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View Full Version : President Ronald Reagon Passes Away today.

Phil C
06-05-2004, 05:03 PM
This is a sad moment whether you are a democrate or a republican. I know it isn't a big unexpected surprise but it is still a shock when it happens. Rest in Peace Mr. President.

Old Tiger
06-05-2004, 05:29 PM

HighSchool Fan
06-05-2004, 08:09 PM
Greatest President ever. He ended the cold war with out firing a single missle. He is a true American Hero. May God bless the Reagan family.

06-05-2004, 09:15 PM
Originally posted by HighSchool Fan
Greatest President ever. He ended the cold war with out firing a single missle. He is a true American Hero. May God bless the Reagan family.

Truly one of the Great American Presidents. Reagan's legacy, like good scotch, gets better as time passes. Those who wrote about president Reagan in his time mostly resented his presidency and made light of him or refused to acknowledge his great leadership. True historians will tell a more positive story based on the events of the day and those that followed in the wake of his Presidency. What made Reagan great, apart from his ability to speak plainly to the people who put their trust in him, was his knack for getting the right people in the right positions to govern. Rather than allow party loyalties and dogma to dictate appointments ( i.e. Janet Reno) he found the best men and women to govern that were available. He stood up for his beliefs (President Bush please take note). When he refused to back down to Gorbechov in Iceland, despite pressure from leftists at home and abroad, (American Acedemia, France and Germany--sound familiar?) he set in motion the fall of the Soviet Union and the freeing of millions of Eastern Europeans from communist rule . Reagan had cajones . May he rest in peace and God bless his soul. Thank you Mr. Reagan for your service to this country and the free world.

06-05-2004, 11:25 PM
A truly great man. RIP:(

06-06-2004, 03:27 AM
Originally posted by Pudlugger
Truly one of the Great American Presidents. Reagan's legacy, like good scotch, gets better as time passes. Those who wrote about president Reagan in his time mostly resented his presidency and made light of him or refused to acknowledge his great leadership. True historians will tell a more positive story based on the events of the day and those that followed in the wake of his Presidency. What made Reagan great, apart from his ability to speak plainly to the people who put their trust in him, was his knack for getting the right people in the right positions to govern. Rather than allow party loyalties and dogma to dictate appointments ( i.e. Janet Reno) he found the best men and women to govern that were available. He stood up for his beliefs (President Bush please take note). When he refused to back down to Gorbechov in Iceland, despite pressure from leftists at home and abroad, (American Acedemia, France and Germany--sound familiar?) he set in motion the fall of the Soviet Union and the freeing of millions of Eastern Europeans from communist rule . Reagan had cajones . May he rest in peace and God bless his soul. Thank you Mr. Reagan for your service to this country and the free world.
Reagan not only was great because he spoke plainly but he was just like you and me. We could relate to him because he was only trying to do his best and everyone knew it. What separates him from anyone else at the time is his compentancy(sp?).
I started to understand government because of this great man. I wanted to understand politics because of this great man. I read the paper because of this great man.
Ronald Reagan was great cuz he transcended all generations while being true to his ideals. He didn't care about polls. He just brought leadership to an leaderless country. We knew who he was and we voted for him because of that.
Thank you Ronald for your service! This household will honor you.
:) :) :)

06-06-2004, 05:52 PM
RIP sir.

06-06-2004, 10:51 PM
Personally, I wish Jimmie Carter had alzheimers instead of Ronald Reagan. Carter does more harm than good and has diarrhea of the mouth. If Carter was half the man Reagan was, the red Chinese would not be in controll of the Panama Canal today.

Old Tiger
06-06-2004, 11:50 PM
judging from the things i've seen on the news today and specials about him he was an all american classy sport guy. He was president the year i was born which i believe was his 2cd to last year in office

06-07-2004, 12:12 AM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
judging from the things i've seen on the news today and specials about him he was an all american classy sport guy. He was president the year i was born which i believe was his 2cd to last year in office
In that case, Old Tiger, you ain't very old!:D