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View Full Version : 50's and 60's movies not on tv but should be on tcm or somewhere

PhiI C
05-30-2004, 11:38 PM
such as amc or fox movies etc. or even available on dvds. These were not big time movies but I remember them as being good solid movies that you would enjoy at at the theatre and drive ins.

Sampson and the Slave Queen with Pierrer Brice and Alan Steel. Samson is tricked into working for an evil princess while Zorro works for the good one. Great movie! Made in Italy where is was called Zorro vs Samson. Made in color.

The Man From Galveston with Jeffrey Hunter. Originally supposed to be an hour long show on tv but was so good it was released to theatres. Takes place in Atascosa, Texas in late 1880s.

The Stagecoach to Dancer's Rock with Martin Landau as a villian and Warren Stevens. The Kingston Trio's background title music is outstanding.

The Horror at Party Beach with John Scott. The first musical horror movie made. I don't remember the group but their singing of the song Elane is great as well as their great beach dance song.

EEGAAG (Spelling) with Arch Hall Jr. Enough said that Arch Hall Jr. is in it.

The Woman Who Wouldn't Die - a great murder mystery and who can forget that final shot.

Angel Baby - with George Hamilton who uses a phoney faith healer to make money. A rough movie at the time. Whew!

Hold That Coed with John Barrymore - ok it was in the 30s but still a funny movie that deserves to be shown. Barrymore is great in it.

7 Men from Now with Randolph Scott and Lee Marvin. A great western. Why isn't it on the western channel? In color.

The Spoilers with Jeff Chandler and Rory Calhoun. A great remake of a John Wayne and Randolph Scott move but in color and is great.

I Saw What you Did with Joan Crawford and John Ireland. Shows how two young teen girls get into trouble playing with the phone. Could be remade no using the internet. Great movie even though Joan is wasted in a silly unnecessary roll.

The Iron Sheriff with Sterling Hayden. A good western. Hayden was wasted by Hollywood.

How about some of you adding to the list?

PhiI C
05-30-2004, 11:42 PM
It is fortunate that Dawn at Socorro isn't on the list since TCM has been showing it lately and is going to show it on June 24 at 8:30 A.M. :)

Old Tiger
05-30-2004, 11:44 PM
The coolest movie of all time is Top Gun

Ranger Mom
05-30-2004, 11:47 PM
I have not heard of a single one of those movies before!!

Old Tiger
05-30-2004, 11:48 PM
you've never heard of top gun? :D

Ranger Mom
05-30-2004, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
you've never heard of top gun? :D

Yes...I was responding to Phil C's list!!:rolleyes:

Old Tiger
05-30-2004, 11:51 PM
oooooh, i was about to say, you must be old :P j/k

05-31-2004, 12:05 AM
believe it or not i have never seen top gun

Sans Couth
05-31-2004, 12:32 AM
I have seen Top Gun. And while it was sorta fun, I would hardly call it the coolest movie of all time. The only good acting acting in the whole movie was the part played by Meg Ryan. I would have to say that with the talent in the film like Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer just to name a couple, it was a flop as far as acting goes. It is hard to believe that the Val Kilmer who played Doc Holliday in Tombstone is the same actor that played Iceman in this silly flick. And the Tom Cruise who brought us The Last Samurai is the clown who could do no better with the part of Maverick? Top Gun was entertaining, becase the Kenny Loggins soundtrack was fun to listen to in Dolby Surround Sound, and the Russian bashing of the era was a riot, but I didn't write to the academy when it didn't win 9 oscars.:eek:

Sans Couth
05-31-2004, 12:42 AM
Of course I may have been a little rough on Cruise and Kilmer. They didn't have the greatest script to work with.

05-31-2004, 02:36 AM
Originally posted by Sans Couth
I have seen Top Gun. And while it was sorta fun, I would hardly call it the coolest movie of all time. The only good acting acting in the whole movie was the part played by Meg Ryan. I would have to say that with the talent in the film like Tom Cruise and Val Kilmer just to name a couple, it was a flop as far as acting goes. It is hard to believe that the Val Kilmer who played Doc Holliday in Tombstone is the same actor that played Iceman in this silly flick. And the Tom Cruise who brought us The Last Samurai is the clown who could do no better with the part of Maverick? Top Gun was entertaining, becase the Kenny Loggins soundtrack was fun to listen to in Dolby Surround Sound, and the Russian bashing of the era was a riot, but I didn't write to the academy when it didn't win 9 oscars.:eek:
(In my best VH1) I love the 80's
At least we weren't helping the Ruskies back then...

