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View Full Version : The Stagecoach ride in Dawn at Socorro

Phil C
06-09-2004, 09:07 AM
The Stagecoach Ride in Dawn at Socorro starts about 26 minutes after the movie starts. It consists of two driver and four passengers Rory Calhoun, Alex Nicol, Piper Laurie and another passenger who nervously gets off at the first coffee stop and waits for the next stage. This ride lasts about 15 minutes in the movie and there is a shootout between Rory Calhoun and Lee Van Cleff who has followed on horse. But the main interest on the ride is the conversation between Calhoun, Nicol and Laurie. What a classic! Don't miss it!

06-09-2004, 09:19 AM
Don't ask me how I know this - sometimes I'm just very intuitive (almost psychic). You like this movie, don't you? ;)

Phil C
06-09-2004, 11:27 AM
Magnificient Deduction WOS 92. :)

06-09-2004, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by WOS92
Don't ask me how I know this - sometimes I'm just very intuitive (almost psychic). You like this movie, don't you? ;)
Let me try this intuitive(almost psychic) feeling myself...
I've got a funky feeling that PhiI C is somewhat of an obsessive-compulsive...:p