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06-10-2004, 01:45 AM
An interesting IQ test!:confused:
Well go ahead and experience it yourself...
:thinking: :thumbsup: :cheerl:
IQ Test (http://web.tickle.com/tests/uiq/index2.jsp?sid=1807&supp=groupc2300x250_IQ_White_04)

marlin fan
06-10-2004, 02:35 AM
hmmm i did the first page and thought that was it but then i seent the second page i think ima have to wait till i can concentrat lol!!!

06-10-2004, 02:43 AM
Yeah, that's part of an IQ test...
it's only a two part page.:thinking:

Mustang '89
06-10-2004, 05:14 AM
126 at 5 am. No sleep since 11 am yesterday.

06-10-2004, 07:59 AM
My head hurts :confused:

Your IQ score is 131

Your Intellectual Type is Visual Mathematician. This means you are gifted at spotting patterns — both in pictures and in numbers. These talents combined with your overall high intelligence make you good at understanding the big picture, which is why people trust your instincts and turn to you for direction — especially in the workplace

Haunta Yo
06-10-2004, 10:31 AM
135 for me...

Your Intellectual Type is Visionary Philosopher. This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns.

You think I can use this to get a raise at work??? What's the going rate for a Plato these days???

06-10-2004, 03:28 PM
Congratulations, BBDE!

Your IQ score is 131

According to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Visionary Philosopher.

This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in a variety of different ways. Like Plato, your exceptional math and verbal skills make you very adept at explaining things to others — and at anticipating and predicting patterns.

06-10-2004, 04:08 PM
Your IQ score is 142

06-10-2004, 04:41 PM
i scored a 126, and am a word worrior.

Sans Couth
06-10-2004, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by bullfrog_alumni_02
i scored a 126, and am a word worrior.

Do you mean Word Warrior?

What exactly is a Word Warrior?

Is it somone who spells Warrior with and O?:D

06-10-2004, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Sans Couth
Do you mean Word Warrior?

What exactly is a Word Warrior?

Is it somone who spells Warrior with and O?:D yea how ironic huh, but yes i meant word warrior, w/ an a, not an o, but atleast i didnt put spelling champ or something like that.

06-10-2004, 07:13 PM
Congratulations, jason!
Your IQ score is 129

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.

06-11-2004, 12:51 AM
133 :thinking: :cool:

06-11-2004, 12:57 AM
Congratulations, SintonFan!
Your IQ score is 131

This number is the result of a formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on Tickle's Classic IQ test. Your IQ score is scientifically accurate; to read more about the science behind our IQ test, click here.

During the test, you answered four different types of questions — mathematical, visual-spatial, linguistic and logical. We were able to analyze how you did on each set of those questions, which reveals the way your brain uniquely works.

We also compared your answers with others who have taken the test, and according to the sorts of questions you got correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Facts Curator.

This means you are highly intelligent and have picked up an impressive and unique collection of facts and figures over the years. You've got a remarkable vocabulary and exceptional math skills — which puts you in the same class as brainiacs like Bill Gates. And that's just some of what we know about you from your test results.
Hey, I wanna take it again!:D
This was my first(and last:p ) IQ test.

06-11-2004, 01:02 AM
I think this just goes to show that all on this board are way above average in intelligence.:cool: :cool: :clap: :clap:

06-11-2004, 01:04 AM
SintonFan what did u use to make your sig? -its awesome ;)

06-11-2004, 01:18 AM
check your pm
I was kicked off and just got back on.

Sans Couth
06-11-2004, 07:13 AM
Congratulations, Sans Couth

Your IQ score is 189

According to the fact that you got every single question correct, we can tell your Intellectual Type is a Friggin Genius. Not only did you not miss any questions, you also set a new record for how fast you completed the test.

This means you are highly intelligent and have a powerful mix of skills and insight that can be applied in everything you do. We cannot compare you to the likes of Einstein, Plato, or Bill Gates because quite frankly, you make them look about as smart as an unplugged coke machine. Please accept our congratulations on being the brightest person to ever take our test. We will not even bother trying to sell you anything now, as we can tell the attempt would be futile. Could you please send us a photo so we can put it in place of Einstein's?


The Emode Team.

06-11-2004, 07:17 AM
Heh heh, pretty good there, Sans Couth. You wouldn't embellish a story like this, would you?:D

(I thought I felt my leg getting just a tad longer.;) )

06-11-2004, 07:33 AM
I took the test too, but when it wanted all my info, I just decided, sorry! Not giving out info today.;) I already get plenty of junk email.

Sans Couth
06-11-2004, 07:36 AM
You need to do like I did, and create a spam identity for sites like these.

Get you a yahoo email like sintons_spam@yahoo.com and then make up a name, address, and phone number to go with it. And then all of your junk will go to the same file 13:D

06-11-2004, 07:40 AM
Hey, I never thought of that, you really ARE a genius!;)

Phil C
06-11-2004, 10:13 AM
Hey Sinton Fan I had taken the test a few months ago and I didn't do too good because I only scored 127. I had taken an IQ test about 27 years ago and did much better at 142. I guess your IQ decreases with age! :D

06-11-2004, 11:04 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
Hey Sinton Fan I had taken the test a few months ago and I didn't do too good because I only scored 127. I had taken an IQ test about 27 years ago and did much better at 142. I guess your IQ decreases with age! :D
Yeah but your wisdom increases.;)

06-11-2004, 11:21 AM
Is it somone who spells Warrior with and O?

Or "an" with a d :D

Sans Couth
06-11-2004, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by WOS92
Or "an" with a d :D


However, I never claimed to be the "Word Warrior" I just sometimes type so fast, that my brain uses too many keys.:D

06-11-2004, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by Phil C
Hey Sinton Fan I had taken the test a few months ago and I didn't do too good because I only scored 127. I had taken an IQ test about 27 years ago and did much better at 142. I guess your IQ decreases with age! :D
Whoa, I hope you're wrong...if I have a 131 now, how low will it be when I'm 20? 30? 40? I could be scoring an 80 or something then.

Old Tiger
06-11-2004, 02:28 PM