05-31-2004, 07:25 AM
Jeffery Hunter was a good actor.:thumbsup:

05-31-2004, 07:30 AM
Hey Phil, how about the Hitchcock greats, The Birds, and Psycho?

Midnight horror films at the local Rialto. Too many to remember the names.

Westerns? I got westerns. How about El Dorado with John Wayne and Robert Mitchum?

How about The Magnificient Seven with Yul Brynner?

How about Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid with Paul Newman and Robert Redford?

slpybear the bullfan
05-31-2004, 11:38 AM
Some Of Slpy's Classic Favs....

The Wild Bunch
The Long Riders
The Quiet Man
Fort Apache (Along the same vein as Dawn at Socorro)
She Wore a Yellow Ribbon
Rio Grande
Rio Bravo
The Dark Command
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence
What Price Glory
The Great Escape
Where Eagles Dare
A Walk in the SUN (CLASSIC!!!!)
A Bridge too Far
Butch Cassidy and SUndance Kid
Bridge on the River Kwai
Kelly's Heroes
The Right Stuff
In Harms Way
30 Seconds over Tokyo

Hmmm... What others...

Cat Ballou
Paint Your Wagon
Mister Roberts
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Bob and Bing and any of the Road Movies

Man... As far as classics go I could go on for a while...

Sans Couth
05-31-2004, 11:41 AM

Paint Your Wagon? What a wacky musical. Next you will be telling us you liked 7 brides for 7 brothers.:D

Just Kidding.......I liked it too.:p

05-31-2004, 12:40 PM
If anyone hasn't seen this movie yet, today would be a great day to go out and rent Saving Private Ryan. It was just released on special edition DVD and is a phenominal film. IMO

Rangermom, don't feel alone on Phil's list. I've never heard of any of those movies or some of the actors. Arch Hill Jr. ????

Old Tiger
05-31-2004, 12:47 PM
I like all of the Dukes films

Sans Couth
05-31-2004, 12:50 PM
Originally posted by Old Tiger
I like all of the Dukes films

Patty Duke? :p

Old Tiger
05-31-2004, 12:51 PM
John Wayne man, get with the program :p

Sans Couth
05-31-2004, 12:54 PM

PhiI C
05-31-2004, 06:53 PM
Good list by everyone else but if you notice most of yours are played regularly on tv or available on dvds or videos. Mine aren't.

PhiI C
05-31-2004, 11:29 PM
Of course there is a catch why I would know of the movies I listed and why a lot of you wouldn't- even if you had lived during my time too. ;)

Sans Couth
06-01-2004, 07:25 AM
Originally posted by PhiI C
Of course there is a catch why I would know of the movies I listed and why a lot of you wouldn't- even if you had lived during my time too. ;)

Phil do you work for TCM?:D

Phil C
06-01-2004, 08:46 AM
Good Guess Sans but no I don't work for TCM since they don't have a branch office in Sinton. :)

Phil C
06-01-2004, 08:49 AM
Arch Hall Jr. was a young late teenage actor that made several good movies but his career never took off. Today he lives in Florida and is an airline pilot. The best movie he made was called The Sadist where he played the title role and did an outstanding job. This movie would have made my list but it is available on video and probably dvd. Another movie he made that was good was The Choppers about young teen crimials of the mid 60s and it is shown once in a while on tv so I didn't put this on my list. Like I said there is a catch why I know about these old movies. :)

Sans Couth
06-01-2004, 10:14 AM
Did you work as an usher or projectionist when you were young?

Phil C
06-01-2004, 10:46 AM
Well you're not quiet there Sans but you are close enough. :) I was raised in Freer, TX and my father owned the Freer Drive In Theatre from 1050 to 1965 when he sold out and went to work in real estate and I did work there young but also got to see all of those movies mentioned plus many more. Naturally most of those movies were made in the mid 50s to mid 60s so I would know most of them. Drive Ins back then usually showed double features on Fridays and Saturdays so that is when most of those were shown. Of course we showed some older movies and Dawn at Socorro was one of them. Good old days then. We lost some of the fun when nearly all Drive Ins went out of business in the late 60s. Daylight savings time was started in 1967 again and that put the drive ins at late hours probably too late for teens to stay up and that is when a lot of them started to fold. Too bad for today's young teens and probably a lot more of you. :)

Sans Couth
06-01-2004, 12:22 PM
I used to love to go to the drive inn. I have thought about buying some land and opening a drive inn theater. I think folks would be willing to pay a premium now days to watch old B movies while listening to the sound on a 3 inch speaker hanging from the window, for no other reason than nostalgia.