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Ranger Mom
06-12-2004, 02:02 AM
I was sound asleep and my dogs woke me up just barking and barking at 1:00 AM! I kept trying to ignore them, but they WOULD NOT stop!!

I finally got up and looked out the back door which is almost solid glass and saw them standing on the patio looking sorta freaked. When I looked down there was a snake slithering around.

I went and shook my husband and told him there was a snake out there. You must understand, my husband is NOT a morning person, especially at 1:00 in the morning. I finally got him awake and told him there was a snake on the back porch and the dogs were freaking out. He asked me, "what do you want me to do about it?". I said, "kill it....duh"!! He asked me what kind it was! (Like I was really gonna go see!!:rolleyes: )

I said, "it's a snake, I don't know what kind, do you want ME to kill it"?? He said "YES"!! I copped a little attitude and said "fine, how do I do that"? and started putting some shoes on. I guess my determination got the best of him, cause he got up and got out of bed and got dressed.

We went to the back yard and the snake had disappeared, but I could hear them darn rattlers. I told him it was under the doghouse and for the next 30 minutes he poked and prodded trying to find it.

I finally got a spot light and laid (LAID!!!) down on the patio where I could look underneath the doghouse. I could see it coiled up at the back of it. He finally was able to drag it out and I had to hold a pole on it while he chopped his head off. It was striking at the pole and those rattles were going 90 to nothin.

I am still wiggin!! I feel all itchy and I'm sitting on my feet, I don't want them too close to the ground right now!

I have always heard if you talk about something that bothers you, it makes you feel better. I haven't decided whether I feel better yet or not! One thing I DO know....if I stay on here long enough, my husband will be back asleep before I go back to bed!!

I'll have nightmares...I know it!!:(

06-12-2004, 05:49 AM
You need a .410 RangerMom. Works much better than a stick and gives you great satisfaction to blow those little critters to smitherenes.:D
Q:What movie is this from
"I hate snakes".

06-12-2004, 07:01 AM
Holy Crikey!!! Ranger Mom has dealt with one of the most dangerous snakes in the WORLD!! One bite from that little bugger and she would have been a gonner for sure!! Ranger Mom = Snake Wrangler!! :D

Greenwood Teach
06-12-2004, 07:17 AM
Holy Smokes! Snakes are the ONE thing that I can't stand about Greenwood. I started to leave the school one evening and there was one coiled up in front of the front door and I couldn't go home.

I bet Ranger Mom would agree with this. Nearly everyone of the kids at Greenwood could tell you of some up close event with a rattler. Mrs. King's dog was bit by one on Thursday.

Ranger Mom, I can't believe that you got down on the ground when you knew there was one close by. Talk about nerves of steel!

Sans Couth
06-12-2004, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by Pudlugger
You need a .410 RangerMom. Works much better than a stick and gives you great satisfaction to blow those little critters to smitherenes.:D
Q:What movie is this from
"I hate snakes".

Raiders of the Lost Ark?

Sans Couth
06-12-2004, 07:23 AM

Next time just leave him in bed. It sounds like YOU did all of the work anyway.:D

Ranger Mom
06-12-2004, 08:50 AM
Well in his defense.....he didn't have his contacts in, so he had to rely on me to SEE it (and hear it, for that matter!!)

I guess I DID make myself sound rather brave, didn't I??:D

06-12-2004, 12:21 PM
We're just glad you are safe RM.:cool:
The 410 shotgun is a good idea though.

06-12-2004, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Sans Couth
Raiders of the Lost Ark?


Greenwood Teach
06-12-2004, 05:07 PM
Ranger Mom,
I don't know if I'd call that brave!!!! Oh, I hate snakes!!

06-12-2004, 10:40 PM
make sure u cut the rattles off of it so u can show it to people when u tell the story...:)

06-12-2004, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by sahen
make sure u cut the rattles off of it so u can show it to people when u tell the story...:)
at the meet and greet at Inks State Park!

06-12-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
at the meet and greet at Inks State Park!
I have never seen a rattle snake at inks. But there are small grass snakes and and water mokasins

Ranger Mom
06-12-2004, 11:57 PM
The one and only water moccasin I have ever seen was at Inks Lake!!

06-13-2004, 01:24 AM
Ranger mom....at least this didnt happen

06-13-2004, 04:44 AM

Sans Couth
06-13-2004, 09:00 AM
Or worse yet...you could have had one of these knock on your door.


The younger folks probably won't get this one.:D

HighSchool Fan
06-13-2004, 09:09 AM
or even worse...http://www.radicalcowboys.com/radical_cowboys/images/kerrypyle.jpg

Sans Couth
06-13-2004, 09:15 AM
I knew they wouldn't get it . LOL

06-13-2004, 10:06 AM
LAID on the patio? So your hub's riskin days NOT spent in A hospital to kill a snake, and you're going back to sleep?


I hate snakes myself...

06-13-2004, 03:51 PM

Old Tiger
06-13-2004, 04:19 PM
Did you cut the rattler off and keep it?

Sans Couth
06-13-2004, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by WOSgrad

06-13-2004, 10:43 PM
GO RM!!!! gosh us girls just have to do all the work dont we!!!!.... our dog killed a possum( spell check) in his pin 2 nights ago... i was like omg! we live in town and there was a possum in our back yard!!!... it was like soooo close to my window , it coulda gotten me!!!!..... i wish ranger mom coulda been there to save me!!!! she coulda beatin the possum with a stick!!! haha j/k RM!!!;) ;) ;)

Ranger Mom
06-14-2004, 08:49 AM
Originally posted by Sans Couth
Or worse yet...you could have had one of these knock on your door.


