promoters used WOS and several others as examples to get the legislation passed. Schools were squandering money on extravagent things while neighbors were really hurting to have basics to teach their kids. '92 is right about one thing, the big discrepancy is not quite as big lately since Orange has lost a lot of it's industry. It is a fact that schools being asked for money to support other area schools still are able to keep surplus.....I will assure you I have seen a lot of bracket games backing WO-S since 1978. I think my facts are extremely accurate and support the reasoning why WO-S is getting to be a smaller and smaller enrollment.

D. R. Hooks
06-26-2004, 08:02 PM
"like WO-S, they have one central reason for existence and that is to win football games. They are boastered with so much money in their coffers that they can hire the very best Coaches in the country for training every age group and buy the very best equipment "

How many set of uniforms does WOS have? In the last two years, I've seen them rotate 3 different home jersey shirts along with plain white pants, white pants with stripes, silver pants, blue pants, blue pants with stripes. I believe at WOS, we have just under 2100 possible uniform combinations....

Orange/ Cove and West Orange needed to combine anyway. A town ( Orange) of 20,000 pople doesn't need 4 separate school districts in its city limits, now we're down to 3.

06-26-2004, 08:11 PM
Well, as a second-generation graduate of WO-S whose mother taught in the district for 20-some-odd years, I suppose you do have a much deeper understanding of the situation that I do. :rolleyes:

I think my facts are extremely accurate

No. You can't think facts are accurate. Facts are facts. I've invited you to check out the facts. I've stated several facts. You have stated speculation and opinion. Learn the difference. It's funny that now, legislators are using WO-S as an example in trying to have the Robin Hood law overturned. Why would they do that if our pockets were so deep? You are sadly misinformed.

The truth of the matter is that WO-S does not define our lives by football. The program just happens to be something that is one source of pride and a lot of fun. However, we're also very proud of our state titles in debate, one-act play and academic competition. If you don't like us because you've had limited - ok... no... - success against our football teams, that's fine. But don't mischaracterize the school and those of us who attended it because of jealousy. The fact that you would post such a negative post just because you have had such trouble with us shows who really defines himself by his team's performance on the field. I don't. I'm proud of my school, my education and my community. Stick to talking football and don't worry about throwing up a bunch of misinformation.

Well, this at least gives me a reason to look forward to the BC game. :D Much less blah...

06-26-2004, 08:12 PM
Ya nailed it, jealousy...

06-26-2004, 08:22 PM
And not to get too controversial here, but there's a two-word rhyming phrase that might help explain the exodus of some people from WO-S, and includes the word "flight." It's sad, but it's true. Look at this, and remember that these schools are all in the same county, all within 10 miles of one another:

West Orange-Stark:
White students: 42.6%
Black students: 52.2%

Bridge City:
White students: 92.1%
Black students: 0%

White students: 92.5%
Black students: 0.2%

Little Cypress-Mauriceville:
White students: 89.7%
Black students: 5.1%

I, for one, am proud to have gone to a culturally-diverse school. If you don't think this has been a factor to WO-S's enrollment decline, then why aren't the black populations of the other districts climbing? In fact, when I was in school in 92, the population was 51% white.
I'm not one to drop the race card. I'm very white. But among insiders - those who go to, teach at and graduated from WO-S - we know it's a big factor.

06-26-2004, 08:28 PM
143 views on a WO-S topic, that's a compliment to the WO-S program's tradition...

Too bad the topic's turned into a make the 'Stangs look bad fest...

06-26-2004, 08:41 PM
When your record against a team you consider your "rival" has a 0 in the win column, it's probably easy to resort to threads such as this one. While most BC fans are undoubtedly stronger than that, not everyone has the fiber you need to take the high road.

06-26-2004, 09:10 PM
I refuse to think that this thread was started with malice, title of the thread and a few of the comments made herein not withstanding, but you need to be corrected on quite a few issues.

First, your history as to the formulation is at best inaccurate and at worst, David Moore-like. As the son of a both a City of West Orange employee and an employee of the West Orange-Cove I.S.D., I can assure you that the amount of funds that it and the West Orange I.S.D. received from Chemical Row was far less than you lead everyone to believe. Due to extra territorial jurisdiction (ETJ for short) annexations, the majority of the money from Chemical Row went to Orange and its ISD. Yes, for many years WOCCISD enjoyed a nice per capita tax dollar, which only made it a target for Robin Hood (let me at this point thank The Alcoholic Gubna Ann for this little present). Of course, you have your dates mixed up as the dissolution of the Orange ISD occurred during the late '60s, not 1977, the first year of WO-S' existance. For many years, West Orange High and Stark High existed within the same school district. However, in a money saving effort (which would be unusual for a school district that had as much money as the newly formed West Orange-Cove I.S.D. had!). Many school disctricts in the area have come to this conclusion, Beaumont's ISD merged three 5A high schools and one 4A high school into two high schools in the 80's, Port Arthur's ISD combined three high schools into one. It is not a matter of politics, it is economics.

As to your constant implication, more money than it knew what to do with? I really don't think so. The stadium is now almost 35 years old. When built it was comparable to the other stadiums such as PN-G, Memorial Stadium in Port Arthur and Zaharias Stadium in Beaumont. But at the time, we were playing the occupants of those stadiums. WOCCISD has simply decided to keep the old stadium rather than downsizing to reflect the classification that it is in. Granted, it is large for a 3A school, but not that grand.

