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06-09-2004, 07:23 PM
I can only imagine what it was like in late November of 1963. The fact that Reagan left office so long ago and still you see thousands upon thousands there in mourning just awes me. I cant even begin to think of what it would be like for a current president. Hope it never happens again!

06-09-2004, 08:56 PM
I was only able to listen to some of the speeches because of business...:(

06-09-2004, 09:08 PM
I remember November 22, 1963 very clearly, it was my birthday (party canceled) and I was in Mrs. Forbes 3rd grade class at Sam Houston Elementary in Corpus Christi. Mrs. Forbes had been a classmate of Lyndon Johnson at South West Teachers College (SWT/Texas State) in San Marcos. The first reports that we recieved said that Johnson had been shot too. The teacher sent a student home to get a small portable tv and the rest of that school day we sat glued to the tv. The following days were pretty much the same. The country and the world were in shock.
The Reagan procession brought back many memories. The big difference was that everyone was in shock over Kennedy's tragic and sudden death and the events that followed. He was young and left many dreams unfulfilled. With Reagan it is more like saying good by and honoring a leader who was loved by many, but who was able to finish the things that he started. We were able to see more of his dreams turn into reality because he was able to survive his assination attempt and go on to finish his two terms. We will never fully know what the Kennedy Administration would have accomplished because his life was cut short.

One of the really obvious differences between watching the Kennedy and Reagan funerals is that with Kennedy we had grainey black & white tv, very unlike the living color that we have today.

Ranger Mom
06-09-2004, 10:17 PM
I wasn't born when Kennedy was assasinated....I was still in the "oven"!

I remember I was walking through the hall when I was a Junior and an announcement came over the loud speaker saying that President Reagan had been shot.

If we had a TV in school, I didn't know about it. The entire high school was quickly dispatched to the auditorium where appx. 300 students sat in silence and listened to the accounts being broadcast over the radio and over the auditorium PA system....it was surreal!!

06-09-2004, 10:44 PM
sad thing is...now i dont think theyd send all the kids to auditorium. chances are, the principal would be a democrat and a republican would be in office or vice versa. either that or theyd be afraid one of the kids' parents would sue for subjecting their child to such things. Truth is, someone WOULD sue...for religious or moral beliefs?? NOO, simply because the rent is due and the check may be a little short. Sometimes I wonder why things are the way they are.

Ranger Mom
06-09-2004, 10:46 PM
I agree.....it's a damn shame!! (Pardon my language, it's the only word that seems to fit that I can get away with)

06-09-2004, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by vfunk
sad thing is...now i dont think theyd send all the kids to auditorium. chances are, the principal would be a democrat and a republican would be in office or vice versa. either that or theyd be afraid one of the kids' parents would sue for subjecting their child to such things. Truth is, someone WOULD sue...for religious or moral beliefs?? NOO, simply because the rent is due and the check may be a little short. Sometimes I wonder why things are the way they are.
I disagree with you on this. I think there are many people who sue out there. Many, many are frivolous. I think our exposure to the results of the successful, frivolous lawsuits has increased though. Add to that an increased anxiety to all things in general and you have a more cynical nation. It's hard to be optimistic when you are constantly bombarded by negative news coverage.

06-10-2004, 12:13 PM
I cried when Reagan got shot. All I could think about was Kennedy died when he got shot. I stayed glued to the radio for 2 days hoping to get the latest news. He was the president of my youth and maybe I took him for granted, but not after the shooting.

06-10-2004, 01:40 PM
im not even sure if i knew what a "president" was when i was that age...