The younger folks probably won't get this one.:D

I don't get it!!:confused: :confused:

06-14-2004, 09:00 AM
Must be a weekend for snakes. Yesterday we found a snake skin in my daughter's (CHS_CG) room. Not sure what kind it was, but it didn't have a rattle and no sign of it still in the room. Needless to say, she was totally freaked out. Not to mention me. :D

06-14-2004, 10:03 AM
I had a war with a water moccasin Saturday night at my g/f's house.....we came home from dinner and saw her cat just staring and hissing at the refridgerator (sp) I knew something was up because her cat is the laziest thing you'd ever see..so I prodded and looked around but didn't see anything....I figured maybe he saw a mouse so I told her the next morning I'd run over to the store and scoop up some mouse traps.....well later that night she got up to get something to drink...and I heard a scream....so I go tearing into the living room to find her standing on the chair screaming "THERE'S A SNAKE!!!" her cat was now hissing at behind the trash can which is where the snake was hiding....so I told her to go and get my shoes (just in case it tried to bite me) and I got a shovel...the snake was a water moccasin..(she lives on Lake Ray Hubbard) and the all the rain musta brought them out....so I went and got a shovel and tried to kill it but it went under a cabinent...I waited him out and as soon as he stuck his head out I got him...needless to say I was't too scared of water mocs since I was bitten by one when I was 10..but she sure was.. doubt she would have gone to sleep until that snake was killed...

A little hint....if you want to keep snakes away from your house...put either sulphur around your home...or mothballs...snakes hate the smell of that stuff...

Chief Woodman
06-14-2004, 10:51 AM
Or get a snicker weasel...aka mongoose.....lol. As for the sulpher or mothballs you will dislike the odor as well. You don't get the pic of Chevy Chase Ranger Mom? "Land shark...candy gram"

I once worked with a guy who had moved to the country after years of trying to convince his wife. The first weekend there he got up in the middle of the night to go to the lew. Something slithered across his foot. Scared the snot out of him but he was afrid to tell his wife because he was sure she would demand to move back to the city. Finally he was afraid she might get bitten so he fessed up. She laughed and laughed till she was crying. It turns out she had got their son a pet Python without telling my friend. The snake had got out and that was what slithered across his foot. She had been afraid to tell him because she thought he would be upset. So much for marriage being honest and open...lol.

Old Tiger
06-14-2004, 10:59 AM
Originally posted by Matthew328
I had a war with a water moccasin Saturday night at my g/f's house.....we came home from dinner and saw her cat just staring and hissing at the refridgerator (sp) I knew something was up because her cat is the laziest thing you'd ever see..so I prodded and looked around but didn't see anything....I figured maybe he saw a mouse so I told her the next morning I'd run over to the store and scoop up some mouse traps.....well later that night she got up to get something to drink...and I heard a scream....so I go tearing into the living room to find her standing on the chair screaming "THERE'S A SNAKE!!!" her cat was now hissing at behind the trash can which is where the snake was hiding....so I told her to go and get my shoes (just in case it tried to bite me) and I got a shovel...the snake was a water moccasin..(she lives on Lake Ray Hubbard) and the all the rain musta brought them out....so I went and got a shovel and tried to kill it but it went under a cabinent...I waited him out and as soon as he stuck his head out I got him...needless to say I was't too scared of water mocs since I was bitten by one when I was 10..but she sure was.. doubt she would have gone to sleep until that snake was killed...

A little hint....if you want to keep snakes away from your house...put either sulphur around your home...or mothballs...snakes hate the smell of that stuff... mothballs do the job, just put them in places you think snakes would be, but boy do they stink. Glad your g/f is ok.

06-14-2004, 11:09 AM
...er, pizzaman. :D

06-14-2004, 11:10 AM
Austrailia can have Steve Irwin! We have Rangermom! :D

06-14-2004, 11:11 AM
ive never seen her but i bet she looks much better too

06-14-2004, 12:16 PM
OH Rangermom... not only did I find the snake skin in my room coming from underneath my bed.. it was facing my love seat I always lay in to watch tv so that made it worse but my mom (hornetmom) calls me in my room *bc I was like im not goin in there any more im not sleeping in there NO*she gives me this wooden stick and I was like what is this for and she goes *from layin on my bed she says* and I quote " Im goin to lift the loveseat up when it runs out you hit it and kill it!" and I just was like ahhhhhh NO NO NO NO and I ran outta my room!!!

Old Tiger
06-14-2004, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
Austrailia can have Steve Irwin! We have Rangermom! :D :D :D :D :clap:

Sans Couth
06-14-2004, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by spiveyrat
...er, pizzaman. :D


At least a couple of yall get it.:D

Ranger Mom
06-14-2004, 07:36 PM
Just for yall...I pic of me and my snake.

* A note for future reference...dead, headless snakes that have been baking in the sun for 3 days are the stinkiest things I have EVER smelled.

My hubby took the pic and he was in the pool, so I was gagging and telling him to HURRY UP!!

The second pic is of the 3 little buttons on his rattler....he's a big 'en...huh??



Old Tiger
06-14-2004, 10:21 PM
nice pics