While I can't speak to the salaries of these mercenaries you speak of, I must dispute your implication that WO-S had hand picked coaches from around the country to shepherd in the new program. The new head coach, Steve McCarty, was a former assistant at Lamar University, the great college football power that decided to fold its after years of 1-2 win seasons. He brought maybe a couple of folks with him, including a young Dan Hooks and must not have found the salary too much to his liking as he left after only 4 years as head coach. The remainder were holdovers from West Orange and Stark High Schools such as Cornell Thompson (Stark graduate and Head Baseball Coach), Wade Gillet, J.B. Beardon, Jerry Coker, Bob Byerly and Ronnie Anderson (who despite this overwhelming emphasis on football was able to "piece together" some ragtag baseball teams during this same time and make them an annual fixture into the playoffs, including ending Brenham pitcher Jon Peters' 3 year, 51 game winning streak...all of which gained him entrance into the Texas Sports Hall of Fame).

At the same time, WO-S made a commitment to being the best in other sports as well as, one act play, debate, drama, band, math, public speaking, journalism and vocational competition including Four H and FFA. In other words, the staff AND students at WO-S made a commitment to excelling in every arena that they entered. And fortunately, more often than not, we did.

As to your fantasy depiction of the decline in population...Gee! The decline in the enrollment of the WOCCISD was caused by the trial lawyer! That is a new one on me! I thought it was the fact that the oil industry, which Orange's shipping industry relied on almost exclusively, went bust! I am sure that many of my fellow posters in West Texas can tell you how the oil bust of the mid-80's affected a town's population. Have you ever heard of Phillips High School...it folded completely after the oil bust. This bust has lead to the decline of several schools in the area. In 1986, the last year WO-S was in 5A, District 22-5A had eight schools from the Golden Triangle. Of those eight, only one, West Brook, remains in 5A. By the same token, three of those schools no longer exist.

I think I may find your reasons for flight the most insulting part of this post. You have insulted the teachers and students of WO-S to gone on to be businessmen, doctors and lawyers like myself (although given your earlier comments, you wouldn't label that as any sort of accomplishment given that all we do is bait lawsuits). The WOCCISD has provided excellent educational opportunities for its students, regardless of what area of study they choose to emphasize. How dare you try to paint WO-S as a football machine and nothing else. It is this type of stereotype that supporters of our neighbors, who find nothing else to mention about our school, use, without support for their condition and in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, to make themselves feel good in the face of a thrashing by the Mustangs. As to the reason for the flight from WO-S to LC-M High, I have my own theories as to the flight and it has more to do with outward appearances of the students rather than the emphasis of the respective high schools!

I would like to know what Federal funds you are talking about. The only school district that I know that is receiving any sort of mass financial support is the Bridge City I.S.D. via the Robin Hood funds that the State of Texas has taken form the WOCCISD. The next time you see your board trustees, ask them how they got all of that money to build that those big new schools along Texas Avenue. Again, you imply that WO-S cares nothing about academics in the face of WO-S annually taking the UIL literary events trophies and vocational contest accolades. Again, to your theory about the flight from WO-S, I would only invite you to look at outward appearance.

Yes, we are rabid football fans who have traveled all reaches of the state to support our football team and it has been a ONE OF THE TEAMS which gave us something to smile about when there wasn't a whole lot to smile about. We are proud of our team and folks like me follow them closely, but we are not identified by it. Even as devoted fans, we realize that the sun will rise after the last game of the Mustang football season, even if that last game is not a state championship game win. I cherish my years at WO-S even though I never stepped foot on the football field in a WO-S Mustang uniform as I know that I had sme of the best educators in the nation doing their damndest to prepare me in many aspects for this thing they call life. My fondest memory is of the final moments of the 1986 22-5A literary meet when we were informed that our point total was the most ever recorded in that district and is a record that exists in that district today.

The exodus may occur as even the plants on and around chemical row are now feeling the economic squeeze and, hey, people have to eat so they will go where the jobs are. Do we expect to do well in 3A? Yes. Does that mean I am guaranteeing a run of state championships? No way. There are a lot of schools in this classification that take pride in their respective programs...and rightly so.

I am sure that these folks faced successful programs. Heck one of most delightful high school football moments over the last few years was when Marlin took down Ennis a couple of years ago. I wish that your money representation rang true, but the fact is because of the crunch, much belt tightening has to be done. Thanks to a shrinking economy, Robin Hood, we are not the economic power that you make us out to be. As in the beginning, many of the coaches are either home grown or from local schools. It isn't the money....it isn't that everyone in the WOCCISD is wired toward bringing more championships. It simply that a group of men that around this time make the commitment and put in the time and effort to accomplish a goal that they set for themselves. If you ever take the the opportunity to walk the halls of WO-S, you'll see many different groups in different specialties and areas of interest putting out that same effort.

We are not a machine, just a bunch of hard workers.

06-26-2004, 09:14 PM
On the racial diversity thing..one thing I can say for the Golden Trinangle that is sad....there is an inordinate amount of schools with overwhelming majorities of one race of the other...you have schools like Bridge City, Orangefield, Lumberton, PNG, Nederland, Vidor etc that are almost exclusively white....then you have the Beaumont schools and PA Memorial, and a few others which are almost totally minority....WOS seems to be one of the few schools with a decent ethnic mix....just an observation I've noticed...

06-26-2004, 09:23 PM
Excellent post, WOSgrad :) Considering the skewing of the "facts" and the reasoning behind it, I think I'll re-name this post "Fahrenheit 0-14."
Inside joke ;)

06-26-2004, 09:24 PM

Unlike Old Cardinal, to whom I will refer to hereafter as Bitter Old Crow, your observations are accurate.

By the way, Bitter Old, my understanding is that your post is on its way to the football team, so I can pretty much assure you on November 5, 2004, you will get a BIG taste of WO-S' commitment to football.

Not that WO-S needs it seeing as how Bridge City has NEVER beaten WO-S!!!

