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View Full Version : A Great Reagan Story!

06-09-2004, 09:05 AM
This was written by White House Aide, Michael Deaver in his book about the Reagan Presidency.
After win his first Election, Ronald and Nancy were buying a ranch in Virginia. While settling in, Reagan told Deaver that he would like to go to church on Sunday. Deaver set out to find a church. Deaver who was raised Episcopal, found an Episcopalian church right up the road. He went in to talk the minister about the new president and his wife attending Sunday's service. Of course the minister was excited and even change his message for the president.
After arriving that Sunday, Reagan noticed that they were going to take communion. The Episcopalians take a very formal communion, and Reagan and Nancy were unfamiliar with the process, so Deaver began to explain...."You will go to the front, take a piece of bread, then drink from the cup." Nancy, who's father was a physician, didn't like that. She expressed that she was worried about the germs. So, Deaver told her if she didn't want to drink from the cup; just dunk the bread in the wine and take both together. This was fine with Nancy. However, Reagan being hard of hearing was leaning in, trying to listen. He asked Nancy what was said, and she replied, "Just do what I do."
They moved to the front and Nancy takes the bread. While holding the bread softly, she tried to dunk it in the cup. However, the bread absorbed the wine so fast it slipped out of her hand and resided in the cup. She began to panic looking at Pres. Reagan. He just smiled at her, took his bread, and threw it in the cup. The minister just look at reagan and then in the gunk floating in the cup, shook his head and moved down the line.