06-26-2004, 09:29 PM
I'm not going to go into that. I'm not going to go into our record against them (14-0) or average score (40.3-7.5). ;)
Just kidding... but at least I'm using facts :D

06-26-2004, 09:32 PM
92, I think your facts are accurate.

06-26-2004, 09:37 PM
I thought everything between BC and WO-S was cooled off after not playing for a few years, but maybe last week's 7-on-7 contest opened some old wounds for OC :thinking:

As to his comments that 3A has never seen anything like WO-S, I think it's pretty silly. Clearly there are plenty of teams that could give us severe fits. I do think it's funny that he made it sound like we'd been constructed like the Bionic Man. Hired coaches from all over the country?? Dan Hooks has been there since the school began, and he came from Lamar - a Barbers Hill grad. Cornel Thompson graduated from West Orange High. Our OC came from LC-M. Didn't our DC come from Beaumont? I know that most of our lower-level coaches are WO-S graduates. Where does he get this stuff? :hand:

06-26-2004, 09:42 PM
You're correct, although I thought Thompson was a Stark grad.

06-26-2004, 09:43 PM
I'm pretty sure he's in my dad's old WO yearbook, unless he transferred later...

06-26-2004, 09:50 PM
WO-S fans, I see you've learned about Old Card. Now, you're officially members of 3A Downlow. Welcome!

06-26-2004, 09:51 PM
OC, again you crack me up! With BC being one of the most famous budget balanced schools around, you bring up WOS! :) BC used to collect more in one check from one taxpayer than Jasper collected from their entire tax roll. You unquestionably had better facilities than Jasper then, and I am sure you still do. In fact, I suspect there are several 2a programs in Texas that have better football facilities than Jasper. Anyway, I am not going to be one to cast stones at WOS because they have the money to build good facilities. :cool: Okay with BC also. Jasper will play the games in a cow patch if necessary.

Sans Couth
06-26-2004, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by WOS92
Excellent post, WOSgrad :) Considering the skewing of the "facts" and the reasoning behind it, I think I'll re-name this post "Fahrenheit 0-14."
Inside joke ;)


Now THAT is Funny.

06-26-2004, 09:55 PM
It's funny that we're so rolling it cash that we're working out, practicing and playing in 30-year-old facilities.:D

06-26-2004, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by j_dog
OC, again you crack me up! With BC being one of the most famous budget balanced schools around, you bring up WOS! :) BC used to collect more in one check from one taxpayer than Jasper collected from their entire tax roll. You unquestionably had better facilities than Jasper then, and I am sure you still do. In fact, I suspect there are several 2a programs in Texas that have better football facilities than Jasper. Anyway, I am not going to be one to cast stones at WOS because they have the money to build good facilities. :cool: Okay with BC also. Jasper will play the games in a cow patch if necessary.

j_dog, Jasper annually shows what it takes to have a great football team, talented and committed athletes.

Some schools have them, some schools don't:

06-26-2004, 10:37 PM
I will obstain from my comments & personal opinions regarding this post... I am from BC & I graduated with Hooks'saughter who is a friend of mine (Bridge City Grad) We can go back & fourth abouth BC & WO-S until we are are blue in the face. One fact... BC has never beaten WO-S in football. (Baseball & other sports... plenty) I have been on the receiving end of a few losses against a footbell from WO-S three times while in high school. Regardless if BC or any school in 3A beats them in the years to come, WO-S will be a team to reckon with for some time in the 3A ranks.

WOS92 "Quote"
When your record against a team you consider your "rival" has a 0 in the win column, it's probably easy to resort to threads such as this one. While most BC fans are undoubtedly stronger than that, not everyone has the fiber you need to take the high road.

Minor little blurb the WO-S bubble.... what happened in about 1997-1998 (not sure the year) when BC was leading WO-S late in the game when weather delayed the outcome of the game. End result... BC did not have a chance to finish the game & WO-S by default as I understand "advanced due to a technicality" based on who refered back to the last quarter (like baseball) in the playoffs. PN-G won the district that year when WO-S only advanced to the playoffs due to a "winner take all" game vs. PN-G. Thanks to a BC loss... = WO-S making the playoffs.

WO-S still has by far the advantage in football by ends & bounds in wins vs. BC......... but do not throw stones at a glass house without thinking you might have a window broken.

06-26-2004, 11:01 PM
Well, Old Cardinal has once again started a minor war with his half-facts and needless rhetoric. I graduated at West Orange High School ( the same one Cornell graduated from!). I now reside in Bridge City. Lots of innaccurate info in several posts. Some have been corrected (i.e. late 60's being the actual combining of WOISD and OISD) West Orange Stark High's first year in existence was 1977-78.
Bridge City does NOT have the same money per student as West Orange Stark. West Orange-Cove ISD's money problems were NOT caused by Robin Hood (although RH did aggravate problems). Bridge City received Robin Hood funds for only two years and the money had to be spent in whichever area the donor ISD designated. I would like to know what Federal funds you are talking about. The only school district that I know that is receiving any sort of mass financial support is the Bridge City I.S.D. via the Robin Hood funds that the State of Texas has taken form the WOCCISD is a totally innaccurate statement and weakens an argument that you were winning. The truth is that WOS does a great job of getting many federal and state grants by researching and pursuing them. (BC's A.D.'s wife works at WOS in that capacity). The statement that WOS coaches make the same money as a beginning BC teacher is accurate only if talking about teacher salary, not coaching stipends. WOS teaching and coaching salaries are slightly better than BC at this point.

Now, let it be known that WOS and their fans have my respect. I have followed them for years in the playoffs in 5A and 4A. ( until recently, we were free after the first week of November!) As most of us have learned, take Old Cardinal with a box of salt. He is not a bad guy, just one who loves to send a flag up the pole to see who will salute it or shoot at it!:D

06-26-2004, 11:02 PM
The scores of the games in 97 and 98 were 60-7 and 27-6. The game in 96 was not called. It was TIED at the half, when the skies opened and the field literally flooded. The refs postponed the game due to severe lightning. It was finished the next morning, with WO-S winning. There was no technicality or refs decision on the outcome. The game was finished with ALL of the players participating. Therefore, I don't see the "blurb." My quote was that they had zero wins on the football field against WO-S. I'm pretty sure that's still true.
You BC folks need some fact-checking software ;)
Good luck this year.

06-26-2004, 11:21 PM
And what funds are they. Any federal funding or state funding that WOCCISD receives as far as I know is the Federal and state funding that all school districts receive.

If I am wrong, please free to correct me by pointing out what funding WOCCISD has received over and above that. Regardless, it is certainly not in the amount to make the district independently wealthy to the point of being able to spend freely on its athletic program as Bitter Old Bird asserted. As informed as you appear to be (and I mean that sincerely), you know that is not the case.

As far as takng his dribble with a grain of salt, not when somebody attempts to assail the quality of my education.

06-26-2004, 11:31 PM
I think many are misunderstanding Old Cardinal here. I have to agree all of his "facts" are very sketchy at best, but I do believe he was trying to show respect to WOS program...albeit at the expense of everything else in town...ouch!!

06-26-2004, 11:36 PM
It's clear that he respects the WO-S program, but he makes the entire community sound like a bunch of ignorant, one-dimensional fanatics. WO-S provided me with a great education - both in the classroom and out. To say that we focus every bit of attention and money on the football program is silly, ludicrous and disrespectful. And to make it sound as though the people who run the school district and football programs are these evil conspirators... that's just funny!

Sans Couth
06-27-2004, 07:54 AM
I went back and read his post about six times, trying to analyze it for it's true meaning.

Here are my findings.

While OC is a huge Bridge City fan, he also hails from Orange.

It is my opinion, that the purpose of Old Card's post has two intentions.

1. He is trying to make himself feel better about his teams 0-14 record against a superior team.

2. He wants the rest of the State to think that there is more money in his little part of the Golden Triangle, than there is in the rest of the world.

Here are my recomendations for wellness Old Cardinal.

1. Every morining before you get out of bed say this out loud three times.

"The Cardinals are just a mediocre football team, and just because they get pounded by the likes of Jasper and WOS on a regular basis, does not make Jasper and WOS football Gods."

2. After you have gotten out of bed and eaten your breakfast, make it a point to meet someone new everyday and tell them this.

"You know, I used to think we had a lot of money to burn down here, until I ventured outside of the Golden Triangle and visited North Texas. Those folks in Southlake Texas spend more on Tips than I did in taxes last year."

I am sure if you follow my advice, you will begin to feel better in a few weeks.


06-27-2004, 08:01 AM
And your recommendation (Sans) means what in this discussion?? UUUmmmmm.... Nothing!! Nadda!!! Zip!!! (And it's loud not load)

Sans Couth
06-27-2004, 08:13 AM
Originally posted by ej2525
And your recommendation (Sans) means what in this discussion?? UUUmmmmm.... Nothing!! Nadda!!! Zip!!! (And it's loud not load)


I'm sorry EJ, I forgot that Old Card was your daddy.:D

06-27-2004, 09:05 AM
Dr. Couth,

I think your diagnosis and treatment plan is dead on.

Ranger Mom
06-27-2004, 09:16 AM

Reading a post like this gets the "football juices" flowing!!:D

06-27-2004, 09:36 AM
Ranger Mom,

The prospect of having to play WO-S ALWAYS gets Bridge City folks' juices flowing. But this is the first time I have heard it called "football juice." LOL

Old Cardinal
06-27-2004, 11:27 AM
I have to apologize for attempting to present the facts that I understand in an objective both positive and negative format. I appears that you can present 7 positives and 3 things that can be considered negative and all kinds of thoughts break loose in retaliation. I knew many of the adult players very well in that era of Orange County politics.
I have the utmost respect for Coach Hooks and his crew and have attended many many games through the years. I support all teams and all sports in Orange(and Jefferson County) when they move into postseason.
I was trying to get some discussion going on the board but I guess a little prospective of history that is not what younger folks want to hear was too controversial, sorry.

06-27-2004, 12:14 PM
Old Card, you still don't get it. :rolleyes: You DIDN'T present the FACTS. THAT is the problem! You posted a bunch of inaccuracies, speculation and outright falsehoods! Get it through your head! Besides the fact that many of your statements are outright wrong, how can you possibly characterize statement such as "Football pride constitutes their very existence" as a FACT? If you don't know the difference between fact and opinion and are a grad of BC, maybe you should consider sending your future generations through WO-S.

Don't you see that EVERY SINGLE PERSON has taken this post in the same way? Are you the only sane person and the rest of the world is crazy?
Maybe that should give you some perspective (not "prospective").

06-27-2004, 12:18 PM
Saying I've "heard" this happened etc... would be different, it would then just be a rumor (as if that's really better)... But by saying these are facts, now everyone says they're facts...

If you have articles etc... backing this up it may be smart to show them, but if not, what do you expect for us to do?

06-27-2004, 12:58 PM
I guess it's really pretty simple:
A. You don't like a team. You respect them, but resent them.
B. You can't beat this team.
C. You just have to say something.

The only solution? Belittle the entire community by suggesting all attention is directed toward success on the football field - at the expense of academics and other extracurricular activities. Don't mind that every site member from that school has sounded more competent than you have. Their school system is bad, the kids care only about football, and the coaches and administration that supports them are an evil empire, recruited from the farthest, darkest corners of the country (assuming the country is within about 50 miles and that the founding members of those coaches have been there for 30 years).
If this post makes no sense, please have some sympathy. I graduated from West Orange-Stark, after all.

06-27-2004, 01:02 PM
Ya know, Bitter Old Bird, if your apology was going to be a "I'm sorry you can't handle the truth" when your post conveyed nothing close to the truth, you should have just kept your mouth shut.

What was objective about your post? Your post was filled with so much subjectivity, false innuendo and outright lies that I could swear that your real name is Bill Clinton. You badly misquoted the timeline of events leading to the merger, grossly overstated WOCCISD's financial wealth, completely misrepresented WO-S' emphasis within its district borders as well it academic achievements. Then you issued wild speculation, again without factual support and in fact in the face of actual evidence that contradicts your conclusions, as to the reasons why the district's population has decreased.

What is positive about your post? You made every effort, again without support and evidence to the contrary, to paint WO-S as some school which has a maniacal obession with football and will do anything, including sacrificing the education of its students, to feed that obsession. I challenge you to find me the "7" positives in your post.

As your assertion that you presented facts, I await the next "fact" that you to present in this thread....it will be your first.

06-27-2004, 01:08 PM
I do like the description of our cracked, 30-year-old concrete stadium as "opulent." :D

06-27-2004, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by pinecone
How many of you people trashing Old Card were around in 1977?

Anyway, no one could ever accuse the Jasper ISD of spending a lot of money on a football stadium. It was built by the Civil Conservation Corp during the depression. About 10 years ago we added a few metal stands above our wooden bleachers. New lights were added 3 or 4 yrs ago when the ones we had began to lean after a storm. When we were in 4A, Port Neches-Groves
(Also a well funded school that lost some $ to Robin Hood) tried to thumb there nose at us because of our "inadequate facilities". Said we had to play all our games against them in PN-G's stadium. That did not go over with the coaches and fans in Jasper! It did not happen!
I was around in 77. Although I was only 11, my parents were very involved in the district. I do know enough to tell you that OC's "conspiracy theory" is total BS. This guy MUST be bi-polar. One minute he's on our n---s and the next he's bashing our school. Do as WOS92 said, go to the UIL website and see how we've done in the past. BC couldn't even begin to compare.

The reason people are fleeing the WOS school district is white flight, plain and simple. There, I said it, politically correct or not, if your going to put everything in a nutshell, then there is no other explanation.

06-27-2004, 01:26 PM
can we jus get this post deleted?

06-27-2004, 01:44 PM
Which post(s) are you seeking to get deleted?

06-27-2004, 02:07 PM
Shame on you, Old Card. Your post is full of fallacies, and you sound more bitter and jealous than informed. And if you want to convince people that folks at Bridge City get a better education than those at West Orange Stark, you might want to just quit posting. You know the old saying, Better to say nothing and be thought an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt ?

06-27-2004, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by District303aPastPlayer
can we jus get this post deleted?

Don't let them get to you...I've enjoyed reading this thread. Looks like Old Cardinal is trying to get a movie done about the history of WOS...he's trying to make the story all scandalous and epic.

06-27-2004, 02:26 PM
Here's the "down low" :)
In the 1960s, Bridge City was much like WOS has been for the past 25 years. They were a dominant 3A football team in the state and the area. However, that success dropped off in a severe way, with the team going almost 30 years without a winning record or playoff appearance. It wasn't until the team dropped to AAA a few years ago that they started seeing some measure of success. Now that the team that traditionally has been the biggest thorn in their side has joined them in the AAA ranks, old card probably thought it would make his team look better if WOS was painted as some cash-gulping goliath whose foundation was built on corruption and evil. This is all untrue, but acknowledging that sure would take away from the picture he was trying to create. The truth is that WOS is currently a cash-starved school that just had to call for a bond election simply to keep things operating. The biggest factor in the exodus of students and families from the district has been "white flight." Sad, but true. I've heard it from so many parents I couldn't even begin to count. Look at the disproportionate number of black families who live in WOS and in the districts right next door. And, as WOS92 pointed out, the number of white families in the WOS district is dropping as the number of black families stays steady. The academic programs at WOS certainly have served me well in life, as they appear to have done for my fellow Mustang posters on this board. It's true that our success on the field has been a huge source of pride for us, like making it to the State Championship game in 2000 with one of the state's smallest 4A enrollments. But if old card really knew anything about West Orange-Stark, he'd know that our pride lies in many, many other parts of our school - like our outstanding literary criticism program, drama program, and the groundbreaking "nature classroom" that has been the subject of countless magazine and newspaper articles. It's a shame that someone with such a limited knowledge of West Orange-Stark would try to pass off his opinions as a well-rounded, accurate picture of our community. But I guess there's at least one in every bunch.

X Man
06-27-2004, 03:33 PM
Old Card, You are a joke. Bridge City people are jealous of WO-S success, and mad that Bridge City has never managed a win over WO-S.

I was around in 1977, and that was not the correct date. The Orange Stark school district was in financial difficulties, and in a school board meeting, they voted to dissolve the district. This actually happened in the summer if 1976, but the talking up of this had been going on for several years. The state did attach Stark to West Orange at that point, but members of both school districts endorsed it, as other members condemned it.

The football stadium at West Orange, was built in the '60's, way before the WO-Stark merger, and way before there was football dynasty built by Dan Hooks. IF you were around in 1977, you know that, but choose to ignore it. Dan Hooks came on the scene a couple of years AFTER the merger, from the Lamar football program.

Boy, you are one bitter bird. Must be because you know that Bridge City has never fielded a championship team of the caliber of WO-S. And this is in spite of the rabid sports fanatics at your school district. If West Orange has more avid fans, it is simply because there are more people living in the West Orange school district.

There are students who live in the LCM area who are enrolled in WO-S due to the superior academics. Just fact.

06-27-2004, 05:48 PM
"Never" ... Sorry, it's in the past, but my father was on a "championship" team from BC. Just do a little homework on the UIL web site. You "Idiot"!!! Homework before you speak... you show your level of intellect.

These are St. Final Scores...

1965: 4A Odessa Permian 11, San Antonio Lee 6
3A Brownwood 14, Bridge City 0
2A Plano 20, Edna 17
1A Wills Point 14, White Deer 0

1966: 4A San Angelo 21, Houston Spring Branch 14
3A Bridge City 30, McKinney 6
2A Sweeny 29, Granbury 7
1A Sonora 40, Schulenburg 14

06-27-2004, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by ej2525
"Never" ... Sorry, it's in the past, but my father was on a "championship" team from BC. Just do a little homework on the UIL web site. You "Idiot"!!! Homework before you speak... you show your level of intellect.

These are St. Final Scores...

1965: 4A Odessa Permian 11, San Antonio Lee 6
3A Brownwood 14, Bridge City 0
2A Plano 20, Edna 17
1A Wills Point 14, White Deer 0

1966: 4A San Angelo 21, Houston Spring Branch 14
3A Bridge City 30, McKinney 6
2A Sweeny 29, Granbury 7
1A Sonora 40, Schulenburg 14
WO-S fans are very aware of the "glory days" that BC once experienced. I hate that you are being defensive because of what's being said. I guess it's really unavoidable because you are a BC fan. We do have respect for the program, OC has just managed to insult an enormous amount of people and the fall out you are getting should be expected. Remember who fired the first shot here...

Ranger Mom
06-27-2004, 07:41 PM
I guess my pitiful attempt to insert some humor to this thread and tone it down some went over everyone's head but my own.

Imagine that!!:D

06-27-2004, 08:20 PM
I would caution all parties to tone this down a tad. We don't need to be calling other posters names. Please keep your posts civil.~sinton66.

06-27-2004, 09:02 PM

Sorry, but "Never" was directed towords BC beating WO-S, unless someone has edited a reply since the last time I read this thread...

But anyway, congrats to your father for being on a championship team, I wish I would have been, but finalist will have to do...

But from what I've read in this thread, he wasn't on a team that beat WO-S, "EVER" (okay, it's missing the 'N" in front of it, but it'll do)...

06-27-2004, 09:49 PM
Gee Gobbla, you make comments without reading the previous posts. (Quote by X-Man ---"Bridge City has never fielded a championship team of the caliber of WO-S.") A totally false and opinionated statement!!

Quote by Gobbla - (Sorry, but "Never" was directed towards BC beating WO-S, unless someone has edited a reply since the last time I read this thread...)

What do you get by this quote that was directed towards BC beating WO-S? Gobbla??? Please enlighten me!!

06-27-2004, 10:21 PM
Sorry for answering your question to Gobbla, but I thought the same thing he did based on:

Bridge City people are jealous of WO-S success, and mad that Bridge City has never managed a win over WO-S.

As far as:

Boy, you are one bitter bird. Must be because you know that Bridge City has never fielded a championship team of the caliber of WO-S.

You are right and wrong. It is opinionated, or an opinion; however, being an opinion, it cannot be false. You just have a different opinion!

06-28-2004, 01:21 AM
man....u people need to calm down this is supposed to be a friendly board...yall corrected the facts and if u want u can make a post called "The Correct History of WOS"...no need to keep this post going and continue w/ the negative things...

06-28-2004, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by sahen
man....u people need to calm down this is supposed to be a friendly board...yall corrected the facts and if u want u can make a post called "The Correct History of WOS"...no need to keep this post going and continue w/ the negative things...
Come on man... this kind of verbal sparring is fun!!:D Can you tell football season is near?

You must admit, especially since your not from either area involved, threads like this are entertaining to read.

I guess it may be beginning to run it's course though.:rolleyes:

06-28-2004, 01:01 PM
If it's not Keith7 or westTXbest it's OC. Controversy just seems to follow WO-S. Even if ya'll aren't trying to, people start stuff.

I will say this however. I, like Sinton66, don't like all the name calling. It's fine to say someone's full of crap, but when the name calling starts, people are going to get upset.

06-28-2004, 03:20 PM
I agree, it doesn't bode well for your "I don't live for my team" claims when you get hot enough about it to call someone an "idiot".

06-28-2004, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by WOSgrad
Ya know, Bitter Old Bird, if your apology was going to be a "I'm sorry you can't handle the truth" when your post conveyed nothing close to the truth, you should have just kept your mouth shut. The name calling goes both ways...

06-28-2004, 03:29 PM

For my justification of that line that you just quoted, just apply the first sentence of your singature line.

06-28-2004, 03:34 PM
I'm just stating that if you want to start name calling at any level, then it's just going to escalate and get nasty. No matter what the justification.

06-28-2004, 03:49 PM
Well, then somebody should have told that to Old Cardinal before he posted his.....um....facts.

06-28-2004, 06:23 PM
Ahh yes the greatness that is Old Card...

take what he says with an itsy bitsy grain of salt....he sometimes likes to liven things up a bit..

I miss my old sparring matches with him....OC and PPHSFan used to go at too....ahhh the memories...

06-28-2004, 06:31 PM
I used to think he was just a stubborn old fellow but his lack of attendance since he posted this leads me to believe he just likes to stir the pot.

La Grange
06-28-2004, 06:37 PM
My mother and grandfather both went to Stark. My grandfather graduated from Stark, but my mom was forced to graduate from West Orange-Stark. I just told her the story and all that was going on in this thread, her reaction was a great laugh. From what my mom told me and what I read from Old Card there are two greatly different stories.

06-28-2004, 07:17 PM
I'm glad you said that, LG.

06-28-2004, 07:32 PM
Gentlemen, you can dispute OC's "facts" with facts of your own, but we don't need to denigrate each other in order to prove a point. Name calling shows a distinct lack of intelligence in my opinion. ANYBODY can call another person a name, but it takes intelligence to win a debate. And, it doesn't cause hard feelings.

06-28-2004, 08:15 PM
Whereas ANYBODY can call another person a name, it's interesting to point out that ANYBODY can quote CCR, also. :p

Seriously, outside of someone from BC calling another person an "Idiot" simply because he doesn't agree with a posted opinion, I haven't seen anything that I would classify as name calling. I certainly haven't seen anything else that should cause hard feelings. Most of the posts have been direct and have pointed out inaccuracies presented by OC, but I don't see where it's degraded into a finger-pointing, verbally abusive fight.

06-28-2004, 08:48 PM
That's not just a quote, it's a TRIBUTE to my very favorite band of all time. You'll also notice the title "Moderator" under my screen name. It's my responsibility to moderate these discussions, and I feel I'm perfectly capable of doing that without advice.

That said, you are correct, it hasn't gotten all that bad, YET. I'm trying to keep it from getting that way.

La Grange
06-28-2004, 08:58 PM
If any of yall WO-S fans are friends or know people from the first graduating class of WO-S, '78, let me know. That is the year my mom graduated from WO-S. We still go there a lot to visit my grandparents, so I am kind of a WO-S fan. I am just glad we won't have the privlege of playing yall this year, we will go D2 with yall in D1.

Ranger Mom
06-28-2004, 09:05 PM
I'm gonna jump in and put my 2 cents worth in also.

Sinton66, Slpybear and myself have all been around here for quite a while now, which is one reason we were asked to be moderators.

Threads, such as this one, will be closely moderated because we have seen, all too many times, how quickly they can turn sour.

I debated on closing it yesterday but decided to let it ride and see what happened. There wasn't a whole lot to warrant that at the time, but I didn't like the direction it was going.

06-28-2004, 09:08 PM
With all due respect, this thread started badly with the very first post, and it could only snowball from there.

06-28-2004, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by La Grange
If any of yall WO-S fans are friends or know people from the first graduating class of WO-S, '78, let me know. That is the year my mom graduated from WO-S. We still go there a lot to visit my grandparents, so I am kind of a WO-S fan. I am just glad we won't have the privlege of playing yall this year, we will go D2 with yall in D1.

Keep a close eye on your pm box, La Grange. I know there are at least a couple of WO-S '78 grads on this board (I'm not one of them) and they will probably be asking you your mom's name.:)

06-28-2004, 09:14 PM
Originally posted by WOS92
With all due respect, this thread started badly with the very first post, and it could only snowball from there.

Please review Matthew328's response. We all know OC quite well, apparently you guys don't.

06-28-2004, 09:55 PM
I agree with '92. I mean come on folks, look at the title of this thread. I don't care that it was written by a poster that veteran's know embelish the truth and in some cases, such as this thread, completely ignore it. This "man" came on a public board and:

1) Impugned a successful football program by claiming that it was basically bought. In doing so, he cheapened the effort and commitment of several a coach and player who gave all that they had most of times in victory, but also in defeat. I don't care that he was just stirring the pot, each and every player and coach deserves an apology from this individual;

2) Impugned a school district by claiming that it put a sport over its single goal, which is to provide the children in that district with the best education possible. In doing so, he cheapened the hard work of adminstrators, teachers and students who have excelled in many places aside from the football field and is telling at least this part of the State of Texas that my diploma from this school and the accomplishments in extra curricular activities (none of which occurred on the football field) aren't worth a darned;

3) Impugned the educational quality of this district again by saying that it is a lack of commitment to education that is causing the decrease in the student population of this district. Again taking direct aim at the teachers who give their blood and sweat to teach these children, as well as the administrators who are attempting to do their best in the face of budgetary woes, and shooting very hurtful accusations their way.

Now in the aftermath of defending our school, we are treated like the perpetrators simply because we defended our alma mater passionately and the assailant is let off simply because this is his modus operandi!? I would wager that if the names Cuero, Gainesville, Sinton, Forney, Jasper or others would have been inserted instead of West Orange-Stark, we would have heard the same passionate defenses from those school's supporters, even those who now counsel restraint.....or I would certainly hope so.

I do regret, as I told one BC supporter in a pm just a few minutes ago , that I may have splashed venom on other supporters of BC who did not deserve to get pulled in and I hope that I have not diminished any goodwill between us.

However, as to Old Cardinal in the face of his slanderous allegations about the school district that provided the foundation for life, I give him no apology and I will offer no apology to anyone for the words that I used to describe him. In the face of what he said, I consider my words restrained and measured.

Nor will I take his allegations with a grain of salt simply because this is a habit of his. His words he represented as the truth about a high school that many on this board currently know little about. As that is my alma mater I will not take in any other matter other than a serious attack and I will respond in kind.

06-28-2004, 10:12 PM
Originally posted by WOS92
Old Card, you still don't get it. :rolleyes: You DIDN'T present the FACTS. THAT is the problem! You posted a bunch of inaccuracies, speculation and outright falsehoods! Get it through your head! Besides the fact that many of your statements are outright wrong, how can you possibly characterize statement such as "Football pride constitutes their very existence" as a FACT? If you don't know the difference between fact and opinion and are a grad of BC, maybe you should consider sending your future generations through WO-S.

Don't you see that EVERY SINGLE PERSON has taken this post in the same way? Are you the only sane person and the rest of the world is crazy?
Maybe that should give you some perspective (not "prospective").

And here I always assumed the Old Card knew the Golden Triangle area and just had strong, unsubstantiated opinions about the rest of the state. Apparently it turns out he's no expert in the triangle either.

I dont know boo about WO-S consolidation specifically but I do know a thing or two about consolidation and I can tell you school districts dont combine to win football games. School districts combine for financial reasons. Tax dollars, money. The absorbed school district having an excellent football was just an added bonus. If that school district was winning state every year but several million in the hole, they would have sat right there and remained alone I would imagine.

As for the WO-S ISD, Im finding some newfound respect for you. We are a diverse school district ourselves and Ive experienced how other less diverse school districts can turn their nose up at you. Hats off to you WOS92 for being proud of your school district and what your school REALLY represents and gives you and your community pride. Best of luck to you this year.

06-28-2004, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by WOSgrad
I agree with '92. I mean come on folks, look at the title of this thread. I don't care that it was written by a poster that veteran's know embelish the truth and in some cases, such as this thread, completely ignore it. This "man" came on a public board and:

1) Impugned a successful football program by claiming that it was basically bought. In doing so, he cheapened the effort and commitment of several a coach and player who gave all that they had most of times in victory, but also in defeat. I don't care that he was just stirring the pot, each and every player and coach deserves an apology from this individual;

2) Impugned a school district by claiming that it put a sport over its single goal, which is to provide the children in that district with the best education possible. In doing so, he cheapened the hard work of adminstrators, teachers and students who have excelled in many places aside from the football field and is telling at least this part of the State of Texas that my diploma from this school and the accomplishments in extra curricular activities (none of which occurred on the football field) aren't worth a darned;

3) Impugned the educational quality of this district again by saying that it is a lack of commitment to education that is causing the decrease in the student population of this district. Again taking direct aim at the teachers who give their blood and sweat to teach these children, as well as the administrators who are attempting to do their best in the face of budgetary woes, and shooting very hurtful accusations their way.

Now in the aftermath of defending our school, we are treated like the perpetrators simply because we defended our alma mater passionately and the assailant is let off simply because this is his modus operandi!? I would wager that if the names Cuero, Gainesville, Sinton, Forney, Jasper or others would have been inserted instead of West Orange-Stark, we would have heard the same passionate defenses from those school's supporters, even those who now counsel restraint.....or I would certainly hope so.

I do regret, as I told one BC supporter in a pm just a few minutes ago , that I may have splashed venom on other supporters of BC who did not deserve to get pulled in and I hope that I have not diminished any goodwill between us.

However, as to Old Cardinal in the face of his slanderous allegations about the school district that provided the foundation for life, I give him no apology and I will offer no apology to anyone for the words that I used to describe him. In the face of what he said, I consider my words restrained and measured.

Nor will I take his allegations with a grain of salt simply because this is a habit of his. His words he represented as the truth about a high school that many on this board currently know little about. As that is my alma mater I will not take in any other matter other than a serious attack and I will respond in kind.
I agree with grad, I've been on this board since February. I've held my tongue (or fingers) about many things OC has posted because it doesn't take long to realize that he is not a very credible source, but he crosses the line when he begins to cheapen my education and my community. I would think that you Moderators would agree and let him take his medicine. I think you guys do a great job, but think about how you would feel.

To Specklebelly:
Thank you for the kind words. B/T/W- where are you from?

06-28-2004, 10:26 PM
[i] To Specklebelly:
Thank you for the kind words. B/T/W- where are you from? [/B]

Rice Consolidated. We've also had to defend our school district a bit on this board in the past year.

06-28-2004, 10:30 PM
Lets put it this way folks. You're welcome to come and post on this board, but you WON'T tell us how to run it. These decisions are ours to make.

WOSgrad, none of us tried to make WOS folks look like the perpetrators. We simply stepped in to try to keep things civil. If you can't appreciate that fact, or don't approve of how we do it, you're more than welcome to go someplace else or get your own site. But, if you choose to stay on here, you'd be well advised to heed what we say.

06-28-2004, 10:44 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Lets put it this way folks. You're welcome to come and post on this board, but you WON'T tell us how to run it. These decisions are ours to make.

WOSgrad, none of us tried to make WOS folks look like the perpetrators. We simply stepped in to try to keep things civil. If you can't appreciate that fact, or don't approve of how we do it, you're more than welcome to go someplace else or get your own site. But, if you choose to stay on here, you'd be well advised to heed what we say.
Do I smell a power trip? I don't see where anyone has tried to tell you how to run anything. We ARE VERY aware that you guys are in control. All I see is Grad defending his defense of our school. I also do not see where he has stated anything or wrote anything that should alarm the moderators. I fully appreciate you letting us know that you're watching and to keep it clean, but remember, we are all adults here. I think you guys do a great job and hopefully this post doesn't get me rom'd, but I feel like it needed to be said (or posted).:D :D

Ranger Mom
06-28-2004, 10:50 PM
For myself, I don't see it as a "power trip" at all. I have posted 3 times on this thread (4 with this one). Two of those were frivilous post trying to insert a little humor. The third was just stating that on a thread, such as this one, I will watch it more closely than some of the others...just because of the tone.

I never said anything to anyone on either side of the arguement, one way or the other.

06-28-2004, 10:52 PM
Fine, have it your way. This thread is closed.